
Thursday, May 26, 2022

Your Earthly Body


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Colleen and Miles, I'm with you. Jared is a favorite. He is knowledgeable and puts a positive spin on our future. Have him back again and again. CAM

Hi darling Colleen, Thank you so very much for the amazing webinar yesterday. I listened to the whole thing again today as I missed some at the beginning. It was soooo informative and everything that was said totally resonated with every cell of my being, sweetheart. You're amazing and I love and appreciate you and all you do for humanity so very much. SM

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Did you miss Sunday’s Galactic Activation Webinar?

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What an occasion – it’s PAO’s 50th Webinar!

For 50 Sundays, Colleen and Miles have brought you the information, the courage and the heart to enlighten – and enbrighten - you through some extremely difficult days. Well, we’ve made it this far, and we, as a Light community, are aiming to make it all the rest of the way to Ascension!

In the meantime, here we are, marking 50 Galactic Activation get-togethers – and who better to help us celebrate than one of PAO’s most engaging and popular guests, Jared Rand!

Jared will discuss how our world is moving ahead through the necessary stages that will lead us all to better times. He will tell us how his Celestial Chamber Project is progressing, and explain how the Deep State’s fortress is rapidly – and inevitably – about to collapse like a house of cards.

We invite you to watch this very special celebratory Webinar. It can’t be a party without you!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Jared Updates Us On His Mission’s Current Focus
• Our World in Transition
Flowing with the Winds of Change
• Information Narratives
A Double-Edged Sword
• Celestial Chambers
Progress Report
• Awakening to Ascension
Exploring the Process of Accelerating our Timelines

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-50 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S

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No One Can Beat a Shaolin Master and Here Is Why

Source: Mind Warehouse

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Celebrate PAOs 50th Webinar Donation Banner 2

Pay Attention. We Are All In This Together

Source: Lorie Ladd

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Your Earthly Bodysuit

Source: Judith Kusel


All is intensifying as the higher dimensional and consciousness states are being revved up and thus we are going through a huge morphing process.

Note, if the caterpillar, when knowing that it is about to liquidized, in order to become a butterfly buys into the fear or resistance modes, it will simply wither and die, and never allow itself to go through the most amazing transfiguration process into a butterfly.

The same applies to us.

We are being liquidized, and we are being reformed, reinvented, reshuffled, and thus dissolving into the New Lightbody form.

This process has been known within the great religious holders of information for many thousands of years. Indeed, the Buddhist monks have been witnessed, as when they reach a certain state of enlightenment (thus literally being lit up or illumined from within as their Lightbody form is firmly rooted in), to simply ascend and leave only hair and finger and toenails behind.

In other religions it is often referred to as donning the garments of Glory and wearing the Crown of Glory.

This why saints have been painted with halos around their heads, and even rainbow light radiating forth from in and around them.

Those souls who wish to ascend into the New Earth and thus the 5th and 7th dimensional states, are going through this process, each one, according to his or own soul’s readiness to do so, and readiness of the Lightbody, whether formed or in the process of forming.

I was told that this a very personal process. No soul is alike.

For the physical body, the old 3D body, needs to lose its density, its very low vibration. The New Lightbody form is much lighter, and thus is not so dense.

Listening to Mary Rodwell in her interview with Todd Medina the other night, one of the children she had worked with, described it so beautifully. In his true soul state, he works on the Intergalactic Ships. When he then needs to go back in this physical form, when waking up, he simply takes off his bodysuit, on the spaceship, and then enters the bodysuit on planet earth! Yes, that is how it works.

The physical form is but a vessel, a bodysuit.

And that bodysuit now is being transformed, so that our souls can assume a brand-new body suit, which we can use in the 5th and 7th dimensional state, that of the New Earth!

So expect more body changes, more intense and immense upgrades as the Solar Flares and the intensity of the Schumann frequencies are amplifying the work done on our physical forms in myriad of ways!

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