

Sunday, December 4, 2022

🌟 THE SPIRITUAL MISSION OF CATS 🌟 The cat has sacred minerals in its DNA,


The cat has sacred minerals in its DNA, many quartz crystals that radiate codes of healing energy. The cat is tremendously telepathic, it sees naturally, energies, entities, everything you feel, looks at you and reads your thoughts, has an amazing connection to the invisible magical world. They came from Orion, the large feline constellation, so their vibration is five-dimensional and their energy is so pure. They are, inclusive, very independent and have the peculiarity of keeping the homes and the planet's energy in high frequency of illumination.
A cat's purr is like the OM mantra for humans, a healing frequency capable of transcending dimensions, detecting disease, healing the electromagnetic field, sealing aura bursts, and providing protection in the ethereal realms.

1 comment:

  1. I understand what you are saying but cats bite, scratch, poop in the house and smell really bad. Everyone says cats are so independent but I don't agree. Once a person feeds a feral cat then it becomes dependent, provokes other animals into a fight, breeds like crazy, and ultimately has to be controlled. Cats control the population of mice & rats, but snakes do the same thing, and though I respect the snake as a living being, I personally don't like snakes either (another misrepresentation of the biological spectrum-snakes are snakes nothing more nothing less).I appreciate all animals and don't believe one is superior to another. Just because it came from another star system doesn't make it better. I feel terrible when I see all the feral cats out there starving but how can this change without intervention? I realize this is metaphorically speaking of the "cat" and it's use is illustrative of the metaphysical. Why do we need symbols and icons to demonstrate any point of existence, love, growing, evolving, learning etc. Using any animal to represent perceived superiority seems remedial, unnecessary, and divisive. Say what you mean, mean what you say. Haven't you heard of difference between cat and dog people? Placing cats in this light described will remove 50% of the potential audience. I do not mean any disrespect, just want to share these points with you.
