
Saturday, December 17, 2022

Celestial Chambers - an Update with Jared Rand


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In PAO’s August Webinar, Jared Rand told us that, based on solid information sources, humanity would be reaching a turning point, beginning in the fall of 2022.

As the situation accelerates, unrelenting misinformation intensifies, as well as the number of extreme events occurring around the world.

Accordingly, we felt it imperative to bring Jared back to help us understand, as no one else can, what we can do to help the cause.

And, as always, he will give us an update on the progress of his Celestial Chamber Project.


Come, join us! Inspired by Jared’s clear perspective and wisdom, let’s merge our energies and collectively raise the frequencies that will restore peace and normality to Gaia and her citizens.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Jared Updates Us on His Mission’s Current Focus
• World Leaders
Manipulating the System with Election Corruption and Globalist Agendas
• Cosmic Growing Pains
Dealing with Heightened Frequency Upgrade Symptoms
• Celestial Chambers
Progress Report
• An Epochal Moment In History
Solutions For Creating Peace and Harmony on Earth


After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Please note new time:

Sunday, December 18, 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. PST

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday, December 18, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


ETs: Trouble Entering Human Bodies with Dr. Linda Backman

Source: Regina Meredith

Note: Full disclosure. I have not listened to more than 10 minutes of this interview. I love how Regina interviews so I posted it without listening in its entirety which I will later today. Enjoy!

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Jeshua: What is true Spirituality?

Source: Pamela Kribbe

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Dear friends, I am your brother Jeshua. I am so happy to be here with you. When I speak through a channel, I am a little bit closer to Earth, to humanity, and I rejoice in being close to you.

I see your shining hearts, and I would love to impress upon you the greatness and the beauty of who you are. I want to remind you that this greatness is not something far ahead or far away from you; not something you have to achieve through a lot of discipline; it is who you naturally are. It is a sad thing for me to see how you have become so estranged from simply being yourself. You have become used to continually judging and criticizing yourself. And especially when you are on the spiritual path, you have certain ideas in your mind about what you are supposed to become.

But the spiritual life is really very simple. It is about being intimate and honest with yourself. Spirituality begins with the acceptance of who you are. If you have negative thoughts, difficult emotions, so be it. You think that to live from the heart you have to rise above these dark things, but spiritual growth does not proceed by way of ascendency. Truly spiritual people are also very humble people. They do not think highly of themselves, in the sense that they feel they have transcended their darkness, but they do feel at ease with their darkness; they do not reject it. And this is when the magic happens: when you can look at your own pain without fear and with the eye of compassion.

When you look behind your negative behavior or habits, what you see is a frightened child inside you. Yes, it does require strength and an open heart to face this child. However, the essence of the Christ energy is to recognize the face of an innocent child behind all negative and disruptive behavior. And for all of you, it is your challenge to first see your own innocence.

When you criticize yourself, and you try to push yourself in a certain direction, you think what you are doing is right. You go from the assumption that what you are now doing is wrong and that there is even something wrong with you. But when you do that, you are not proceeding from love; you are not treating yourself with kindness, and in that way, you are always playing hide and seek with yourself. You want to move to the light, but the darkness will get in through the “backdoor”, so to say. You have to be at ease with all parts of yourself to truly gain freedom.

I would like to invite you to now connect with your inner child. Imagine there is a child inside you who has been hiding there for a long time. Maybe the child does not show itself right away and you have to call it, to invite it. But be open to it, and allow this child to show you the darkest part that you still carry inside you. Maybe the child is crying or screaming, but it does not matter. Be its guide, its parent, and see if you can feel at ease with this child, if you can comfort it.

There is always a reason for characteristics that you consider as dark, so hold the hands of this child and look into its eyes. When you do so, you will notice that this child has something precious to give to you. It has a gift for you, something that is important for you, right now. Accept this gift and thank this child for it. Your inner work is to look into the darkest corners of your being and to invite the inner child to come out. This is what it means to go through the transition from ego-based to heart-based consciousness.


The heart is not battling the ego, the heart is all-inclusive. The heart reaches out to all corners of your being and that is the true meaning of the Christ energy. What you do to yourself, the way you treat yourself, has an impact on the world around you. The compassion and the understanding you have for yourself will change your vibration, your energy, and that is the real meaning of being a lightworker. It is an energy transmission much more than a passing along of information.

At this time, a lot of things are changing; a lot of energy is moving, and you can also see that at a global level. When this transition to the heart takes place, then a lot of darkness comes out of the hidden corners. So this is a kind of paradox in that it seems to get darker before it becomes lighter. But the key part of this process is that the darkness is allowed to come to the surface.

It is important for all of you who observe this happening in the world to remain centered and calm, to not judge the outside darkness that you perceive, and to hold on to the wisdom and understanding you have gained through your own inner process. When you enter into judgment about the darkness you perceive in the world, then you tend to see the world as a kind of battlefield between light and dark. But the true power of a lightworker, a pioneer of consciousness, is to also recognize the innocence and the face of a child in the darkness you perceive around you.

But this does not mean that you simply allow everything to be and to happen. In your own life, you have to make decisions about what you do or not do, what you like and what you do not like, and you can do this from a deep inner feeling without judging. You can make very clear decisions from your heart without making judgments from your head. And if you manage to not slip into judgment, you will hold the energy of compassion and radiate it outward into the world.

You have to remember that everything which is dark, and everything which is hiding in a dark corner, yearns for the light and is not happy in the dark. Just keep this in mind when you look around at the world. And that does not mean you have to save the world, but simply to hold steady your own light, your wisdom, your non-judgment. This is how you channel a new energy to Earth, and what you will do specifically in your everyday life to express this new energy is different for every person.

I would like to end by inviting you to connect more deeply with what is your individual way of expressing yourself. Simply imagine that you are holding a torch in your right hand and feel the energy of the flame of this light. Feel how, on the one hand, it is blazing and passionate, and, on the other hand, it is still and silent. This light springs from a feeling of joy and not of wanting to struggle or do battle. It comes from deep inside you, and imagine that you are now filled with the light of this torch. This is the light of your soul, your origin, and remember how radiant it is, how full of joy it is, and how playful and imaginative. So let it flow through all the cells of your body – enjoy it! To live from the heart is meant to be joyful.

As you connect with this light, ask yourself if there is anything you would like to do in your life, or anything you already do, which is in alignment with this light, and it is okay to experiment with this in your everyday life. See what gives you the most joy and do not accept anything less. In the past, the voices of fear have kept you down, have disciplined you too much. Trust the voice of joy, the feeling of joy, and whenever you wonder: “What should I be doing in my life, how do I make a difference?”, then go with what gives you the most joy. And it may start with something simple, but the more you go with that flow, the larger it will become. And that is how you make a difference in this world.

Thank you for being who you are.

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NEWS ALERT: Biblical Armageddon Has Been Canceled

Source: David Wilcock - Cosmic

NOTE: This book sounds amazing. I know David puts his "all" in his work. Sheldan taught us that biblical armageddon was cancelled long ago. I shook my head in agreement when he said that some of his writings back around 1999 was actually for this time we find ourselves in now. That's how I feel about some of Sheldan's weekly updates from the Galactic Federation and Ascended Masters. They prepared us for today. However, if we had not heard these words/concepts back then, we would not be headed for our Victory today. Thank you all for continuing to keep our graceful Ascension in your visions and hearts. I am honored to be with you on this journey.


Hello Colleen,

First of all, everything is fine. I am not incapacitated, demoralized, defeated or otherwise out of commission. Life is good! I’ve just been very busy between Stavatti and the book project.

I’ve spent over a year now living in a non-insulated log home at 8600 feet in Colorado. This winter I’ve finally figured out how to survive – with knee-high wool socks, oak firewood, and hiding out downstairs, to avoid deafening wind noise and radical temperature changes.

And if you read my last email, telekinetic events have become quite common here as well.

The adventure began in September of 2021, when I realized that intuitive readings I had brought through and published online in 1999 were now prophetic of present-day events.

The source of the readings “identified” as Archangel Michael. He spoke with stunning authority against the dark forces of this world, ensured they would be defeated, and said we would be transformed.

I started bringing in these “readings” on November 10th, 1996, after studying the protocols of remote viewing, which promised 99-percent accuracy for trained practitioners.

By July of 2022, I realized that all of the so-called “global readings” I had brought in, from 1996 through to the end of 1999, were designed to be read in our present-day timeline.

Michael predicted in advance that we are now living through a time nexus in which very intense, worldwide stress reaches a peak, where success seems impossible.

Then, the magic occurs. The unexpected miracle. The Deus Ex Machina. Not an absurd, overused plot device. Reality. Humanity is about to save itself – and be saved in the process.

In order to find these passages, I had to sort through 200 to 250 pages per month of journal notes, dreams and other written data in my notes. It has been a massive, massive undertaking.

However, what we now have is a prophetic document unlike anything I’ve ever seen or heard of, except for the texts brought in by the Sybil of Cumae in 539 BC.

As you may remember, the Sibylline Mystery Texts boasted an astonishing knowledge of the “future history of Rome,” but Rome also could not benefit from the prophecies in any way.

If they tried to out-smart the prophecies, bad karma would strike. Anything they did to try to stop the prophecy would actually cause it to happen.

“Novus Ordo Seclorum” is a condensed excerpt from these prophecies, which promise a Golden Age where our bodies transform into a more energetic state.

The Sibylline document was kept highly secret, and was considered to be the highest treasure in all of Rome.

In the case of The Michael Prophecies, we are not holding back. No vaults. All out in the open.

Book One (of three total) is already finished and ready to go, now. And Michael delivers in a way that is unlike any other prophetic document I have ever been able to read and enjoy in my life.

The Michael Prophecies
By Saint Michael the Archangel and Saint Lucia the Archangel
You can learn more here

And the most exciting part?
Again and again, The Michael Prophecies tells us that the catastrophic, world-ending, armageddon that's been prophesied to occur on earth for centuries….Has been canceled – thanks to our good grades!

Michael doesn’t go into all the details, but the overall work that has been done by Wanderers, or ET souls, incarnating on Earth in large numbers has been enough to tip the scales.

We are not a planet that is about to be destroyed. We are a planet that has learned its lessons, thanks to the global initiation we’ve all been through, and now approach Graduation.

What is Graduation? Apparently Michael and his people have found a way to ensure that “almost all” of us on Earth will actually experience Ascension in the coming years.

This includes people who were deceived for various reasons, and may now be concerned that they don’t have very much time left on Earth.

These books also reveal a completely different model than the one I was teaching before. Instead of a spontaneous light-body activation, we get to keep our physical bodies.

This is very interesting. Apparently, we will see the sun give off a light show, but Michael’s people have a technology to shield the Earth and our bodies from any damage.

This is explained in Book Two, which is not yet ready for release but will be soon.

I have delved deeply into scientific models showing that stars themselves go through “quantum leaps,” where their microwave frequency emissions suddenly change in quantized bursts.

Dr. William Tifft discovered quantized redshift values coming from stars, which change in sudden leaps.

Tifft also noticed that these zones were spaced out like concentric galactic energy ripples in any given galaxy, gradually expanding out from the center and transforming worlds as they go.

Dr. Harold Aspden’s aether physics equations generate the exact same quantized frequencies, and explain that they literally represent measurable traces from different planes of existence.

It appears that our own Sun’s microwave frequencies will soon undergo a quantized increase. We will still have our bodies, and will now have much easier access to the soul.

That’s right…We’ve been stellar students. We’ve passed the tests. And now we graduate into a type of human life where “ordinary people” will quickly begin getting abilities that blow anything I’ve ever been doing out of the water… by a long-shot.

This news is amazing. The prophecies are so repeatedly accurate about our present that it is ridiculous to assume they are somehow NOT accurate about the future.

You can’t put a price on something like this, so I am just making it as affordable as I can. That way, I can hopefully pay off my taxes and finish launching Stavatti, which is going very well.


I’m not sure if I will make enough at such a low price, but as Stavatti gets rolling next year I can cover it either way. So in that sense, I am subsidizing your lowest cost possible for this product.

The work is awash with a frequency of trust and peace, which bathes you in its resonance. As you read it, you will feel the presence of a higher intelligence – perhaps like never before.

Here’s what’s revealed:

Stunning evidence that our next-door-neighbor star, Proxima Centauri, had the “Solar Flash” that was originally meant for us, literally within three days of the Mayan calendar end-date of December 21st, 2012
Multiple insider testimonies regarding the time-travel capabilities of UFOs, and what it feels like to use the technology yourself
David’s powerful experience with a multi-dimensional apparition of Mother Mary on Thanksgiving
How various types of beings can spontaneously manifest into our reality due to hidden laws of the universe
Detailed lessons from Michael on how to achieve direct intuitive contact with beings like himself, and/or the Christ Consciousness within you
Stunning new Law of One quotes on Satan, Demons, Hell and the AI Menace – and how it is all being defeated by We, the People
The 2010 crop formation that used two overlapping ‘digital’ images in wheat to create a remarkable photographic likeness of the face of Jesus
Gob-smackingly amazing prophecies about today, almost on a page-by-page basis
Incredibly reassuring “bottom line” truth that we will be saved – evil will not win, we will prevail, and a Golden Age awaits almost all of us here on Earth now
How any health damages people may have suffered will be able to be healed – with the new abilities we will acquire

These are just a few of many tasty selections from the “Embarrassment of Riches” that you will feast upon this Christmas – in The Michael Prophecies.

Best of all, it’s not fattening to indulge in these fruits. You can gorge yourself. They are zero on the calories, but heavy on the light vibrations.

There are THREE VOLUMES of this work. It’s massive. And Volume One is ready for you to read, with 555 pages that tie everything together in a grand overview, right now!

Audio versions are coming. I believe the most important thing to do first, based upon Michael’s urgency, is to get each of the three digital print copies out before I record them all.

You only get hit with one single charge for all three volumes – Books One, Two and Three. You get digital print copies and audio-book recordings of all three volumes as well.

Again – it’s an all-in-one package, where you get all the books, all the audiobooks and all the materials at a cost I hope is doable for everyone in these trying times.

If I were to release these through conventional publishing means as three volumes of audio and digital print books, the overall cost would be about 40 per volume, or 120 altogether.

We are therefore offering sizable cost reductions over even the most traditionally affordable distribution methods.

I will also be providing additional bonuses you can learn about here.

As a member of my INSIDER community, please type in INSIDER at check-out – and BANG! You just got another $22 knocked off the top! THIS IS INSANE!

The Effect:

In the book we quote flying-saucer insider Ralph Ring quoting Kahlil Gibran, where he said, “Half of what I say to you is meaningless, but it’s necessary — so that the other half may reach you.”

Michael’s words are intended to create an altered state of consciousness. By duplicating the look, sound and feel of your subconscious in meditation, you start having a better understanding of what you are receiving when it happens.

Whether or not you “understand” the prophecies, you will experience a “vibrational shift” that causes you to start thinking and feeling like a positive, multi-dimensional being.

This is called “tuning,” and is a necessary preliminary step to receiving your own personal contact with Michael or another like him. And this seems to be a major agenda of his.

Thank you so much for your support! Your well wishes and encouragement this past year have kept me going, and fueled the completion of this epic work I’m so excited to deliver to you.

We are already hearing incredible stories of synchronicity activations from people reading this book. The effect Michael’s words will have on you must be experienced.

Talk to you in the book. It’s very relevant to today. It is a message humanity needs. I am deeply honored to have been the instrument for this contact to take place.

I do hereby promise you that I will do my very best to live up to the power and promise of these words. I have made the same promise to Michael, and take that very, very seriously.

Gratitude & Light,


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