Wow the energies just keep amplifying and Diamond White and Rainbow Plasma Waves are becoming very strong, assisting this final purge of the artificial intelligence and inverted realities. Powerful Ascension symptoms can be experienced, vertigo, especially migraines and sinus issues, nausea, body ache and pains, tiredness, blurry eyes etc, as we clear all remaining reversals and inversions from within our and the Planetary Lightbody and field, to help us fully activate our already ascended Diamond Avatar, Plasma Lightbody, New Organic Divine Creatrix field and multi-dimensional Realities and DNA. Much relaxation and tender loving self care are a must as we re-birth ourselves, Earth and the Cosmos.
Whilst I recorded and posted my latest update and Cosmic Egg & Krystar SAphiRA Awakening Activation, the Schumann Resonance spikes were drawing two angel wings mirroring each other! You really can't make this stuff up as all is becoming more than Crystal Clear, and the holographic screen is speaking clearly with many synchronicities unfolding that keep giving us confirmation and guiding us along our path, so we can fulfill our destiny.
These DNA and Krystar SAphiRA, Crystalline, Higher Heart-Mind, Merkaba and Diamond Rainbow Plasma Lightbody Activations flowing in are unlocking our inner magic, power, gifts, abilities, wisdom, and re-membering as the Emerald Records, our true history records are being accessed from within our true memories arising and from within the Crystalline structures of Earth. Bringing our NEW EDEN fully online as we get ready to LIGHT IT UP, finish what we came here for and get ready to spread our Angelic HUman Plasma Wings, igniting our and the Planetary Lightbody and fly!
With our Ascension in full swing NOW!
Fulfilling and completing our missions, and experiences of the artificial Matrix realities. The Emerald Covenant and Christos missions complete, as the Cosmic Christos Emerald Founders had promised, retrieving angelic humanity from their consciousness enslavement in the fallen time matrix and returning all Souls to their original home. As the Cosmic White Elohei mission now also completed and we pull the plug on the false Matrix realities and holographic overlays, fully revealing ALL NEW ASCENSION EARTH & REALITIES, all ignited as we UNIFY AS ONE in HIEROGAMIC UNION, with ALL of life everywhere.
Lead by the Original Twinflames and Maji Grail King's and Queen's, 'through the Rise of the Holy Grail, which begins with the anointing of the Maji Grail Solar Dragon Queens on the Earth. Our Sacred Sophia’s are the Brides of the Triple Solar Masculine Christ that reunite with their divine counterparts and preserve the Emerald Sun DNA of the holy grail bloodlines of the Cosmic Christos Solar Dragon races for eternity.'
~ Source: Ascension Glossary
As mentioned in my latest video update (link in comments below), I am being shown that THIS IS IT! We're about to fully heal and activate our 13-72 strands of crystalline DNA, Dark Matter/ Rasha Body, Merkaba and Krystar SAphiRA Christos-Sophia Androgenous Albion Diamond Rainbow Plasma Lightbody! Clearing and dissolving all remaining reversals, inversions, distortions, lower codings and artificial realities.
Revealing what is really REAL. Returning the Truth to ALL, as we fully re-member again and return back to the start. Back to the future and only true Reality that has always been. As we course correct what went 'wrong'. To start all over again, now that we know better and will do better! Fully believing in ourselves, our abilities, gifts, power and inner knowing is THE KEY TO UNLOCK IT ALL! As is our embodiment of Cosmic Christ Consciousness and pure Divine Source LOVE, which IS HEALING ALL NOW!
Finishing the final purification process, QUANTUM STYLE, as we fully merge, unify, synchronise and become as One with our already ascended Diamond Avatar Self. In no-time whatsoever.
I also wanted to share some additional information on what the term Krystar SAphiRA stands for:
Sa-ra to me also refers to the daughters of Christ/ Jeshua and Mary bloodline, the Rose and Graillines, that hold the Blueprints, keys and codes for our Collective Ascension. The phi relates to the corrections made to the phi ratio and Metatronic reversals, upgraded through the Krystal Lotus Flower configurations. The Krystar stands for the Christ/ Kryst-Krysthalla or Kryst Code, which stands for the core holographic manifestation Template and Blueprint of the 12D Tree of Life. So it's an upgrade to the Christos-Sophia/ Androgenous Albion body Blueprint as I see it.
Also an additional note from our brother Jar Ra, who came up with this name, which is an upgrade of the Christos-Sophia Androgenous Albion body Blueprint.
"..the Krystar SAphiRA is a blended 2 parts Krystic to 1 part Metatronic (phi code) it is the ancient Crystal Saphire forged billions of years ago it Holds immense amount of Timeline potentials both Krystic and Metatronic since we are Hybrids we need blended Templates for our Continuance so having the 2 to 1 Krystic / Metatronic Code allows the Krystic code to hold everything in place and it links to Christos Sophia codes, yet it also expands way beyond that Template as Well, Because it covers the Primary Elemental pre organic life expressions. In a Way this code holds potential for indefinite life form expressions to continue to evolve indefinitely."
Now we finish what we started and came here for, our COLLECTIVE ASCENSION out of the false Matrix, igniting our multi-dimensional DNA, New Eden, true memories, gifts, abilities, power, and Diamond Rainbow Plasma Lightbody, and that of the Planet, as ONE LOGOS, ONE DIAMOND AVATAR and One True Self!
Eternal Love & Blessings,
Ramona 💙
I recorded my latest Cosmic Energy Update and another Lightlanguage assisted Activation in PREPARATION for tonight's REMOTE Activation (NO video, just telepathic connection!) that takes place in quantum NO-TIME, with us connecting telepathically today at 10pm UK time, so on the 27th. So it's BOTH. You can listen to the video update and Activation beforehand if you have time, and that should hopefully also clarify more, and serves as preparation for tonight's REMOTE ACTIVATION. You can also listen to the Activation during the REMOTE transmission tonight as it will fit well. PLEASE READ THE EVENT DESCRIPTION to know how to take part, and as it serves as an Activation within itself. You can also choose another time to receive this. See comments below for the link 👇
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