
Tuesday, September 27, 2022



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Did you miss Saturday’s Galactic Activation Webinar? It was a Great one!

Dear Colleen, Sheldan and Miles, This was one of your best webinars yet! Have Ismael back. His knowledge is impressive. H.K.

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We at PAO are honored to welcome a new and very special guest to our Webinar.

Ismael Perez is an awakened starseed who retains memories of a war waged in our galaxy eons ago. For many years he has been receiving galactic and cosmic intelligence. Inevitably, Ismael’s messages remind us of those Sheldan received from the Galactic Federation.

As one of many cosmic ambassadors incarnated in the here and now, his mission is to help restore Gaia to her rightful place in the galactic community. He is the author of a recent book, Our Cosmic Origin, which took him ten years to write.

Ismael answers many of our urgent questions about Gaia's PAST, PRESENT and, especially, our FUTURE.

Subjects to be discussed:

• About Ismael
How he became a cosmic ambassador
• Our Cosmic Past
Earth's History and Our Human Origins
Where we come from and why we are still in 3D
• Our Cosmic Present
A cosmic take on our chaotic world
Exploring solutions for improving our existing system
• Our Cosmic Future
An explanation of how and when we will evolve
to a higher level of consciousness

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-54 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S

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Soul Groups, Earth based Souls, Interplanetary Souls, and Reincarnation Explained

Source: Gregg Braden Official

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Ashian: The Last Goodbye

Source: Jennifer Crokaert


Jennifer: Greetings! After a rather long … hiatus?

Ashian: Greetings! It is our joy to connect with you all whenever the opportunity arises.

J: Yes, well, uhm…. I’m sorry?!

A: Why apologise, beloved heart? We tell you to follow your heart, your intuition, your guidance. If that does not open space for these communications, it’s because they are not of the right vibration to come through. Now is the moment.

J: ‘the moment’? Should I be alarmed?!

A: No more than normal! We have called out to you because we wish to discuss ‘The Last Goodbye.’

J: Yup ~ first instinct was right: I’m alarmed.

A: You brave light workers, you have been doing the work, there is nothing to fear. Rather, consider this the adrenaline of an athlete just before they compete in the Olympics, having trained for this for their entire career. This is your moment, dearest sisters and brothers of the light.

The suppression of the divine feminine is over. It fell ~ in its most external form ~ with the stated passing of the English queen. Much realignment is now to manifest before you. Yes, it may appear choppy; but that is to give you space in an intense process to move forward, then consolidate, move forward then consolidate.

J: Oh, so the goodbye was to her?

A: Oh No! The goodbye is to you. The old versions of you. You are on the cusp of your evolution, your ascension. We are here to invite you to consciously leave behind the old.

By this we mean tie up loose ends. Are there people you wish to speak with? Apologies you wish to make? Forgiveness that calls out to you, either for yourself or to others? Debts you wish to clear?

Even if it’s not possible physically, set the intention to reach a point of closure and release with all of your past. Say what needs to be said – even if it’s in a letter that’s never posted, the energy will reach the person ~ do what you need to do.

Say Goodbye to the old you. Say Goodbye to your old life. Bless it. Thank it for the richness that brought you to this moment. Everything was and is perfect.

You are invited to release all aspects, all ties, all vows, all debts, all karma…. Ask the Divine Mother to assist you as you prepare to give birth to the new You, the higher vibration of You.

Ask that anything that is still outstanding and requires attention be brought to your attention now. Ask for the wisdom and grace to deal with everything as it unfolds before you.

You chose this path, this ascension path, and we are with you all the way.

Our focus is to help you access the knowingness within you, the power dormant within you, the clarity and insight within. Live from within. Have your centre within, then you can never be led astray.

The realignment this period of time offers you is incomprehensible; sages of generations past have searched for the grace and closure you are being offered at this now moment in your time. When you are in the quietness of your self, your Higher Self can reveal itself, sharing with you insights for growth, expansion and release from the past.

You are so incredibly loved and precious. There is not a single hair on any head that is not known and cherished, so how much more your every dream, your every thought is?

When things you have dreamt of in the past have not worked out, it was not a failure on your part. It was because it was not right for you in that moment. Now you are being offered a blank canvas; as much as you can, avoid dragging the muddy weight of past with you. Let it go. Pray for insight in discerning what to take and what to leave behind.

J: In general, do you feel that we light workers have done ‘enough’?

A: That’s a wide ranging question there! Do you want to ask when ‘soon’ is as well?!

J: Don’t tempt me!

A: Your energy is rising, clarity and truth will emerge with speed.

‘Enough’ is an earth-bound concept, it equates with pass and fail. There is no passing and there is no failure; there is simply the joy of the experience and the journey of evolution you sculpted through the choices you made. We invite you to move into flow, the flow of your life, your heart-knowing, your intuition, your creativity. Let go, as and when you choose, of ideas of ‘enough,’ ‘right and wrong,’ they are a distortion of the sacred masculine energy.


The divine feminine truth that underpins your entire society has been desecrated and demonised for millennia; it is about to burst forth. As you support the feminine within, whether you are male or female, as you nurture yourself and expand compassion into every corner of your life, you assist in the freedom of your sisters and brothers of Gaia.

Over time, through your knowingness, you will find your personal balance with your sacred masculine and sacred feminine energies. You will learn when to yield and when to stand firm; when to incubate and when to create; when to move and when to rest, exploring the interplay between doing and being, divine masculine and divine feminine.

J: Goodness, I did not see that coming!

A: We are pleased! We got to surprise you! So if there was one idea we wish for you to hold on to, it is to explore your intuition, your knowingness, and to take decisions based on that inner voice/knowingness/intuition. It will move you out of your old life, out of the limitations of the past and into the expansion of ascension faster than you can imagine.

J: Oh good: I was worried you’d make it something hard to do!

A: We sense your irony.

J: Said he in a deadpan voice!

A: Smile! You are looking for your intuition to be 100% correct, and for decisions made based upon your intuition to always be ‘right.’ They are always right for you, they are always perfect for you, because they are always revealing your truth to you. Trust that journey, it’s your inner map and compass.

Say goodbye to ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ in your judgements about yourself and your past, and move into an exploration of what brings you light and what makes you feel burdened, heavy and sad. Infuse your life with as much light as you can, and you will bring forth the ascension energies faster than you can imagine: you are that powerful.

J: You’re saying evolution and ascension, as we mature into 5D beings, is about experiencing the journey and the creativity of that journey, as we feel called to explore it. But won’t that make us selfish?

A: Not at all, that’s a common distortion. If everyone followed their light, there would be joy and freedom on your planet, not oppression. Everything that was required would emerge effortlessly.

Your journey and sacrifice is about to yield the fruit you have hoped for and the harvest this year will be glorious, because it will be you, your freedom, your divinity in expression.

We are with you, we love you, call on us if we may assist you.

J: Thanks Ashian. That was jam-packed.

A: Nothing new, you know it already dearest hearts.

Copyright © 2022 Jennifer Crokaert You may also like to check out my YouTube channel


Jerry Andrews: Choosing the New

Source: Jerry Andrews - GoldenAgeofGaia


We continue to experience this new frequency of being in the New Earth and the immediacy of it. We’re seeing what we think about and what we want to create happen. We’re realizing that it is up to us to express what we want to create and not simply accept what is supposed to happen according to the old framework.

The most important thing right now is for us to accept responsibility for our power—the power of our heart consciousness—and to use it to create every day. Each one of us needs to do this.

Here’s an example. Someone mailed me a package on Monday. The tracking information online said it would arrive Thursday. I said, I want it to arrive Wednesday. And it did. So, from our positions in the New Earth,
we are orchestrating what is happening. It’s up to us to consciously do this. We have to drop our old beliefs of this is how it has always happened and KNOW that we can go beyond that. Maybe in short order, I will be able to create the package arriving in 10 minutes. We are steadily moving beyond what has been imposed into our intentional freedom.

I had an appointment to go to, and I wanted it to be over and done with as quickly as possible. As I drove, I pulled the experience into the 5D and said, I don’t want to wait for anyone or anything. My whole appointment took 10 minutes, the fastest it’s ever been. And there was no waiting. We are able to create these seemingly miraculous experiences now because we are in the magic of the new. This magic is simply us using our new abilities and powers in the high frequencies of New Earth.

We are now in the new and we will continue to move into more of the new. We will continue to expand more of the new around us. We will see parts of the old world fall away, because they are no longer a frequency
match. And we will see and have more experiences that are a frequency match.

We are now in the new and we will continue to move into more of the new. There are waves of super strong energy coming in now, and you might feel yourself vibrating from this at times. You may feel yourself unable to function in the cerebral ways you are used to. I have lost my ability to read instructions. I have to do things in a completely intuitive way, and it’s worked beautifully to do this. I am grateful for the people who are still
doing the jobs that need to be done, working in the stores and gas stations and such, as those of us who came here to do this job—of creating the New Earth—work diligently and steadily as well. Our guidebook is within.

We’re listening and following the guidance that continues to show us the way. You may notice your vision improving, your sense of hearing, your sense of smell, all becoming more acute. We are expanding in our cosmic humanness, regaining our starseed makeup.

As a kid I could fly thru the wall of my house and fly around my neighborhood at night to see what everyone was doing. There is so much we know how to do. We are increasingly gifted and increasingly experiencing the magic. A new friend in another state just shared with me that she talks to the trees. I do too, and I have ever since I found out they can communicate.

Our world is so rich and so amazing, and in our New Earth we experience that on a daily basis. Our intuition continues to grow. We can see all kinds of things; we can see lost things. Generally, in the past, I have been better at seeing lost things for other people than myself, but this week, I lost a store card from my wallet, but as I got into the car I “saw” it in the bottom of my purse, and sure enough, there it was. These “seeing” look like snapshots in your head, and how helpful it is to be able to see where something is when it’s been

We become less able to do 3D things and less able to have 3D conversations. We want to talk about what matters—truth and love and peace and beauty and the miraculous natural world around us. We want to
laugh and feel joy, we want to have fun. We want others to drop the heaviness and suffering and victim stories. We want them to stop talking to fill the space. Just be in that space. Celebrate who you are, embrace your power, love yourself. It all starts there.

The heart consciousness is our beautiful new way of being. Let’s be it so that we can all be in the new. The
old is so worn and tired, let’s let it go. This is the power we each hold. We are each creator. We each have choice. What better time than now?

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