
Sunday, January 15, 2023

Patricia Cori Reveals Our Human DNA History


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Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for January 2023


After far too long an absence, we are thrilled to ring in this New Year by welcoming back broadcaster and writer Patricia Cori. She will guide us on a fresh and captivating journey through our human DNA history, and examine the effect it exerts upon our higher consciousness.

Patricia is an acknowledged authority on spirituality, a meta-physician and clear clairvoyant and channeler. As Scribe to the Sirian High Council, she was privy to a wealth of information that she shares with us today.

Our current reality is to accelerate its creation of new and higher levels of awareness, which, in turn, will usher us away from Gaia's present turmoil into a state of enlightenment and spiritual joy.

As an extra special bonus, Patricia will also present a brief summary of her new best-selling book, Hacking the God Code.

Please join us for a stimulating and high-spirited Webinar that will start off your New Year right!


With your Registration and payment for this Live Webinar, why not include a small gift to a friend who may be curious about our Galactic Activation Webinars?


Simply insert your friend’s name and e-mail address in the 'comments' section when you register, and we will send them a FREE link to attend this month’s Live Webinar.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Patricia Updates Us on Her Mission’s Current Focus
• Crop Circles
Sirian Connection Experiences
• Our Human DNA History
Reclaiming Our DNA
• 3D-4D-5D
Inter-dimensional Time Occurrences and Our Karma
• Cosmic Phenomena
How They are Effecting Us
• Hacking the God Code
The Conspiracy To Steal The Human Soul

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After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, January 22, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST

Please note: If you are unable to attend on January 22, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

$20.00 U.S.


Divine message...

Energy Update for Starseeds 2023

Source: Elizabeth April

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Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message

Source: Mike Quinsey


A Light is always at the end of the tunnel and the question is how quickly can you reach it and that is down to you.

How quickly can you center yourself with the Light and keep your focus upon it whilst you are rising up in vibrations. It sounds easy enough yet all of the time there are distractions that sometimes can be difficult to ignore.

Success comes with a positive outlook and ability to keep focussing upon your goal. Many of you have already successfully maintained a strong position, and are able to keep calm regardless of what provocation you experience. You are the living proof that it can be done and once you are on that path and acknowledge our presence, we come to you with our guidance and protection.

Our influence is far greater than you may imagine and we do protect all of those souls who are of the Light. We play by the rules whereas the dark Ones are a law unto themselves. It may seem that they have an advantage. That is true up to a point, but be assured that the Universal Laws still apply to them.

Ultimately they will have to answer for their actions, and their return to the Light will be a very hard lesson. Naturally the Laws apply to all souls but those of you who have lifted yourselves up will be unlikely to lose your way. Your Guides as with all souls are always working with your best interests at heart.

Most of you have had many, many lives in this cycle and through those experiences have evolved and fully deserve this “end of cycle” opportunity to leave all of the old vibrations behind. Your reward is to never have to return to the lower vibrations, and so to say be able to spread your wings with much more freedom to follow your heart’s desire.

You will be the master of your choices and have the freedom to decide where your next adventures take you. The “prison” that you called Earth [Gaia] will also be freed from the responsibilities placed upon it, having supplied all of the opportunities needed by the Human Race to evolve.


You have a lot to thank Mother Earth for and she has now commenced to clean up and has sacrificed much to allow your freewill actions that have destroyed much of the planet. Yet it can be put right quite quickly by means of technologies of which you have no real concepts.

For a start there is more than one Earth (1) and those of you that are ascending will go to one that already exists and is ready to receive you. It will be in pristine condition having been prepared in advance for you and you will be over-awed and stunned by its beauty.

So do not allow yourself to be pulled down by the experiences of Earth, because what you have been seeing is the unsuccessful attempts of Man to accept the responsibility of looking after the planet and the life forms upon it.

The vibrations continue to rise up and slowly but surely the dark Ones’ power is diminishing. Be assured that they too are evolving and will continue their experiences on another planet prepared for them. Realise that nothing happens by pure chance that has any bearing on Humanity’s future, there is a greater plan of which you are probably unaware.

There is too much around that has the handprint of God upon it to account for all things that are wondrous and of utmost beauty. Think on a greater scaler than ever before and be prepared for many revelations as you steadily move into the higher dimensions.

Everlasting peace will soon be within your grasp as the vibrations continue to rise. Most of you whether incarnate or not are being given the opportunity to ascend and that day looms large and will come in most of your present lives.

With chaos and much unrest around you it is hard to relax and not be distracted from your objectives, yet the more peaceful you can be you are also helping others to be the same. The energies within your aura stretch out quite a long way and people around you can sometimes pick them up – so they are helping to introduce the “feel good factor.”

At the other end of the scale many have experienced the opposite energy that feels cold and uninviting. If you could see auras you would get another indication of high vibrations with beautiful harmonious colours and gentleness. The opposite is very off-putting and unpleasant to feel.

The people are very resilient and have the strength to get through present problems having survived many obstacles to make progress so far. The older generations have additionally experienced the effects of a World War and handled it admirably and are all the stronger for it.

The Human Race in general is very adaptable and able to survive the most pressing situations such as the current crisis. It makes for a brighter future when changes to the “normal” bring Humankind a new outlook more suited to their needs.

If you could see the potential for the future you would not have any concerns about it so press on with full hope and expectations, even if you cannot yet see it coming. Every cycle at some time has to end and make way for a new one and you are at that beginning now.

Be assured that all of your experiences will have been well worth it. A lot of old karma is still being cleared but the end is in sight, from which point a great leap forward will take place.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

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Celestial Blessings: Pleiadians Energy Update

Source: Aurora Ray


The Pleiadians are a highly advanced civilization of light beings that have been here on Earth for many thousands of years.

Their work is not only to help us on our Earth plane, but it's also a part of the bigger picture that includes our higher dimensions. They have a plan for us, and they're here to guide us through it.

Pleiadians are often referred to as "the angels" by humans who are not fully aware of their existence. They have come to Earth in order to help us evolve and become more conscious beings.

The Pleiadians are currently entering a new era. A pure light frequency has been activated on our planet Earth through the opening of a new multidimensional timeframe.

To comprehend this new timeframe and its implications for the human race, it is necessary to understand that in the past, when we were at a lower frequency, our world was ruled by fear and separation. It is important that we begin to understand these things and then take action in order to move forward on our journey toward completion.

The Pleiadians will soon reveal to us who we are as a species and what we must do to realize our full potential and play our part on the Earth plane.

They are the ones who possess the secret key to our self-realization process and further awakening! It will activate the revelations of understanding and knowledge to be given to all those who are seekers of truth—information that will help us to understand this transition and the role we need to play to fully open ourselves to our magnificence!

Shortly, a series of blessed revelations will align us with a deeper natural aspect of our own humanness and spirituality.

The quantum shift in consciousness that is taking place on this planet is so huge that it will transform us into beings who have access to all kinds of information and understanding that we have never had before!

The Pleiadian Council of Light has been very busy in recent months, working with their star siblings and other extraterrestrial groups on various projects that will help us move forward in this most important time for humanity.


The Pleiadian Council of Light has called upon all people on Earth to open their hearts and minds to higher vibrations and higher consciousness.

They have agreed upon one major mission: to help humanity awaken fully so that we may live at our peak potential as spiritual beings rather than simply as physical beings. This means that every human being must consciously choose their life path—what they want from life, what they want to experience through life, and how they want their lives to unfold.

The Pleiadian message is a call for all beings living on Earth at this time, whether we are aware of it or not, to wake up from our slumber and take responsibility for our actions.

We are being asked by the Pleiadians to prepare for ascension and open up spiritually so that we can connect with our hearts' desires. This also includes aligning ourselves with the Divine Feminine energies so that we can connect with Source Energy, God, or Source within ourselves.

This process is one of transformation, which is accomplished by awakening our inner self and raising our consciousness as far as possible through meditation, contemplation, and prayer. It is a process that requires time, patience, and persistence.

The Pleiadians hold the key to our personal empowerment, healing, enlightenment, and spiritual evolution. They have offered us a map so we can find these treasures within ourselves, but they cannot do all the work for us. We must do it ourselves! It requires giving up old ideas about yourself, others, and life itself if you want the true transformation to happen.

They know how you can best use your talents, gifts, abilities, and personal strengths in service to others. They also have access to all that is going on in your life as well as what has gone before, so they can help you make sense of it all. They are your guides through this period when there will be many changes taking place on many levels.

They want you to know that they care deeply about each one of us here on Earth because they are part of this planet too! They want us all to experience what we need most at this time so we can heal our souls, bodies, and hearts!

The Pleiadian message is giving us a chance to move into a new way of being. It's about bringing our past experiences, how we've been conditioned, and our diversity of opinions to the surface.

They are encouraging us to stop denying our feelings and beliefs that seem controversial and to embrace the truth in all of them. That is the beginning of transformation, and it's also the beginning of a connection with something greater than ourselves.

While there is still much information that we need to gather to help us better understand the nature of this transition, it seems clear that our awakening process is well underway!

According to the Pleiadians, our "complex world drama" lies within a time continuum that involves linear time and space as we know it. We must be aware of this fact so we can chart a path through it and have positive outcomes on all levels—from our health and well-being to our interpersonal relationships to our political and environmental affairs.

Ultimately, there are no limits to the level of consciousness that we can reach. New expansive levels of awareness will aid us in being a part of the creation of a new paradigm. The power to create our own reality and overcome our limitations lies within us. Through meditation and compassion, each of us can find our place as co-creators in this new concept of life!

We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.

Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

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