
Saturday, December 24, 2022

💖 Get ready for the most shocking event of 2023. Our spaceship landed on Earth


💖 Get ready for the most shocking event of 2023. Our spaceship landed on Earth and we interact directly.

Arcturus 9d High Council.

💖First you will meet Pleiades, Venusians and Lemurians.

Then came Sirius, Lyra and the Great Horn.

Pleiades 9d High Council.

Message sent to all photo groups around the world.

Keep updating.

💖Get ready for the most shocking Event in 2023. Landing of our ships, on earth, immediate interaction with each other.

The Arcturian 9d High Council.

💖First, you will meet with Pleiades, Aphrodite and Lemurius.

Syrians, Lyra and Arturus later.

Pleidian 9d High Council.

Messages forwarded to all Fotos Global Teams.

Updates on a regular basis.

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