
Wednesday, August 3, 2022

The Ma**rs Mysteries: Inner


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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

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Gori's Journal is a true account of his travels in space. Here are a couple of comments from people who have read Gori's Journal. They Love it! Once again PAO offers a unique e-book for your Galactic Activation. Enjoy!

I just finished reading Gori's account of his journey. Wow! It sure was fascinating from so many perspectives! It brought up sooo many realizations for me, regarding what is happening in our galactic back yard, and how much humanity has been hindered and taken advantage of by those whom the majority has trusted! It also makes sense regarding the "unseen" war that's going on under peoples noses! The cleaning out of the dumbs and everything else! Thank you for sharing this important diary with us! I hope you feel better! Love, Carolin

I somehow lost/deleted? my Gori journal !! Can you please resend, I am happy to pay for it a second time. The journal is fascinating, I am hooked. Thank you for forwarding me a new pdf. Terry

To order your copy and support here.

Gori Meets Da ron  His Closeness Banner

This is a series of excerpts from Gori's Journal

In this excerpt ... Gori tells how he met his closeness at a training institute class.

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Da'ron and I had first met during my final year of study at the advanced training institute for Ancient History at Vel-Cor city. She was in my class on possible implications of the alteration of the clan system during the times of the Sha-Ba'zor. From the first, we could not take our eyes off each other. Our attraction inspired me to study harder than I usually did. To feel such deep emotions another was very strange to me. Half-way through the class, I told Da'ron how I felt about her. She said that she had the same feelings for me. Together, we decided to enter what is called on my world the Guila'yua, or period of closeness. I had long heard of this simple ceremony and the accompanying process from my parents. Now I was ready to experience it for myself. At the time, I was 192 years old and about to join the Planetary Guard. Da'ron was 191 years old.

We decided to convert Gori’s journal into an e-book and are delighted to be able to share it with our PAO community.

How many of us ever have the chance to read a book about space that is not science fiction?

We invite you to enjoy this unique journal. It is a treasure that cannot be hidden any longer!

To order your copy: Click here


The Collective: We are Asking that You just Relax, regarding the State of the World

Source: Caroline Oceana Ryan

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, Archangels, and higher beings known as the Collective:


Greetings, dear ones! Another quick message from the creek side.

We are asking that you just relax, regarding the state of the world.

You might want to think of something that’s difficult for you, about how the world’s economy is going, or how it’s going politically, or global warming, high temperatures—whatever it is that’s troubling you, [as you’re] wondering, “Where’s NESARA? Won’t it ever come?”

And breathe in for just a moment as if all of that were finished, and NESARA was actually here—you were hearing it announced in this moment.

And do what you can to capture the Joy of that!

Put your hand on your heart, and say “Thank you . . . Thank you!” many times over, if that works for you.

If you prefer to jump up and down, or dance or sing, that is fine!

And so, do whatever it is that you would do if NESARA had happened, and the planet was already being assisted by beautiful higher technologies, and higher energies of the Angelic realms and the galactic realms.

For indeed it is already being assisted, it’s just that it will be a far greater level of assistance, once NESARA is fully announced and enacted.

So give yourself that moment, dear ones!

Breathe easily, fully . . . but not too deeply. And there’s no rush . . .

You’re breathing into the calm and the Peacefulness of NESARA, as much as the Joy.

And as you’re watching this water rushing past—look, these are your life energies! Flowing so beautifully.

Does it get stopped by the rocks? No!

It runs over them, and in time it wears them down. No problem!

You are at least as powerful as thousands of years of water, racing away. And at least as Joyful!

So allow yourself that, dear ones!

And with you, we also cheer on NESARA now!

We send much Love, and many blessings.

You are never alone, in any of this.


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Hugely Powerful August 2022 Energies

Source: Daniel Scranton

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“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very excited for the month of August to bring you all that it has to offer. We want you to know that the energies coming in at this time are to support a complete transformation of the consciousness of everyone there on planet Earth who is ready to undergo such a change. Those who are not ready will still have the energies in their field for when they are ready.

We are talking about a profound transformation, a radical difference in the way that you all look at yourselves, each other and the world outside of you. These are the energies that are already upon you and that are shifting you into the next level of consciousness that you are ready to take on at this time. You are ready to embody more of your Source Energy Selves, and we can feel that and so can all of the other beings here in the higher realms. We have all sought to get you to allow in more of your true selves since the very beginning. And we feel that you’ve explored enough of everything else to now get you to the point where you are ready to be more of your whole selves.

You have moments in your lives that are transformative, and many of you speak about them from time to time, but experiences that have nothing to do with what’s going on out there in the physical realm are the ones that transform you the most deeply. You are all ready to experience more of the light and the love, the consciousness of Source. You are ready for that experience if you are receiving this message. As we said, others will wait until they are ready; they have their own timing, and their guides will help determine what that perfect timing is.

But those of you who are a part of the Awakened Collective have the capacity to change in a heartbeat, and we have sensed the readiness within you to do that. Therefore, you can expect your transformation to occur in a moment or overnight. You can expect to feel yourself completely aligned with Source and to never let that feeling go again. You are awake enough to do this. You are ready for it, and now is the time. August is the month where enough energies will be coming together to bring this about in a profound way, and you have all been preparing yourselves for this moment for a long time.

You have done your work. You have harnessed enough of the energies leading up to these August 2022 energies to be able to handle this influx. Your bodies are ready, and your minds are ready. Energetically, many of you have felt ready for quite some time, but you needed more transforming on the physical and mental levels, and now you have it, and there you are. And you can now expect to receive so much more than just a chakra upgrade or just an activation of your gifts. You can expect to feel more at peace and one with All That Is, because that is what you have been building up to all throughout this lifetime, and we are so very eager to see what you do next when you completely acclimate to these energies of August.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


The Mars Mysteries: Inner Cosmos

Source: Gigi Young

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