
Saturday, April 30, 2022

Gori Reflects on Humanity's Future


Gori Reflects on Humanity s Future

In this excerpt, Gori Reflects on Humanity's Future

My log would tell everything about this strangely beautiful world. The Americas' landmass was indeed the strangest of all. Within its borders lived the most advanced, and the most primitive, societies. It was interesting to use these observations to predict its future. That future could be either encouraging or dismal. Only the primitive humans that controlled its surface would be able to make the choice. I had hope that the planet would survive and its Humans would learn the necessary lessons. If these lessons were properly applied, its civilization would survive and prosper. That determination would be made in the next few years and then only an intervention by the Planetary Union would resolve any bad decisions. I chose an interesting and exciting time to explore this world. Perhaps somehow, my wisdom would help Humans to make the right choices. I would be greatly honored to help them. Yet the fact remains that every star system must choose its own directions and, within reason, suffer its own consequences. I sincerely hoped this world will choose wisely.

We decided to convert Gori’s journal into an e-book and are delighted to be able to share it with our PAO community.

How many of us ever have the chance to read a book about space that is not science fiction?

We invite you to enjoy this unique journal. It is a treasure that cannot be hidden any longer!

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