
Wednesday, July 13, 2022



SANANDA (JESUS) Channeled by Maria Cecilia Ngari ASCENSION AROUND THE CORNER beloved brothers. The time has come for the Ascension of all the souls who have decided to rise towards the 5D. On a very deep level, your spirit has already chosen what he wants to do with his life. Surely, those who do not want to get out of their comfort zone, will continue to sleep. But they will not access the Earth of 5D. There are no trials. There is no sentence. No one is going to scold you for choosing her, whoever she is. Nobody will be able to say that they have not been warned. We have been informing you for a long time about the Planetary Transition, about the NESARA/Gesara law, about the new quantum financial system. Right now all the domino pieces are falling. We are now at the end of the game. We just have to fully materialize the brilliant victory of the light. Which is already on other planes. The sleeping ones, who will go to other three-dimensional planets, are given another opportunity to continue evolving at their own pace. In this way, they may even be aware of the changes, or of the Planetary Transition, since they will continue to experience the pain, suffering, corruption, hunger, illnesses, and above all fear, that characterize 3D. Already the beings who decided to ascend, enter the galactic society of 5D, with all that that entails. They will have to get used to the use of new Technologies that will help you create. And that is what they will do most of the time. They will have to master the process of creation. They will have to know the universal laws and know how to use them correctly. They will Masterfully use the other senses beyond the five of the physical body. You will learn to use your new crystalline based body, and to deal with the Antahkarana bridge, as the left and right hemispheres of the brain will be United. Another big event that is coming up will be the disclosure of the existence of aliens. Many will be extremely shocked when they show up above your heads. So my beloved ones, prepare yourselves for the new life that is coming your way. Nothing will be like before. Heaven joins Earth. Life will be very pleasant. Very light work for those who decide to exercise in what pleases them. They will no longer be forced to work from dawn to dusk to make ends meet and bring food to their family. All will be abundant and prosperous. The love between all will be the tonic. Fraternity, generosity and freedom of being will prevail over everything else. Get used to being happy. All the rest will come in addition. I am Sananda and I love you dearly.

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