
Sunday, October 9, 2022

10/10 TODAY... If you were wondering why you are so extremely tired


10/10 TODAY...
If you were wondering why you are so extremely tired in the last few days, the 10:10 portal is part of the reason why. It represents the ending of an important cycle and the beginning of a new one. The energy is really powerful right now. New beginnings. Our DNA is being activated. We are leveling up into higher levels of awareness. Fifth dimension in the physical world. The 10:10 portal is an opportunity for a new earth activation process where we are reaching new timelines and leveling up. Our hearts can open up more, probably at the highest level ever. We are reaching the end of the Ascension process in the physical sense. At the entrance into the year 2023, we will be different and so much more powerful. Put yourself first! You are the most important person for yourself. Connect with your soul, the energy of the universe and your guides. Let them help you in the best possible way. You are building the foundation for your new life within full integration, in the new earth. To receive the light codes and downloads of this powerful portal you need to go within and be in the silence of your soul for as long as it feels good. We are building a new way of living for ourselves and the whole planet. Where we are at the first place, self-love and self worth is really important. We are learning to say no to the things we don’t want/need and saying yes to ourselves. We are creating a life where our children will be able to live freely and according to their own truth. Enjoy the day and rest as much as you can. Your body needs time to unwind and realign, come into balance, inner peace and harmony. Tell are you feeling today? Still tired? Is your ego playing tricks with you and is trying to convince you that your dream life cannot happen? That your beloved is not coming for you?
It is a time of personal development, spiritual awakening and enlightenment, within full balanced scales of hope and realignment. Keep your thoughts, focus and intentions aligned in your soul mission and life purpose, and your elevated vibrations will attract abundance and positive energies into your life, always now!...
with great love always

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