
Monday, October 3, 2022



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Did you miss Saturday’s Galactic Activation Webinar? It was a Great one!

Oh Colleen, That was a wonderful webinar. A REAL blast from the past… I have been following Ismael since he 1st hit the air waves ... and Sheldan’s echo from way back is always there. It was the most fulfilling interview…. You and Miles asked the greatest questions… I sooooo loved the way you clarified/included Sheldon’s knowledge! Thank you, thank you….to the three of you. With deepest love and gratitude. C.W. Australia

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We at PAO are honored to welcome a new and very special guest to our Webinar.

Ismael Perez is an awakened starseed who retains memories of a war waged in our galaxy eons ago. For many years he has been receiving galactic and cosmic intelligence. Inevitably, Ismael’s messages remind us of those Sheldan received from the Galactic Federation.

As one of many cosmic ambassadors incarnated in the here and now, his mission is to help restore Gaia to her rightful place in the galactic community. He is the author of a recent book, Our Cosmic Origin, which took him ten years to write.

Ismael answers many of our urgent questions about Gaia's PAST, PRESENT and, especially, our FUTURE.

Subjects to be discussed:

• About Ismael
How he became a cosmic ambassador
• Our Cosmic Past
Earth's History and Our Human Origins
Where we come from and why we are still in 3D
• Our Cosmic Present
A cosmic take on our chaotic world
Exploring solutions for improving our existing system
• Our Cosmic Future
An explanation of how and when we will evolve
to a higher level of consciousness

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-54 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S

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Ancient Aliens: Crystal City Discovered Under Antarctica

Source: History

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CityStream: UFOs: Do you believe?

Source: Seattle Channel

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Source: Mastering Alchemy


Great Beings of Light, it is I, Metatron. I have come to let you know that you have set a template and put it in place very firmly. You have changed the direction of what is occurring at this time. You have gathered, and you have agreed, and you have created. This template solidly anchors into all physical realms the possibility of a new Earth. It anchors the possibility of a new physical realm that is in the fifth dimension in a very real way. You have facilitated the possibility of the sixth and seventh to follow very swiftly upon the heels of the anchoring of the fifth dimension. It is you who have created the energetic template for this to occur.

Do you hear me? You must know this in the depths of your Heart, because that is where you created it.

Now, as things start to unravel in the third dimension, you will be tempted to forget what I have just explained to you. Hold fast, dear ones, to what you have created. Hold fast to what you have put in play at this very moment. Do not allow any frenetic interference, because you will hold this template for others to create who come after you. The responsibility is great. I say this not to put you in fear. I say this to empower you to step into the power of who you are as a creator god. You stand with me and every Elohim of the Higher Realms. Together we will create this ascension of the entire physical realm of Creation. This state of awareness and consciousness will be birthed because of you. Accept it. Hold it. I am with you as you create and as you sustain what is necessary to sustain in the next years of linear time.

Many have gathered today to support your creation. They will continue to support that creation. But it is you who will hold it in physical form to be manifested according to the original template.

This is real. It is no longer a possibility. It is. Blessings

This is an excerpt from a lecture with Metatron during a Mastering Alchemy conference.

We thank Joan Walker for bringing forth Metatron to speak through her. With her collaboration, the Mastering Alchemy Level 3 course unfolded.


October Energies

Source: Celia Fenn


October takes us into towards the 10/10 Portal on the 10th of October, which is preceded by the Full Moon in Aries on the 9th. This means two days of intense energy with some instability that usually accompanies a Fire Moon.

It is, of course, also a great time for creative projects and connecting with your Soul passions.

Then on the 23rd the Sun goes into Scorpio and on the 25th we have the first Eclipse, a Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio followed by a Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on the 8th November just before the 11/11 on the 11th November).

This Partial Solar Eclipse will allow Earth to receive very high frequency Light Codes that will activate both Consciousness and the DNA.

Archangel Michael explains that the high frequency Photonic Codes from the Sun also activate Water to vibrate with its crystalline plasma state.

Since we have about 80 % water in our bodies, we will feel these activations on both the consciousness level and the physical level.

The purpose of these accelerated light codes, after the huge shift we have made in the last 6 months, is to activate the crystalline energies in our bodies and to expand our consciousness into its Galactic or Oceanic Stare.

The Angels are here to assist, and the Whales and Dolphins.

The Whales are Grand Masters of Cosmic Consciousness and the Dolphins are Masters of Cosmic Flow and Alignment.

We are activating New Lemuria, where we learn to flow with the Clear Liquid Light of Life that flows from the Celestial/Cosmic Zero Point!

I will be offering a webinar series to help everyone to align with this new energy!

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