
Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Ascension Master St. Germain Dear friends! Most of you have heard of the Ascension


Ascension Master St. Germain
Dear friends!
Most of you have heard of the Ascension Masters throughout this waking dream!
There's Something We'll Say About That Is Familiar To Many!
The term Ascension Master will be revealed first.
Before one ascends to the higher realm, know fully that they have felt lower vibrational frequencies and transcended all lower densities when they choose to leave without experiencing physical death before coming out as the spirit.
Master St.Germain Has Reincarnated Earth Many Times. His soul was also manifested in the form of purity without rebirth. You Can Understand This With The Pleiadian Teachings Coming To Aid And Meeting White Hats.
Hes an Arcturian spirit named BEKEE LAMES. He on earth now is Barron Trump, Son of President Donald Trump and Melania Trump. On Arcturus, his mother is Melania, who was named AIMEO. He will be a leader in SHEEN along with others who will support in life on the new earth.
His first incarnation from Arcturus was in Atlantis thousands of years ago. He has been called 'VASILIS'. He Is A Warrior Of Peace And Comes Without Being Born. He manifests from a body of light and is cast as an archangel with long black hair and blue eyes. He is muscular and tall. He came to teach about light, divinity and peace. He was loved so much and understood the fall of Atlantis happened. He teaches people about their infinite soul and life. He taught them to throw away their fears in the face of adversity. She stayed 200 years before becoming a mother. He was welcomed back to Arcturus with celebrations.
He Reincarnated 8 more times to Earth. The last waking dream before Barron Trump 500 years ago. This is where the Name, St. Germain Begins. He Was Born And Named Germain Gabin In France. He is completely endowed with emotional divinity, healing gifts and infinite spiritual understanding. He Drew Crowds Listen Intentionally And Learn Beyond The Religions They Are Bound To In Life. He meditates daily and creates light wherever he passes. Lives Changed And His Mission Accomplished He left the earth for 100 years. Once again, very big Celebration on Arcturus.
Come Like Barron Trump is a plan created with noble purpose by this powerful soul. He will share love and unity as peace will abound with all life. People Will Understand All Life Was Chosen By This Soul As Well As Their Own.
No soul is without a lofty purpose! Here's Your Always Message From Our Beloved Friend, BEKEE LAMES!
You shall know, as you are known!
In the light we rise!

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