
Tuesday, October 11, 2022

An immensely Potent Cosmic BLAST of LIGHT was on its way on 10.10.2022


An immensely Potent Cosmic BLAST of LIGHT was on its way on 10.10.2022 Whose Purpose is to Astoundingly UPGRADE Creation.
Pluto moving forward of Retrograde Motion will also Thrust out Major Transformative Vibrations for All Aspects of Planetary Civilization in Thought. . . Emotions. . . Words. . . and Actions which will Govern Human Experience.
Particular Neutron counts are coming from outside of our Solar System as our planet is BE-ing Activated by Sacred LIGHT Energetics which is Endeavouring to Deeply Clear-Out old planetary programming. . .
Cleanse this REALM and give Greater illumination to Collective Planetary Consciousness.
This is a Space / Time Continuum of GALACTIC Communication—NOT just Communication within and on this particular Planetary Orb.
Watch the Skies!
Those with HIGHER KNOWLEDGE will Fully innerstand this Transmission.
~ 💜 ~
Photo by David Sarah Adams captured on 05.10.2022

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