
Friday, January 27, 2023

23.01.2023 By Ngari My beloved brothers. A lot has happened, and more is still happening right now


By Ngari
My beloved brothers.
A lot has happened, and more is still happening right now on the planet.
Liberation of all humanity is on the agenda of the day.
Nesara and Gesara will be officially announced in the coming days.
Perhaps before that, the current governments, in desperation, announce extraordinary measures to further restrict the freedom of the populace.
Curfew or confinement in your homes is the order of the day.
And we are going to allow it, for their own protection and integrity.
For the war between light and darkness is ended, with the clear victory of light.
The dark hats are already aware that they lost the war.
The International Court of Justice has already ruled the end of mandatory vaccination.
No one will be obliged to get pierced anymore, or theirs. Don't worry about your loved ones who have taken the genetic therapy. For they shall be healed of their evils.
MedBeds will be in their physical reality, scattered over various countries. And they will be more and more.
Soon MedBeds will be available to population all over the planet, for free.
With the official announcement of Nesara/Gesara comes debt forgiveness, free energy, several technologies released, which are already being introduced throughout Gaia.
Like MedBeds, replicators, teletransportation, new quantum internet, Tesla energy, free and free for all.
The new QFS financial system is in full operation. And, ultimately, the banks have lost their marbles. They can no longer exploit customer base, nor use their money as their own.
Anyway, my friends, with the waves of elevated energies that sustain only positive things, such as health, prosperity, joy and high vibrations, life on that planet will be much easier and more enjoyable.
I want to make it clear that very soon, nothing will be the same. and free humanity will have the life it deserves.
Heaven is already here.
Love you guys today
and always,
So beautiful.
THROUGH Maria Cecilia Ngari.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you. The link to the Facebook page is either broken or not the right one.
