
Saturday, July 16, 2022

The Great So*lar Fl*as*h: A Few


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Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for July

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Kimberly Meredith is a world-renowned medical medium and healer. Self-taught, she possesses a vast array of healing gifts, all of which she attributes to her connection to God. Deeply rooted in the healing arts – her grandmother was a shamanic healer in Italy – Kimberly’s personal life traumas and Near-Death Experiences led her to discover her own unquestionable talents.

And now she is here! Kimberly shares the intuitive methods that have miraculously alleviated her patients’ mental, emotional and physical ailments, as well as how this spiritual approach to healing connects us all to fifth-dimensional consciousness.


Please join us for an inspirational session that will wrap you in lightness, body, mind and soul.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Kimberley Shares Her Mission’s Current Focus
• Power of Meditation to Activate Soul Healing
• Importance of Nutrition to Help Healing
• Healing Using Mediumship and Blinking Eyes
• Healing with Scalar Energy
• Questing for Fifth Dimensional Consciousness

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After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, July 24, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday July 24, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

$20.00 U.S.


A Message from JESUS

Source:John Smallman

Awaken now into the Love that you are.


Humanity is on a roll! The collective awakening process, in which you are all fully engaged, is moving along quite beautifully, as is to be expected because it is God’s divine will. The chaos and confusion planet-wide are themselves signs of your awakening as people start to become more fully aware of the corruption and dishonesty that has always been an aspect of the illusion that is life in form. The illusion was constructed to experience a sense of freedom, and was established to allow an ‘apparent’ movement away from Love, and for each individual to live without consideration for others if he so chose.

Those in families and tribes did support each other, but could also be banished if their behavior was judged unacceptable for whatever reason. Thus it became necessary to consider individual survival above all other human needs. The realization that All are One was forgotten, hidden from awareness, and the human life being lived was understood to be a one time event that had to be used to the full in order to make the most of the seemingly limited resources available for the individual during the few years of a human life span.

Over the last few hundred years increased awareness has been growing of your interdependence on each other, and on the planet which lovingly provides all you need for your human survival. This awareness has expanded most dramatically over the last four or five decades as you cannot fail to have noticed, and increasing numbers of humans have been living their lives to be at least partially in service to your collective awakening, even though they are probably not consciously aware that they have been doing this. They just considered what they were doing to be normal human nature, the right thing to do.

This intent to be of service has meant that many have ceased to just do their jobs and collect their paychecks, but have also looked into the activities of the organizations that employ them – small businesses, large corporations, other large organizations, and, of course, governments – to see if they were in fact honoring humanity and the planet. This increase in curiosity into as opposed to unthinking acceptance of the activities of large organizations has become progressively more effective in bringing into the public domain information regarding damaging and corrupt activities that need first to be massively curtailed, and then brought to an end to allow human and planetary healing to take place, as the numbers of you paying attention have increased.

Consequentially preparation for your awakening, which has been ongoing since the moment you constructed and engaged with your illusory reality, is now nearing completion and will allow and encourage your awakening to come into full bloom. You will awaken into knowing and experiencing the joy of being Oneness, of being One with M/F/G, the Source of Love from which separation has never occurred.


Keep reminding yourselves of this divine truth:

Separation never happened!

Life in form, although seeming intensely and unequivocally real, is not Reality, it is a moment of confusion, a dream or imaginary state in which momentary experiences can overwhelm you emotionally and psychologically and escort you into words and actions in that state that lead you or others into intense pain and suffering. Yes, there may also be moments of happiness, but mostly you spend your human lives seeking happiness, never ending happiness, and never finding it, a state that resonates with you and which you sense or intuit should be your natural state. And of course it is, but you have lost awareness of it, and the pain of that loss remains with you leading you to seek outside yourselves for what has always been present within you.

You are One, you are Love, because that is how you were created, and what God creates cannot change, being already perfect as divinely intended.

Within the illusion, where you are experiencing life in human form, that does not seem to be true. That is because life in form was constructed – imagined into being – in order to experience a non real state, and that is what you are experiencing. However, you can choose to return to complete wakefulness – REALITY – just by setting the intent to do so, because you are very powerful divine beings. Doing this is what the awakening process is all about, so make the choice now to wake up. You have the absolute right to make this choice, and in order to awaken you must completely freely – by your own utterly free will – make and set this intent. No one else can do it for you, because you are sovereign beings on whom nothing can be imposed.

Awaken now into the Love that you are, and share and extend that Love with all of humanity, because that is why you incarnated to be present in human form at this moment in humanity’s collective spiritual evolution – your AWAKENING into REALITY!

So, I emphasize and repeat yet again, it is absolutely essential that you take time daily – numerous times if you can – to go within to your holy inner sanctuaries and invite Love into your hearts to embrace you, and from there flow abundantly out from you to all sentient life where it will be felt – experienced – most powerfully. That is, as I said above, why you are here NOW!

Remember, there are NO accidents or coincidences, everything has a divine purpose. Yours is to awaken, and to assist others to do likewise – not by proselytisation, argument, or persuasion – just by most beautifully demonstrating love in action simply by being you. That is your divine purpose as a human in this and, as long as time continues to flow, every moment.

You can do it. You incarnated to do it.

And you have the infinite and most powerful support and enthusiastic encouragement from those in the non physical realms who are watching over you constantly, ever ready to respond whenever you choose to call on them for further assistance.

Your loving brother, Jesus.


As always use discernment with timings

The Great Solar Flash: A Few Facts

Source: Aurora Ray


The Great Solar Flash is a unique event that will take place very shortly on our planet!

For many years, people have been looking for this event. It has been called a "phantom" event by some, but it is real. It has been recorded in history since at least AD 778.

The Flash would be a powerful burst of cosmic light that would leave you feeling as if you had been reborn, as every cell of your being was recharged with new energy. The Flash of light that will be seen for miles as it illuminates the sky.

It will cleanse your body and your consciousness of all negative energies.
The light of the solar Flash will eliminate most diseases and illnesses. It will have a positive effect on your DNA and on the evolution of mankind.

The Great Solar Flash is a potential future event that will be caused by the solar system entering a new state of higher consciousness.

The occurrence of this event will be triggered by the Sun entering into a new level of awareness, which will then trigger the Sun's magnetic field to become aligned with Earth's field and cause an energetic shift in our solar system.

This can happen at any time during the next few days.

The Solar Flash is a very rare and powerful event that occurs once every 1,500 years. It occurs when the Sun becomes so large that its gravity can no longer hold it in orbit around Earth. The Sun will then explode, greatly expanding its size and sending out lethal radiation throughout the solar system.

The light of the solar Flash will be like nothing you have experienced before—it will be an explosion of light that will fill every dimension of space-time with its healing power.

It's the only way to avoid a collapse of civilization and the only way to save our planet from pollution and damage.

This solar Flash is an intense one that often brings physical, emotional, and mental changes to allow you to clear old patterns and let go of old beliefs that no longer resonate with you.

It's a great time to take action on your goals and dreams, as well as to deepen your commitment to your spiritual practice.

This solar Flash can be a difficult time for you if you've been holding onto old patterns or beliefs that no longer serve you.


For example, if you have been in an abusive relationship for many years but now want out of it, it may be a challenging time for you to let go of the attachment and hurt that happened in that relationship.

This is just an example of how this solar Flash can affect your life depending on how much emotional energy it carries into your reality.

The Solar Flash is a powerful and sacred tool that has been used for thousands of years. It was originally designed to help people who were experiencing difficult times, but it can also help you in your ascension process.

The Great Solar Flash helps in our ascension process by helping us to become more aware of our connection with the Galactic Family and with Mother Earth.

This is also a time for us to remember where we came from, why we are here, and what our purpose is in this life experience on Earth.

The solar Flash can help you communicate with your higher self as well as guide you through the process of ascension.

It will also help you to identify what is blocking you from moving forward in your life so that you can clear these ideas out of your mind and move forward with confidence.

The solar Flash will give you a glimpse into what's going on around the planet at this moment in time and how it relates to your own personal development. This will help to give you insight into what's happening in the universe around us at large and also within our own lives.

The Solar Flash is the moment when your Lightbody and the Earth's aura merge. This is an incredibly powerful moment in our ascension process, as you will be able to feel the Earth's energy flowing through you.

You will feel how it connects with your own energy field and merges with it, making a complete whole.

At this point, we can safely say that you are truly one with the Earth, for you have become one with Source energy! You are now a walking embodiment of Love and Light, for you have merged with Mother Earth herself.

The Solar Flash is a powerful healing and ascension process. It is the final step of the solar cycle when the Sun reaches its highest point in our sky. This event occurs when the Earth passes through a large patch of plasma, which connects us with higher dimensions.

The Solar Flash is a gift that we can receive when we are ready to ascend and be with our true selves. The best way to prepare for this event is through meditation and by doing the work required for ascension on Earth.

This process helps us release old patterns, beliefs, and attachments that no longer serve us so that we can move forward with clarity and purpose. We will learn how to live from a place of love rather than fear or resistance. This is why the Solar Flash is such an integral part of our ascension process!

We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.

Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.


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