The Final Countdown has Begun...Arrival is Imminent...We are already here and awaiting the Signal.
The EPOC ( Emerald Portal of Creation )TIMES is amongst us ALL. The Second Coming of the Christed Space Angels from the deep waters of space.
We are all here together my galactic & angelic forces of creation. Get ready for the most exciting Grand Entrance we will be making for all the planet to see in amazement and as-tron-ish-ment / astonishment for all to know who we are...every single one of the 144,000.
Our Galactic Armada is Ready & Set to uncloak in a synchronized Harmonic Expression that will Light Up the World like nothing experienced in human history of the Universe. We are to make our most Prestigious & Glorious entrance into God's Kindom of Heaven.
God's most sacred & consecrated space in creation...Earth...the Crystallized Living Akashic Records of All Creation. The Holy of the Holiest Land.
We bring to Humanity the Hermetic / Galactic Teachings of Transce-Ending the limited belief systems of Birth, Aging & Physical Death.
Heaven is the Earth in her transcendent dimension...A realm that is in complete Resonance with our divine Blueprint and awaits our ability to reinstate its true matrix by deciphering through our endocrine & Bioluminescent Light-Substance systems, the codes that will actualize its full Revalation...the codes that are embedded in the light of our Sun.
Captain Kal-El 🧑🏻✈️☝🏼
Sean Christopher
Ascended Universal Master of Holy Terra
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