
Monday, May 2, 2022

Love Text By Ava Bird today i texted myself: i love you


Love Text

By Ava Bird

today i texted myself:

i love you


dont forget

to leave a light on

try to turn on

tune in

drop into

third eye advice

if we're really tuned in

i can see the blinking blings &

lights and rooms

in houses and eyes

blues hearts, lightening

connections and shivers

sounds of saws and alarms and showers,

earths quaking under my pillow fairy's

leaving notes under cracks

saying thanks

thanks for being a good neighbor

thanks for being a good earth steward

thanks for polishing the mirrors clean

remove shoes and armor

thanks for the turn signals

signaling time

to let go

and go


thanks for the smile

and you

have a blessed day!


Click here to

Ava Bird's poetry in pdf format

(Follow Down the linked page here)


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