
Thursday, January 12, 2023

Numerous members worldwide report seeing flashes or sparkles of light with their physical eyes.


Numerous members worldwide report seeing flashes or sparkles of light with their physical eyes. They've been checked by medical doctors and opthamologist eye doctors, and their health isn't creating the lights. The angels are.
These lights look like camera flashbulbs or shimmering sparkles. Sometimes, they’re white lights, and other times, they’re bright jewel shades of purple, blue, green and other colors. Several people have told me they had their eyes examined by optometrists because they worried about their visions of sparkling lights was abnormal. Yet, the eye doctors told them that their physical eyes were perfectly healthy. These are sober mentally healthy individuals who are seeing lights.
That’s because these lights have non-physical origins. I call this phenomena “angel lights” or “angel trails.” When you see these lights, you’re seeing the friction or energy of angels moving across the room. It’s a little like seeing sparks fly from a fast moving car.
Angels are the energy of God's divine light and love, so it makes sense that God's creations -- the angels -- would glow with God's light when they are near us.
The white lights are from our guardian angels who are always with us. When you feel alone or need validation that you're on the right path, you'll see white sparkling or flashing lights with your eyes open. You'll think that someone just took a photo with a flash, but no one is there . . . except your angels.
Colorful lights originate from archangels. Here’s a list to help you know which archangels you’re encountering when you see colored flashes or sparkles of light:
Blue (pale, almost white): Haniel, who helps women with their feminine health, and assists with clairvoyance.
Blue (aqua): Raguel, who helps with relationships.
Blue (dark): Zadkiel, the archangel who helps us improve our memory and mental functioning.
Green (bright emerald): Raphael, the healing archangel.
Green (pale): Chamuel, the archangel of peace who helps us find whatever we’re looking for.
Green with dark pink: Metatron, who helps children to retain their spiritual gifts and self-esteem.
Pink (bright fucshia): Jophiel, who helps us beautify our thoughts and life.
Pink (pale):Ariel, who helps with animals, nature, and manifestation
Purple (bright, almost cobalt blue): Michael, who gives us courage and protection.
Rainbows: Raziel, who heals spiritual and psychic blocks and teaches us esoteric secrets.
Turquoise: Sandalphon, the musical archangel.
Violet (reddish purple): Jeremiel, who helps us heal our emotions.
Yellow (pale): Uriel, the archangel of wisdom.
Yellow (dark): Gabriel, who helps messengers and parents.
The next time you see sparkling or flashing lights say, "Thank you, angels!"
It always feels great to see this sign of Love. Everyone will have his own set of these little signals that say “you are on the beam” or “perhaps not.” As illogical as this sounds, we encourage you to note these coincidences when they begin to repeat. They are a definite form of communication with spirit energies that are benign and loving.

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