
Wednesday, December 21, 2022

I LOVE YOU.. Saying and pronouncing I LOVE YOU releases a luminous energy,


I LOVE YOUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...

Saying and pronouncing I LOVE YOU releases a luminous energy, which reaches the Cosmos, back and forth, and returns even more charged with light, that is why for so many centuries, has been banned to humanity, leaving it only for the romantic sense or p sand, that's why when lovers utter the words, Te Amo, they feel so whole, so complete, so whole, and magic comes to them

That's why it was replaced by I love you.

I love you is a wish, loving is a form of wish, and when someone desires something, it does not flow naturally, when one puts a wish on a thing or situation, it nullifies the ability to Create or Co-Create with the Universe...

That's why it's so different to want than to love...

When one Loves, he puts Love, and Love All Can, Heals and Saves..

Unlike the want that implies, possession, selfishness and lack..

This is why we must put it into practice, permanently saying I Love you and repeat and multiply it..

Tell it to everything and everyone and Love only comes back. ♥️

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