
Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Soul Exchanges..





Oh My! Today I went to create my newsletter and realized I never sent the one I did yesterday. I forgot to select ‘SEND”. Hello brain…where are you?

Result: You will receive two newsletters today.

I’m sure many of you are also experiencing brain blips. We have been experiencing this Ascension symptom for many years but it seems to have taken on a new quality. For years I have had the experience of not being able to remember a word; Example, I was asking Sheldan if he wanted me to buy him ???? you know, the yellow fruit that monkeys eat, full of potassium. I could spout out all the qualities of a banana but could not locate the word. However now, I will be in the middle of sentence and can’t remember what I was talking about. Not just the point but the whole conversation is lost. I’m fortunate. When this happens I am usually with my friends who are also experiencing this symptom so we don’t miss a beat, we help the person remember and we all continue on.

I asked my guides why is this happening. They told me that speaking words is a very slow process. You are preparing for telepathic communication.Telepathy is a clear form of communicating. I like that explanation. I bet you do too.

My good friend, John Smallman, and I were chatting yesterday about physical disorientation. We were both experiencing the dropsies. Or spatial disorientation. We start to put the clean dishes away and we hit the counter, smashing the glass. No worries. This is totally normal. Remember you are operating in many dimensions simultaneously. We are learning how to operate multi-dimensionally.

As we move on to the 5th dimension and beyond, we find ourselves releasing old 3D behavioral patterns. We become more and more the Observer. The Observer does not judge. Be kind to yourselves and to all around you. Self care is mandatory right now as we anchor in more and more of our True Self. Enjoy the journey.

Selamat Ja!


Did you miss Galactic Activation Webinar with Jared Rand?

WOW! That was a wow webinar. I like Jared. He always shares things I don't already know. Thank you for introducing me to Jared years ago. KP


In PAO’s August Webinar, Jared Rand told us that, based on solid information sources, humanity would be reaching a turning point, beginning in the fall of 2022.

As the situation accelerates, unrelenting misinformation intensifies, as well as the number of extreme events occurring around the world.


Accordingly, we felt it imperative to bring Jared back to help us understand, as no one else can, what we can do to help the cause.

And, as always, he will give us an update on the progress of his Celestial Chamber Project.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Jared Updates Us on His Mission’s Current Focus
• World Leaders
Manipulating the System with Election Corruption and Globalist Agendas
• Social Consequences
Coping with Chaos On a Personal Level
• Cosmic Growing Pains
Dealing with Heightened Frequency Upgrade Symptoms
• Celestial Chambers
Progress Report
• An Epochal Moment In History
Solutions For Creating Peace and Harmony on Earth

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-57 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.



Source: Patricia Cota Robles

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No Matter What Happens, Always Be Brave

Source: Aurora Ray


You can either be someone who is afraid to fight and risk losing everything he values, or you can fight and win!

I am someone who believes in a certain kind of courage!

It is the sort of courage that does not seek to overcome anything or anyone. It is the kind of courage that seeks only to understand and to understand itself, and it is this understanding that gives us true freedom.

I believe in the courage to be yourself, to take up your own life, and to live it with all your heart and soul without waiting for permission from anybody else.

I believe in the courage to ask questions instead of giving answers, in the courage to know what you do not know, and in having faith that there are answers for everything—if only we can find them.

I believe in the courage not only to believe but also to have faith—not only in one's own ideas but also in those of others.

I believe that people should always be encouraged to listen—to listen carefully and carefully respond; they should never be told what they ought or should do; rather, they should learn how they ought or should act through observation and experience.

The most important thing in life is to be sincere. It's not enough to be good at something. You must like it. If you don't like it, there's no point in doing it. The best of life is to live it.

To see the world as a place of problems and dangers tends to discourage us from living in it and from experiencing its beauty. It also leads us away from the true nature of life itself: that we are not here merely to survive or even to find happiness, but rather that we are here to transform ourselves through the experience of loving and being loved by others so that we may become more loving and loving as well.

Life is not an accident or an illness. It is what we make of it, what we do with it, and how we live in it. Life does not fit inside the box of preconceptions and prejudices about what life should be. Life has no rules except those we make for ourselves, and those are often very different from the rules others imagine for us.

Life cannot be measured by numbers or statistics; if you want to change the world, you must change the people who are in it. You cannot change yourself until you change your mind about how you feel about life itself.

Most people don't know how to live because they look at life as something that causes pain and suffering. But there is no way to live without getting hurt; only by getting hurt can you learn how to stand up again and how to keep on living when everything seems pointless.

Life is not just an opportunity; it's also an urgent necessity. "We have to take advantage of it while we still have time and strength left. Otherwise, things will get worse than they already are."

Life is not an ending but a new beginning. Life is not an experience; it's an adventure! There is no such thing as failure in life, only feedback.

The absolute, inescapable truth is that life is a challenge. It's not just the bad stuff—the traffic, the heartbreak, the pain. It's also the beautiful moments, the unexpected gifts and surprises: sunrises and sunsets, and the people you love most in this world.

Life is a puzzle, but it's also exciting. And there's no better time than the present to risk falling in love, starting a family, or looking for adventure.

The adventurous spirit is in our blood. When life puts us on a winding path, don't be afraid to take the next turn because there's always something new and exciting around the bend.

Move into the unknown. Don't be a coward, but don't be a fool, either. You can choose to be alive and make friends with life.

When you enter the unknown, you don't know what's waiting for you. But at least you know that it is waiting for you.

If you always did what you always did, you would always get what you always got. But if you try something new, you open up the possibility of getting something more valuable than what you've had before.

Life is a journey, not a destination. If you're in it to escape, then you'll never find yourself. No matter what happens, don't be a coward. Live your life with courage and strength.

The best way to predict your future is to invent it!

We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.

Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation


Walk-ins & Soul Exchanges

Source: Kate Sebring


What is a Walk-In?

A walk-in can be a soul exchange in which a new soul takes up residence in the body of a soul that walks out of one who has completed a mission on Earth. At times this soul is ready to leave due to unbearable life circumstances. The walk-in soul agrees to complete the contract left by the walk-out soul. Rather than having a body die in order to release the soul from its incarnation, another soul steps in and picks up where the previous soul left off.

Other Types of Walk-ins

A walk-in can also be a companion soul in spirit form walking along with an embodied soul. A walk-in can be a fragmented aspect of a soul coming home and reuniting with the soul essence in a body. Some walk-ins are a blend of soul essences or consciousnesses inhabiting one body simultaneously. These may rotate in and out of the “driver’s seat” as needed to accomplish a task.

These walk-ins are part of the ascension process. Many people are going through this type of shift. You may feel like a different person from one day to the next; seem dissociated or scattered like you are living simultaneously in two realities; have little emotion or feeling about a situation or person. Some hear voices that are totally opposite to one another. This increased sense of polarity is part of the reprogramming of the DNA and Innate Field that rewires us to the template for the divine human.

Soul exchanges and walk-ins are not uncommon. They are becoming more frequent as a shift in human consciousness is occurring across the globe. Walk-ins are here to help humanity expand consciousness and become aware of the multidimensional aspects of the soul.

In truth, we are all walk-ins. Souls walk into the body of an infant, right? Others walk in to the body of a teen or adult. If you stop to think about it, it really is not all that strange that some souls incarnate without spending time learning lessons brought about through infancy and childhood. To that, I add that there are reports of children having soul exchanges. This is usually due to some trauma that the child cannot bear (some part of the soul fragments). A higher aspect of that soul group will come in to animate the body and relieve the weary soul who needs some TLC in higher dimensions. A walk-in spirit may stay temporarily or long term.

There was an influx of soul exchanges in the 1970’s, 1980s and ’90s. Those who had their first walk-in during that time may have had a huge adjustment to make to being in a body. The natal soul may have left physical or emotional messes for the walk-in soul to sort through and repair. In addition to wading through all that, the body had to deal with the influx of higher vibrating energy that the walk-in soul emanates. Recent changes in the template for the divine human have been downloaded into the DNA and physical form.

What is a Soul Exchange?

The walk-in soul or walk-out soul event in which two souls completely swap places is referred to as a Soul Exchange. This is always done with permission between the two souls and is typically a pre-incarnation agreement or a spiritual partnership between souls who are helping one another evolve. A soul exchange may occur during a near-death experience, during a time of deep emotional trauma, while unconscious or under anesthesia, or while asleep. Many walk-ins do not know that they are walk-ins. Some go through the process fully aware of what is occurring.

Types of Walk-Ins

There are several types of walk-in experiences. Some are soul exchanges between two unrelated beings (differing soul groups or star/planetary origins) who have partnered for a particular incarnation; others are from the same soul group or star family. These souls are in partnership and may rotate in and out depending upon which aspect has the skills best suited to a task or situation. Galactic souls (Starseeds) with a purer consciousness have the benefit of carrying out a certain aspect of a soul group’s mission more quickly and effectively because they bypass the infant and childhood stages of human body development.

The incoming soul knows it has arrived and may feel a bit strange at first as it acclimates to being in a human body. Some Starseeds who have never incarnated into a human form on Earth may want to go back home as soon as they experience the unpleasant density and negativity of life on Earth.

Even though there is compatibility in the mission of two companion souls of the same soul group, there will likely be an adjustment period following a walk-in. The body must acclimate or calibrate to the higher vibrations of the incoming soul. Similar to an organ transplant being rejected by the body, the human psyche or physical body may resist the walk-in soul–especially during the clearing of karmic patterns left by the former soul. Inner child work is an important part of loving the body and psyche into wellness. Sometimes “integration work” is needed to help connect the soul with the electromagnetic grids and nervous system of the body.

The more we ascend, the more desire we have to help the Earth ascend and to comfort, educate, and assist others who are struggling to manage the changes they are experiencing.


Placeholder or Wandering Soul

The body has been referred to as a vehicle, temple, or dwelling place, which is a means for expressing the various individuations of Source energy. There may be times when a more evolved soul or higher aspect of your own soul acts as a marker soul or placeholder soul, maintaining the body while the natal soul (or previous walk-in soul) does galactic travel or accomplishes a mission in another realm. These are called wandering souls or galactic ambassadors. This is a temporary assignment. When the previous soul returns, a re-transfer of souls is made.

You may not notice it as much when a soul returns to the body a second time–the body is familiar with that soul’s signature frequency even though the returning soul may have raised its frequency through what it has experienced in other realms. This acclimation and adjustment phase for the second or third (possibly more) experiences is usually much smoother–but they are still spiritually transforming.

Soul Braids

A lot of people who have done the work of spiritual purification are starting to blend the energy of their earth soul with the multidimensional energy of their higher selves, monads, and twin flames. Soul braids can walk alongside the embodied soul or rotate in and out of the body. Both can be in the body at the same time.

Soul Aspects

We have multiple expressions of our soul essence residing in many dimensions, parallel lifetimes, and simultaneous incarnations. Most of the past life regressions we have encountered enabled us to glean information about what is going on with these other aspects. In this time of rapid shifting, the veils of separation are much thinner and we are able to access portals and interact daily with our many soul aspects on different frequency levels.

Soul Fragments

Parts of the soul that fragmented or left during a traumatic experience are returning of their own accord once they have rested or feel safe with the changes made in a life situation. As part of the “whole-ing” process, some soul aspects may need etheric assistance from a celestial shaman and a galactic team of geneticists, surgeons, technicians, etc. to be reunited and peacefully integrated.
Revolving Door Walk-ins

Some may sense that more than one walk-in has occurred in their body. As we move forward in our ascension, things are speeding up, and multidimensional aspects of our souls are coming in to assist the planet with its evolution. A revolving door walk-in is one who has come to understand and experience the human body as a portal through which galactic beings or members of the soul’s monad (higher/god self) are able to enter the Earth’s 3rd dimension and wear the “Body” for temporary incarnation. This allow a rotation of highly evolved spirit team members to complete a task or mission. The monad is the overseer in this process.

The beings come in and out of the vehicle like changing drivers in a car. Sometimes one may be a driver for a while and then a companion passenger to the next soul/consciousness. There is little trauma involved and the shifts are usually subtle, depending upon how well the body handles the frequencies of the new consciousness and how much the psyche resists the process. This gets easier after a few swaps.


Hand-Me-Down Bodies—The Mystery of Soul Exchanges

You can trade in a used car for a new one, you can trade stocks, houses, and ideas but who ever heard of two souls swapping places with one another? Spiritually-advanced souls are walking into adult bodies and bringing a whole new meaning to charity. This idea of body donation isn’t as crazy as it sounds. Almost daily we hear from someone who has knowledge of this phenomenon or has experienced a soul exchange.

Known in Sanskrit as “body change” and in the Hindu as “bodhisattva” the American term for this swap in identity is “walk-in” or “soul exchange.” Spiritually-advanced souls are able to walk into adult bodies rather than incarnating into the body of a baby through the birth process. By not having to go through the programming of childhood, a soul can get right to the business of carrying out a divine mission to help others as the earth shifts into a higher dimension.

When a new soul comes into physical embodiment through the walk-in process, the original soul often leaves (unless a walk-along or braid better serves the partnership), moving on to other experiences in the non-physical worlds, just as it would if it had gone through a physical death. This exchange comes only by permission and full agreement between the outgoing and incoming souls.

The exchange is typically made when the body is unconscious such as during sleep, surgery, a near-death experience, a suicide attempt, or emotional trauma. At first, a walk-in soul may be bewildered as it acclimates to being in a body in the earth plane. If a person is not aware of the concept of walk-ins, the experience can be very disorienting.

Indications that a soul exchange has occurred include the following as well as many other signs:

▪ A person who was depressed is suddenly cheerful and optimistic
▪ Someone who was in a coma unexpectedly regains consciousness or is miraculously healed
▪ Changes regarding career path, religious beliefs, home environment, style of clothing, food preferences, etc. are made rather quickly
▪ Feeling as if family members and friends are strangers
▪ Loss of memory, especially regarding childhood, which usually comes back after some time
▪ People say you are different, and you feel different, too!

How Do Walk-Ins Happen?

Walk-Ins usually occur when a person is very ill or has been seriously injured. The illness or injury is often severe and life threatening. Sometimes the illness is not diagnosable by doctors. During this time of critical illness the persons soul departs the body and a new soul takes over. After this exchange occurs the illness seems to disappear and the body heals. This can also happen during near death experiences and shock or coma.

The Purpose of a Walk In

Once the soul transfer or merging has been completed an illness or dysfunction can be cured. The individual may be unaware that anything has take place. From outward appearances they can appear completely normal. Once in the new body though the new soul must get used to being in physical form. They may also need to adjust to the memories and personality of the body they inhabit. All of our bodies carry their own personalities and energy so the new soul needs time to learn to integrate it with their own. Often after a soul transformation has occurred there may be a slight change in personality, but more often than not the Walk-In will try to blend with rather than completely replace the energy imprint that was once there. The biggest change you find in people who have experience a Walk-In is in their spiritual understanding. All of them found themselves drawn to spiritual, psychic and healing pursuits and felt a strong sense of what their purpose here on earth was. Once the walk-in occurs the new soul becomes “the conscious blueprint” of the original, retaining all memories and life experiences as if nothing had ever happened. Like Starseeds, the walk-in soul usually originates from a 4D or higher dimensional level, although the 4D is the most common since it’s vibration is closer to the 3D vibration and the “adjustment” can take place more easily.

Walk-Ins are always from a higher dimension and the purpose is for the greater good of humanity. Their souls are very aware sometimes ascending into a body from the 9th and 10th dimensional grids. Walk-Ins are different from possession in that they occur with the consent from both sides and with higher dimensional beings that are here to spread light, love and healing.

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