
Monday, January 9, 2023

Do you ever feel invisible?



Did you miss Galactic Activation Webinar with Jared Rand?

WOW! That was a wow webinar. I like Jared. He always shares things I don't already know. Thank you for introducing me to Jared years ago. KP


In PAO’s August Webinar, Jared Rand told us that, based on solid information sources, humanity would be reaching a turning point, beginning in the fall of 2022.

As the situation accelerates, unrelenting misinformation intensifies, as well as the number of extreme events occurring around the world.


Accordingly, we felt it imperative to bring Jared back to help us understand, as no one else can, what we can do to help the cause.

And, as always, he will give us an update on the progress of his Celestial Chamber Project.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Jared Updates Us on His Mission’s Current Focus
• World Leaders
Manipulating the System with Election Corruption and Globalist Agendas
• Social Consequences
Coping with Chaos On a Personal Level
• Cosmic Growing Pains
Dealing with Heightened Frequency Upgrade Symptoms
• Celestial Chambers
Progress Report
• An Epochal Moment In History
Solutions For Creating Peace and Harmony on Earth

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-57 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.


The 14 Universal Laws That Govern Life On Earth!

Source: YouAreCreators

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Do You ever feel Invisible?

Source: Matt Kahn


All too often, being loved bombed with superficial approval is equally as unfulfilling as being on the receiving end of criticism. In either case, it feels as if the experience is more about the other person than having anything to do with you.

This can leave you feeling lonely and invisible since the true gift yearning to be received is a reflection of understanding from another person’s viewpoint. In truth, you may seek to know how clearly others understand you in an attempt to have a better understanding of yourself. And so, when someone who doesn’t fully understand themselves seeks to find a greater understanding of self in the misunderstandings being worked out in others, only greater confusion, sadness, and disappointment may be found.

Once you truly understand who you are, why you are here, and exactly all that you came to do within the framework of your individual form, you are able to connect and communicate with others—whether you are seen, heard, valued, overlooked, ignored, or denied.

While you may not choose to nurture these types of one-sided connections on a regular basis, when such interactions are meant to occur, you can communicate from a space of sovereignty and safety that frees you from the burden of expectation.

This is why you inevitably learn to be the source of your own deepest understandings of self. It occurs by turning attention inward toward the sacred practice of loving self-care. For if you don’t fully understand yourself on the deepest possible level, then perhaps you are the very mystery and adventure you came here to explore.

In this moment and in each breath throughout life, may you deepen your understanding of self as the mystery of existence that all dimensions, time, and space celebrate as the magnificent work of art known as you.

When life is more of a mystery to explore and less of a constant point to prove, it is so much easier to be connected and engaged with the sacred truth of reality—revealing itself in you.

I bow to the truth that you are and honor the light you shine—no matter how often or infrequently it enters your awareness.

As always, this is only the beginning of life’s most immaculate awakening. Like a gift being opened by the hands of the Cosmos where you are revealed as the present being received.

All for light. All for life.

All for Love,


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A Message from SAUL

Source: John Smallman

The divine Will is also, and in every moment, your will.


All are Love. All were created from Love, and there is NO OTHER INGREDIENT! All are One with God as in “I and my Father are One.” And all do know that Mother/Father/God is Love, and that therefore all of you are also Love, and that there is absolutely no other possibility. If you, in your human ego-driven forms, can accept that divine Truth and then choose to allow Love into your hearts so that you feel It, you will move most positively toward a full knowing of that one eternal Truth – that Love Is!

The sense, the intense experience of separation from each other, that is a major aspect of being in form as a human, has caused everyone without exception to be severely traumatized, because separation from Source, were it even remotely possible, would cause total terror, because it would mean your personal eternal extinction! The unreal sense of separation that you are all undergoing has caused this trauma, because the unreal environment in which you live as humans in form, and which you constructed so brilliantly, appears to you to be totally real, along with all the accompanying threats to your very survival with which it presents you quite frequently – accidents, injuries, infectious diseases, and terminal illnesses. But you are not your bodies, they are just vehicles that you have “rented temporarily” in order to use to engage with and experience the unreal game of separation.

Deep within each one of you is the knowing that you are eternal and divine beings. However, one of the rules of the ‘game’ of separation with which you have engaged is that you must lose sight of or forget this knowledge of who you truly are. Seemingly not knowing who you are, you seek information outside yourselves – from others who are ‘more knowledgeable,’ from scientists, from religious ‘authorities,’ etc. – as to who you might or could be. Of course you cannot find it, because it is not information, it is that deep inner knowing – Reality – that dwells permanently within each one of you, awaiting your choice to remember who you are. You are all going to remember, because you cannot play this game forever, it is but a temporary distraction from full awareness of your true and eternal nature, and the moment for your awakening into that awareness is extremely imminent.

Yes, those of us in the non-physical realms keep reminding you of this, and yet it appears to many of you that you have been waiting a very long time for this ‘imminent’ event to occur. Some of you are indeed wondering if it will even happen during your current lifetimes. The unreality that is time is extremely convincing, and often confusing, but as you know, there is only now! Even your modern and most up-to-date physicists have come to this realization, even though, like all of you, they have to deal with the apparent uni-directional flow of time, from past through the present to the future. And of course within the world you do have ideas about the future – marriage, a new home, children, aging, death – that do come to fruition. It is very perplexing to attempt to make sense of it. And of course you can’t, because it is unreal.

What we are telling you is true, and, deep within yourselves, below your level of conscious awareness, you do know this. Therefore, to strengthen your faith, your intuitive knowing that Mother/Father/God’s divine Will will be brought to the most glorious state of fruition, it is essential that you go deep within yourselves at least once each day, and preferably numerous times, in order to consciously reconnect with your Christ-mind, your uninterruptible connection, your Oneness with God. When there, reset your intent to be only loving whatever arises, and notice that when you do set and maintain that intent that you feel much more relaxed, much more at peace. In fact you will realize that you have become aware that Love is Who and What you are, and that just by being yourself, at peace with yourself, that you are doing God’s Will, perfectly.


You are all divine creations inseparably One with Source, consequently the divine Will is also, and in every moment, your will. When you fully allow yourselves to know this Truth, so that it guides your every thought, word, or action, you will find that the normal egoic objectives in your daily human lives become increasingly less powerful and demanding, and then fall away as your individual intent to be only loving becomes constant. As I reminded you above, your real, true, and unalterable nature is Love, therefore, as you continue to more consciously be aware of this, all desire to judge, condemn, and punish either yourselves or others for errors, mistakes, and crimes gently dissolves, and you find yourselves most lovingly offering love to all of humanity in every moment. And when you do this, as you most definitely will, you will find yourselves experiencing a great sense of peace, instead of the previous ‘what if’ sense of worry and anxiety that normally accompanies you as you go about your daily lives.

To repeat, Love is your nature, and therefore it is totally natural for you to express it in every moment. Refraining from doing so, which is what so many of you have been doing for lifetime after lifetime, is the reason underlying all that fear and anxiety that you experience as humans in form. This is why you constructed egos to protect you from the physical world, and from one another, because to live without Love – as so many of you believe is the story of your lives – is to live without trust, and if you do not trust you have to remain ever on the defensive, on guard in case unexpected threats and dangers should arise to harm you or your loved ones, causing you pain and suffering.

Pain and suffering are unnecessary, but many people experience them regularly because they believe that they are an unavoidable aspect of their human lives. This is not so. Short term pain as a result of a mishap is part of your bodily functioning and awareness, and is normal so that correction and healing may take place. But the pain and suffering that is frequently experienced by people as they dwell on adverse events that have personally affected them, believing themselves to be unfortunate victims of circumstances, is a state of mind that can be changed. There are NO accidents, and there are NO victims. Every experience is freely chosen for the lessons that it offers, although in the unreality of the ‘illusory game’ in which you are involved as humans this is difficult for most people to understand and accept.

However, when you do choose to express only your true nature, you will find that any pain and suffering you may have been experiencing decreases, as your sense of peace and acceptance with the unfoldment of your human lives increases. Then your awareness that there truly are no accidents will strengthen into a knowing, as you learn the lessons with which these events present you, and then you will release your attachment to them. All of you are now actively and collectively engaged in releasing all of your attachments that are not in perfect alignment with Love. And that release is happening very swiftly indeed.

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