
Saturday, July 30, 2022

Old Souls vs New End of the Review Stage..


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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

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Here are a couple of comments from people who have read Gori's Journal. They Love it! Once again PAO offers a unique e-book for your Galactic Activation. Enjoy!

I just finished reading Gori's account of his journey. Wow! It sure was fascinating from so many perspectives! It brought up sooo many realizations for me, regarding what is happening in our galactic back yard, and how much humanity has been hindered and taken advantage of by those whom the majority has trusted! It also makes sense regarding the "unseen" war that's going on under peoples noses! The cleaning out of the dumbs and everything else! Thank you for sharing this important diary with us! I hope you feel better! Love, Carolin

I somehow lost/deleted? my Gori journal !! Can you please resend, I am happy to pay for it a second time. The journal is fascinating, I am hooked. Thank you for forwarding me a new pdf. Terry

To order your copy and support here.

Gori Comments on the Dinoids  Presence on Terra Banner

This is a series of excerpts from Gori's Journal

In this excerpt ... Gori describes how he and his planet fight against a Dinoid invasion.

After the fourth day of the invasion, a curious event occurred on the surface of Cem-Lam. The central districts of major cities began to blink on and off as if they were reflecting the sunlight from Anix. I at first assumed that the Dinoids were in the process of conducting bizarre experiments on Cem-Lam’s surface. Right away, I tuned to the special channel reserved for the Bubar to see if I could learn anything and discovered that troop commanders on the surface were as surprised as I was. It seemed that my uncle had left the Bubar and his men a parting gift. The blinking light indicated that the Planetary Guard had wired the planet with a certain explosive that would cause particles of the planet to radiate out in trajectories even more deadly than the Dinoids could have imagined. It was a signal that, if they destroyed our planet, they would also destroy a large part of their fleet.

We decided to convert Gori’s journal into an e-book and are delighted to be able to share it with our PAO community.

How many of us ever have the chance to read a book about space that is not science fiction?

We invite you to enjoy this unique journal. It is a treasure that cannot be hidden any longer!

To order your copy: Click here


Releasing Mental Ties by the Arcturians

Source: Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa


Greetings, beloved beings of light, we are the Arcturians. We come forth in gentle waves of light, to support your transitions in the world. We wish to support you in moving your mind, your mental state, your perspectives into new dimensions of light. Allowing you to connect on a deeper level and with greater understanding with your guides and beings within the Universe of the Creator that wish to support you in your ascension.

To shift your mind, your mental state into new dimensions of light, therefore, accessing wisdom and enlightenment, there is a need to release mental ties. In doing so, you will let go of all that is anchoring you into your current dimension and reality and the way you perceive your reality in the now. As you release ties within your mental body and your mind, you will be able to understand, see, sense and acknowledge with greater clarity and sensitivity. Opening up your energy to new connections, communications and understandings that serve you in your ascension pathway now.

We wish to speak of releasing mental ties, we invite you to imagine that a memory or a thought is like a circle or a bubble and that your attachment to these memories or thoughts is like a cord or a string. When you are attached to certain memories or thoughts, they influence your understanding of the world within and around you, including your ascension Journey. When you let go of attachments, cords or strings to thoughts or memories that are holding you back, then it is a liberating experience that allows you the space and ability to gain clarity and view other dimensions of light.

When we speak of attachment, we are speaking of a thought, or a memory that you are holding on to and that you are energising and inviting to support you in creating your reality. For example, there may be a memory from your childhood that even now causes you pain, embarrassment or fear. This is a memory and experience that you are holding onto, there is a cord attached to it, you are giving it energy and it is supporting you in creating your reality. When you remember a circumstance or experience, the fear, pain or whatever emotion you experience is supporting you in creating your reality. You may feel that you are not holding on to this memory. It may feel too painful to even remember, but the energy requires to be resolved. Once it is resolved the emotion is resolved and the attachment disappears. The memory simply becomes a memory, it is filed into the library of experiences and when you think of it, there is no reaction within you, it is simply a memory.

Some memories may activate peace, joy, and love, these are appropriate. These are the energies that you wish to create your reality with, you wish to look into your reality through glasses of joy, happiness, love, and peace rather than fear, anger or pain.

We begin to recognise that when there is an attachment, a cord, we are holding on to that experience, energising it, and using it to create our reality. Therefore, it requires to be resolved, we can learn from it, and then file it away as a memory that brings wisdom rather than a memory that creates an activation within your being.

We now move on to the next stage of how to release these cords, and ties that anchor you into certain dimensions and perspectives.


There is first a need to recognise the experience, accept that it is unresolved, accept that there is a tie to this experience and that it is like an anchor holding you in a certain perspective.

All of this will support a release, and you may ask the experience or memory, what the message is that you need to understand, that you need to carry with you from now on as a gift, a treasure? What was learned from the experience? What can you embody instead as a result of the experience? And what positive empowering embodiment can be gained?

You may even need to ask, is there anything else that needs to be acknowledged in order for this tie to be severed?

When you feel ready, when you feel you have gained everything that you need to then you can call upon us the Arcturians or your guides to cut, sever and dissolve the ties, whatever feels appropriate, maybe it is to melt the ties and to file away the memory in your library of memories.

If you find that you are unable to dissolve that tie, you may need to sit in the energy of the experience, accepting it. Focusing upon it until it dissolves, it will melt away. Sometimes energies and experiences simply need your attention almost as if they are required to be watched or observed as they release and disperse. The more that you can release mental ties, even ties to belief systems that are anchoring you in a certain perspective. You will find that your state of mind awakens and expands and that you are able to connect with new dimensions, with very little effort. You will also find that you are more able to be in the present and to enjoy the present moment.

Please know that we the Arcturians are present to support you.

We thank you and we love you,

We are the Arcturians


The Dancing Energy Patterns of Our Cosmic Environment

Source: Kenneth Schmitt


Thousands of years ago Socrates proposed that our world is an illusion, like a play projected onto a screen, with our recognition of the characters being merely the shadows of reality. Today we would call our world a hologram or a virtual reality experience. It is an illusion of sorts. Our experiences are real for us, but they are different from the empirical awareness we believe them to be.

From quantum mechanics we know that everything is patterns of electromagnetic energy constantly moving and interacting according to conscious direction. The world of our experience is constantly created by the consciousness of humanity, and our individual experience results from our own predominant thoughts and emotions. We are energy modulators with our perspectives and our creative abilities of mental and emotional alignments.

Our free will allows us to focus our attention on any patterns of energies that we choose. We are like TV tuners with an infinite number of stations. When we are awake, we are constantly paying attention to something. Each moment presents a choice. Portions of our experiences are like a virtual-reality experience, because we can’t influence what’s happening. It’s all pre-programmed. What’s important in these experiences is the level of vibrations and polarity that we maintain or react with. They direct the quality of our coming experiences during the portions of our lives that are free from karmic and pre-birth planning.

What, then, is real about our current lives on Earth? We can begin with our present awareness. Who is it in us that is aware? Are there things that we can’t be aware of, if we want to? If so, what limits our awareness? Is our reception too weak? The energetic patterns are available for us to pay attention to, and the signal strength (the amplitude of the wave patterns) is universal. It’s just up to us. We need to set our intention with our imagination and feelings and then pay attention always to the first impressions that arise for us as we journey toward our goal.

Besides our present awareness and its potential, what is real about our lives? It is our dance with the energetics. Because we have the ability to be mentally and emotionally selective, we can choose the polarity and vibratory level of the moment to align ourselves with, regardless of apparent circumstances. To accomplish this, we can remove our awareness from empirical engagement. With practice we can just be aware. This allows us to use the full power of our life force in any energetic interaction, and our intuition will guide us unerringly.

The empirical world may seem real to us, because we believe it is so, but our energetic experiences are what’s real. In the essence of our consciousness, we are able to be aware of all energetic patterns and interpret those in the spectrum of human experience as empirical. On a creative level, we can interact with the energies that will manifest as our experiences.


The End of the Review Stage

Source: Archangel Gabriel via Shelley Young


We have spoken of how many of you are going through a life review as you wrap up the first phase of your incarnation. This can involve many old memories coming up, processing old hurts or disappointments, identifying themes and patterns, and having emotions come up for identification and release.

You prioritize the processing of the heavier energies first. But there is another part of life review that many of you don’t realize, and many of you may be starting to experience. It is examining the successes of your life, and having the awareness to acknowledge the things that you did very well. These memories or awarenesses may start coming to light for you. As they do, it is an indicator that you are nearing the end of the review stage.

Just looking at what you consider to be wrong is not a true and complete review. There must also be an accounting of what you did that made a positive difference, the acts of kindness, the growth you accomplished, and the connections and love you shared.

Isn’t it interesting that it seems there is much more to be released than there is to be celebrated? That is because what needed to be released is not indicative of the real you. It is harder for you to assess your successes, your kindness, your innate goodness because that is your truth. It doesn’t stand out as much because it is who you are. But it is important to acknowledge your strengths and successes because your review is designed to bring you clarity on what you wish to carry forward with you to grow and expand upon.

You are purity and goodness at your core. You are divinity in a body. A large part of the embodiment process is simply recognizing that truth and allowing it to lead the way forward. This is why self love is such an essential part of the enlightenment process. You must have the ability to assess yourself accurately, not just through the lens of what is wrong, but through the lens of what is absolutely wonderful about you, as well.

It is only through your fair and true self acknowledgement you will finally give yourself permission to let your beingness lead the way, secure in the knowingness it is more than enough. And that, Dear Ones, is exactly the times you are in right now and the task at hand as you prepare to step fully into the next phase of your incarnation.


The New Earth & Old Souls vs Young Souls

Source: Dorothy Shelton

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