
Wednesday, September 28, 2022

PAO's Newsletter 9-28-22


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Greetings from Galactic Heart. . .

We need your help. Our email addresses are being severely attacked again. Yesterday 42 people were "unsubscribed" and 39 of those were all "hotmail" accounts. If you have a hotmail account please add our email address to your contact list. This helps when "hotmail" changes its algorithms. This is a constant problem for PAO and many of your other favorite sites.

Even if you have a different email account, please add our email address to your contact list. If history repeats itself, "gmail" accounts will be next week. ZaZuMa! Together we are Victorious!

Our email address is

Thank you for your help. Galactic Heart posts almost daily and we are witnessing our email list dwindle right before our eyes. We appreciate your help. We will try putting "PAO's Newsletter 9-28-22" in the subject line. Hopefully this will help since key words in the subject line trip the algorithm.

Keep shining your Lights bright in this world and beyond.

Selamat Ja!

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Did you miss Saturday’s Galactic Activation Webinar? It was a Great one!

I loved Ismael. Thank you for introducing him to me. Jim


We at PAO are honored to welcome a new and very special guest to our Webinar.

Ismael Perez is an awakened starseed who retains memories of a war waged in our galaxy eons ago. For many years he has been receiving galactic and cosmic intelligence. Inevitably, Ismael’s messages remind us of those Sheldan received from the Galactic Federation.

As one of many cosmic ambassadors incarnated in the here and now, his mission is to help restore Gaia to her rightful place in the galactic community. He is the author of a recent book, Our Cosmic Origin, which took him ten years to write.

Ismael answers many of our urgent questions about Gaia's PAST, PRESENT and, especially, our FUTURE.

Subjects to be discussed:

• About Ismael
How he became a cosmic ambassador
• Our Cosmic Past
Earth's History and Our Human Origins
Where we come from and why we are still in 3D
• Our Cosmic Present
A cosmic take on our chaotic world
Exploring solutions for improving our existing system
• Our Cosmic Future
An explanation of how and when we will evolve
to a higher level of consciousness

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-54 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S

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Admiral Byrd secret diary Operation High Jump hollow earth

Source: Data1B4

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Source: John Smallman

You are the beloved children of God, forever inseparably in Her Presence.


All are One, there is only One. You, each and every one of you are One with the One. It is that simple. The divisiveness and separation that you experience as humans in form is extremely confusing for you because, for the brief moment that you spend in form, experiencing the pain and suffering of separation, that state of separation appears to your human senses to be very Real. It is NOT! Reality is One, and the sense of separation that you are all experiencing is completely unreal.

The One in Whom you all have your eternal existence is Consciousness, the Effusion of life that flows through your human bodies, the infinite field of energy in which all of Creation, which is God, which is infinite loving Wisdom, or, if you prefer, Love is forever extending Itself in glorious harmony for the joy of All. Every sentient being – every one of you without any exceptions whatsoever – has its eternal existence within (there is no outside to It) this divine Embrace. It is truly impossible to describe It in words, because It is unnameable, or in pictures, because It is beyond vision, or in music, because It is beyond sound. It just IS, and so are everyone of you. When you awaken, as you are now in the process of doing, the wonder of that fully awake and fully aware state – your natural and eternal state of being with myriad senses available to you for your delight and delectation – will ceaselessly amaze you as you are once more fully consciously aware of and experiencing the constantly unfolding joy that is the One, that is You.

You are the beloved children of God, forever inseparably in Her Presence, the only ‘place’ that you could ever be. That you have forgotten this, and are unaware ofit is the reason for all your conflicts and all your suffering. It appears to you that this has been an ongoing experience lasting eons, involving many lifetimes in form, but in truth, as you will realize when you awaken, it has been but momentary, fleeting. The choice to engage with the unreal state of form was one that you made in a very brief moment of confusion about your relationship with Oneness. Because, as the One child of God with Whom She shares her infinite creative powers, you have all the Power that She has and is, you thus constructed that unreal state instantly. In less than the blink of an eye you found yourselves within it, seemingly lost and abandoned by your divine Mother. What a terrifying event for a child of God to experience!

Now, as you are awakening, your fear and terror seem to be increasing. This is because the realization of your powerfully felt, but in truth unreal separation is dawning on you – your egos in form – as you are more fully experiencing the individuality that you have always known and accepted as who you are. This aloneness is something you became aware of during your birthing ordeal, and which was further confirmed as you grew from infancy to adulthood, learning that you were indeed an independent being, and that no one can support you or save you from death and the eternal termination of your living beingness. Death and termination is the only future that vast numbers of you can conceive of. Thus the conflicts between individuals, groups of individuals, and nations intensify, as all of humanity is feeling a sense of group encouragement to take sides, to support the side that they believe will win, in order to ensure their human survival for as long as possible. The sense that eternal termination is all that a human can look forward to is terrifying.

For eons that belief has for many either been denied, or hidden by engaging with dogmatic religious beliefs that purport to be able to offer an alternative to the termination of your beingness that apparently follows your physical death. Some have sought escape from the deep sense of unworthiness to which the apparent separation from Source has given rise by seeking personal advancement in the various hierarchies – family lines, political, religious, business, and social organizations – established to provide a sense of order, of what is right and what is wrong in the activities, discussions, and behaviors in which people take part as an aspect of their cultural inheritance.

None of this works. It cannot work, because you are each sovereign beings, divine creations of Mother/Father/God, permanently and inseparably at One with Her. The pain, suffering, and unbearable uncertainty that life as a human entails can only be relieved, removed, and concluded by remembering, by coming back to the knowing that you are eternally held in the loving embrace of your divine Mother, and fully at One with Her in every moment of your eternal existence. This is what your awakening will bring fully and endlessly into your conscious awareness. Knowing yourselves as One with Source is the most infinitely wondrous knowing and awareness that is possible for you to experience, and you are now in the process of awakening into that divine knowing – Reality.

Do make sure to spend time daily just being, letting go of any expectations of what you might hope to experience, and thus allowing and inviting the peace that is beyond all understanding to embrace you and give you a foretaste, even if only momentary, of the eternal joy that awaits your awakening. The Love that is God, is available to you in every moment when you let go of all self-judgments, negative or positive, because they are of the ego as it attempts to distract you. Be still, be open, and that peace will envelop you, confirming for you your Oneness with Source, and dissolving any remaining doubts about your worthiness of God’s Love for you, or indeed any doubts about the Reality of God.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

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Ascension Frequency

Source: KejRaj

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Greetings friends! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy).

The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. We hope you FEEL our LIGHT and LOVE in this message.

The group of beings on Earth today that are aware of the changes occurring within and around them, aware of Earth and her upliftment into the 5th dimension, have but one question in mind, when is this ascension going to occur?

For one, ascension is happening in this very moment. Of course the ascension you speak of is the actual entrance and knowing that you are in the fifth dimensional reality.

You all know that this is a process. Mother Earth’s upliftment began in the 1940’s, and ’til now it has been very gradual. The procedures and decisions changing from time to time as to how it is all unfold.

From this year of 2022 and beyond, the process will not be so gradual any longer.

The energies are intensifying from moment to moment. All is being cleansed and prepared for the new light. You must release all old thought patterns, beliefs, even your daily routines and diet, in order to cope, integrate, expand and transition with the new refined energies, or depart with the old.

What many have come to know as The Event, is ever nearer. All is ready as far as Galactic preparations are concerned, including full open contact with Earth’s surface only days after the Event.

We will say that in many ways this Event is ascension, it is the frequency of ascension, that is what you are approaching now, however not in its full spectrum. Streams of this wave have reached shore, your heart feels this. After the Event there will be a couple more waves of energy arriving to Earth that will see the completion of the ascension process.

You’ve had one major wave of light in 2012. Then another in 2017, this one really triggered many to awaken, it was the beginning of the awakening process for many. You will experience another grand wave between now and the Winter Solstice of 2022.

The Event itself however, will be the biggest push you will have had on this journey so far. All walls will collapse. This is why we say that for many people it will be ascension.

Now, going back to the question as to when all of this may occur?

First, are you ready for all that is about to take place? We will let you answer this.

One of the keys lies with the Collective Consciousness of Humanity.

How many can be awakened? How many are awakened now? And our answer to that is you have enough. This number continues to increase daily. Enough souls that know you have been manipulated and lied to for millennia. We do not mean awakened as in a “master”. But awakened enough to choose love over everything else, for love conquers all.

Awakened enough to know and realize that today’s so called “normal” is a big lie and have long been questioning the system and have had enough. No longer consent to being “governed”. That is one of the major steps that’s needed to cause the bricks of the system to tremble, that is now about to come down at free fall speeds.

We must not forget to mention the energy, the vibration, it has been continuously rising, even though we have past the energetical point that was needed for all this to occur back on the Spring Equinox.

The second key is Divine Timing. With this, comes trust. You must trust the Divine and not give up before the miracle occurs. Trust that things are being sorted out behind the scenes. You have never been closer to things becoming manifest in your now reality, in the physical realm.

You must have faith that things are being lined up. If you stop everyday for a few moments, take time to go within, and see with your heart, you will see the signs, without any doubt, telling you that what you have been expecting in now truly within reach.

One more thing we must not forget is that in this case, Ascension, the Event and more, are not happening just for you. All this is being brought about and done for billions of other souls and Mother Gaia, and beyond. None of this will happen a moment to soon or too late, the perfect timing will be chosen by the Divine, the Collective of Humanity, and the Higher Dimensional Beings.

Yet once again we say does it really matter what exact date it may unfold on? You know it, you feel it, that it is imminent. The excitement would not be the same, as great, if someone knew exactly when it would unfold. You are here, you have made it, embrace your entire being for choosing to be a part of this Universal shift.

Be patient, be expectant. All pieces are falling into place. All is unfolding in Divine order.

The brightest light shines from within. I am KejRaj!

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