
Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Galactic Heart


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Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for June


Now, in our 51st Webinar, PAO is coming back to its roots.

Not since Sheldan himself shared his contact experiences have we had a guest so in tune with PAO’s beginning and beliefs. Glenn arrives with a wealth of evidence about ETs on Earth and in the universe. He is keen to share his own unique UFO experiences, and those of countless others, with us.

Enjoying an active involvement in contact history for most of his lifetime, Glenn champions the accuracy and truth of higher-consciousness visitors to our planet.


His dedication to UFology is focused and heroic. His presence is powerful and his dedication fierce. We are privileged to welcome Glenn as our guest.

Please join us for a rare cosmic opportunity to ‘get galactic’!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Glenn Shares His Mission’s Current Focus
• George Adamski, UFO Historian
A Brief Look at Adamski’s Disclosure Contributions
• Disclosure Cover-ups
Conspiracy Theories and Ridiculing of Sightings
• Alien Bases on the Moon
Exposing the Myth Behind the ‘Dead Moon’
• Cosmic Hoax Fear-Mongering
Creating Xenophobia Concerning a False Flag UFO Invasion
• Advanced ETs with Higher Consciousness
Dark ETs vs Benevolent ETs - A Look Towards our Galactic Future

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After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, June 26, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday June 26, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.



Source: John Smallman


You are never alone! There is only One – and this is NOT a limitation! You, every sentient being, are One with Source always and without interruption; for you to be separated is impossible. However, by incarnating as a human each one of you chose to experience separation and amnesia. The separation that you are experiencing is unreal, illusory, and when you awaken the illusion and all its effects will just dissolve, leaving behind no trace or memory whatsoever.

The way lovewards, towards your awakening, is via your daily periods of quiet and stillness within your holy inner sanctuaries, where Love waits constantly and most patiently for your invitation for It to embrace you. Because of your doubts about your worthiness to enter into the Presence of God you have placed a shield, a veil, a faint mistiness between you in your human form and the Oneness with which you are eternally and inseparably One, making it very difficult for you to be aware of, conscious of that divine state from which you have never for even an instant departed. You are eternally, since the moment of your creation, inseparably One with M/F/G, in a state of complete harmony and bliss. That is very hard for you to accept as the divine truth, because you so expertly constructed the illusory state into which to chose to enter in order to block from yourselves any knowledge of your true nature. You have most effectively fooled yourselves about who you are, about your true and unchangeable divine nature.

That is why your daily times of quietness deep within yourselves, where you choose not to engage with the distractions with which your egos – the illusory or dream state of the collective ego – are constantly bombarding you. That is their purpose, because when you finally choose, as you will, to pay them no attention, they will be no more, and that is something that absolutely terrifies them. The part of you that is in fear is your ego, and it wants desperately to keep you focused on fear, on thoughts of – oh my god, what if? Or maybe this? I hope not – because your fear guarantees its survival. All you have to do is to face your fear and move beyond it, because you know, deep within yourselves, that there is nothing to fear.

Momentary fear can be useful to bring to your attention a threat to your physical bodies right now so that you can circumvent or evade it. However, fear is only meant to be momentary, but over the eons your various families, tribes, and nations have developed it beautifully as a means to control you, and you are taught from infancy to give your sovereign power – it is yours, and yours alone – away to self-appointed authority figures overseeing factions, syndicates, or consortiums that they have established to control and manipulate you for ‘your own good!’

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The ego delights in power over others so that it can control and manipulate them. But that is not power, it is just a momentary sensation that it keeps on needing to reconfirm and re-establish. Apparent power over others is very seductive, and your egos are always seeking it by expressing themselves as authority figures, or victims, both of which are just ego-driven ones desperately seeking attention – admiration or pity – but what they are truly seeking outside the self in this manner, where it can never be found, is Love.

Love is the only true power, It needs nothing because It has everything which It offers freely and abundantly to everyone. It is your power which is always available, longing to flow through you in absolute abundance to embrace all with whom you interact in any manner at all. You have all met and interacted at some time with at least one person who has demonstrated unconditional love and acceptance of you, or others, and it always leaves a lasting and inspiring impression. Well, understand that you are that person!

Frequently, however, you mask yourselves – most excellently demonstrated during the last two years! – because you do not trust yourselves, believing that others will judge you as weak and perhaps take advantage of you if you offer kindness and compassion.You all wonder how others see you and hear you, and what their opinions of you are, and this is an egoic mannerism of which you are mostly unaware because you identify with it, you think it is who you are. Believing that leads you to behave in a fashion that you think and hope will gain you the appreciation and respect of your peer group, but no matter how much appreciation and respect it appears that you are receiving – never mind what they may be saying about you behind your back! – it is never enough, you always need more!

You are perfectly well able to understand that your egos will never be satisfied, that there will always be something more that they insist you need to make you happy, to bring you peace. Well, now is the time to cease paying attention to them, to let them go. They have never served you well, they are incapable of doing so, and you know that because you are constantly feeling dissatisfied with your lives – I’m not smart, attractive, intelligent, wealthy, respected, honored enough – as they direct your focus of attention on your seeming inadequacies. ALL of which are invalid. You are a divine and therefore perfect creation of M/F/G, so demonstrate your love, honor, and respect for M/F/G by loving, honoring, and respecting her perfect creations – you yourselves!

The lesson to learn from being a human in form is that you were created perfect to be just you, no one else, just you. However, your egos keep on suggesting that you should model yourselves on others, truly successful people – others who may in fact be attempting to model themselves on you! – because as you, you can never be good enough. What a totally insane philosophy to attempt to live by.

Let go of your egos now. Be yourselves, your true loving, perfect selves, enjoy life because, as you will find, there is so much about it that is truly enjoyable when you let go of negative self-judgment and doubt.

With so very much love, Saul.

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The Arcturian Group

Source: Marilyn Raffaele on GoldenAgeofGaia


Dear readers, welcome to this message which in reality is your message because consciousness draws to itself that which it is in alignment with and thus through these messages you are attracting to yourself what it is you need to know, understand, and are ready for. This is why it is so important to be aware of what you hold in consciousness.

World events continue to cause stress and confusion for everyone. Those who have attained a consciousness of oneness understand that there is an energetic shift taking place but they too are experiencing a sense of sadness because they know that the world could be so different. Never forget that a new and different world is the goal, the Divine Plan, and will happen. Allow the process dear ones for all is proceeding according to plan and anything not in and of Divine consciousness is temporary.

Many of you are finding yourselves increasingly drawn to step back from activities and people that were once important to you. This is because you have evolved and your consciousness no longer resonates in alignment with some of these activities and individuals. It does not mean that these things were inappropriate or false, it simply means you have moved into a different state of consciousness.

When you choose to withdraw from things that once played a large part in who you were it often brings angry responses from those who were involved with you through activities or as companions. Your withdrawal is seen as personal rejection by those not yet able to comprehend that energy seeks to align with like energy and your energy has changed.

Love those who may feel hurt and rejected because you no longer enjoy doing the things you once did. Do not engage in argument. Participate now and then, because it doesn’t hurt to “play the game” in order to be loving on a level they can understand. It often happens that those who have been close long time friends are open to the idea that some things may feel finished for you and it is not a personal rejection of them. These friendships often continue in a higher and more satisfying form.

Everything presently known and accepted in the third dimension belief system is changing. Some things will change radically and some not, but as collective consciousness increasingly awakens it cannot help but manifest as higher forms. Many long established institutions and belief systems will no longer be as they have been because the energy that maintained and sustained them will no longer exist.

Those living fully in the three dimensional belief system and dependent on the outer world for their good are experiencing fear at this time. Change is destroying the illusory foundation they have built their lives on leaving them floundering and confused. However, the crumbling of a false foundation is often the wake up call necessary to force them into new and higher ways of thinking. Allow the process dear ones, just allow, trust and know that everything taking place at this time is a facet of earth’s ascension process even if things do not appear to be very spiritual.

Third dimensional living is built on and manifests from what is already known and accepted in a universal consciousness of duality, separation, and two powers. Because they do not yet understand that all answers lie within, the majority continues looking to the “experts” in all areas of life–religion, philosophy, education, law, medicine, government etc. for answers, truth, and knowledge.

​Because most experts research, draw information, and come to conclusions through the three dimensional belief system, the facts they promote and which have come to be accepted as the final word on a topic, will change as consciousness changes, leaving these experts and those dependent on their findings confused, angry, lashing out, and resisting as new ideas begin to surface.

The findings of experts have always been considered to be truth in the minds of most but as increasingly more individuals awaken and begin to trust their intuition they are starting to question many commonly accepted beliefs. Through their newly awakened awareness they are looking at the world with new eyes and choosing to reject many of the long held societal and religious rules that have held them in bondage.

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Many young people today are rejecting commonly accepted three dimensional rules and regulations to the dismay of their parents. Large numbers of very evolved souls chose to incarnate at this time in order to add the Light of their evolved consciousnesses to the collective. The majority of them long ago evolved beyond what the earth’s present day belief system still considers to be real and important. To their evolved states of consciousness, many current three dimensional rules and regulations just seem silly, unimportant, and irrelevant.

The density of earth’s energy prevents them from actually remembering who they are and why they came. They don’t understand why they are “different” and frequently do not fit in with their peers. Because of this many have become depressed, confused, and even suicidal. However with time and maturity most will eventually come to understand that they must play the three dimensional game a bit in order to be understood by those not yet at their level of awareness and do what they came to do.

Parents, do not try to force these children into three dimensional molds they have evolved beyond. They need loving guidance for living in a world that does not fully resonate with them, but allow your intuition to guide you rather than societal opinion.

Fear is the reason so many continue holding fast to obsolete beliefs even when they have resulted in painful, unfulfilling, and sometimes downright horrible life experiences. Fear is nothing more than an expression of separation consciousness and is the underlying source of every discord on earth.

​When a person believes themselves to be separate from God, people, other life forms, and what they need, they feel unloved and unwanted. Not knowing how to deal with these emotions, they frequently blame those in their life lashing out at them physically, emotionally, and mentally in an attempt to prove that they are “somebody”, have power, and are worthy of respect and love. This can easily be observed in individuals rich and poor, some police, governments, some military, corporations, and in many present day three dimensional institutions.

Open yourselves to the Light dear ones. Allow the fresh air of that which is new and higher to have a prominent place in your thinking rather than continuing to constantly compare the present with the past. Despite what many believe and hope for, the past is not going to return exactly as it was because the energy that formed it is no longer the same. Consciousness is the substance of form and the collective is in the process of opening to a new and higher state of consciousness.

Allow yourself to let go of anything that feels finished and complete regardless of what others may tell you. Empowerment is the trusting of and acting upon your inner guidance and intuition.

BEing Light does not mean you must always be consciously thinking of spiritual truth. Once a consciousness of truth and oneness is attained, it is yours forever and will continue to spiritually unfold because Consciousness is infinite. Know that you can never revert to an outgrown state of consciousness even if you should try as some have done in the hope that it would make life easier.

When you are happy, doing what you love, your energy vibrates at a higher frequency because love and joy are the reality. Because there is only ONE, the state of your consciousness effects everyone else. Spending time in the nature, smelling and appreciating the beauty of a flower, watching children play, reading a good book, talking with friends, doing work you love, or engaging in a creative activity that you enjoy are all spiritual activities because they lift your energy into a higher frequency.

The belief that you are not being spiritual when you engage in activities other than conscious worship or formal prayer reflects old religious teachings and dogmas that remain alive and well even today. Teachings that say the enjoyment of ordinary human living is not spiritual are still prevalent in some churches, even to the point of dictating rules regarding exactly which activities are spiritual and permitted and which are sins worthy of punishment.

​It has long been taught that suffering brings a person closer to God, that in order to become “holy” a person must suffer and offer the suffering to God in reparation for their innate human sinfulness as if God could be happy in the suffering of ITself individualized . Some believe that if they aren’t suffering enough they must help things along through activities that bring about physical pain. If suffering existed in Divine Mind, it would be permanently held in place by Divine Law, never to be healed or changed.

These teachings began long ago because they allowed those in power, especially religious power, to control and take from the lives of a majority that was uneducated and naive. Most of you have lived lives under the influence of these beliefs and may find that they occasionally pop up in your thinking about suffering. Suffering can indeed be a wake up call for those who need it, but concepts about suffering giving pleasure to God must be seen for the nonsense they represent and once and for all be let go.

Know that…
God does not, never has, and never will take pleasure in the suffering of ITself as you.

We are the Arcturian Group 6/5/22


Galactic Heart Breathing Meditation - Portal into the Golden Age

Source: Simone M. Matthews

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