
Sunday, October 16, 2022

Rainbow Light Energies Have you noticed the rainbows that are all around?


Rainbow Light Energies
Have you noticed the rainbows that are all around?
Have you seen them in sunlight rays too?
These rainbows that come through
Are healing lights for
All of you
Breathe in this light
Visualize them too
Going through your body
Healing your aches and pains
Uplifting you to new heights
Never before experienced
Feeling alive and brand new
All of these phenomenas
Are for you
Helping you to soar
Higher than before
While releasing all that's
Been locked inside of you
Letting it go
So love energies can overflow
With love light and rainbow light
Our gifts for you
Be brave be strong
We are here always
Helping you get along
Following your paths
Meant for you
Helping to raise your conciousness too!
Please ignore the media
As they spread lies and deceipt
It's become a constant
They are there only to
Confuse you
To bring you fears
So ignore their words
They are not your truths to hear!
We love you💖
By : AA Maxine Orion Star Emotional Healing Coach Poetic Channel
Galactic Federation of Light

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