
Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Deeper than You


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The webinar with Ms. Spagna was excellent. She is very intuitive and knowledgeable on so many levels and topics. It was great! MH

Did you miss Sunday’s Galactic Activation Webinar? Lori was Spectacular!


Our world has reached a pivotal point as we hurtle towards a major shift in consciousness. In almost every major country, we are watching as a groundswell of people emerges from their slumber of compliance to tyrannical rules and begins to realize their own innate power. At last, that day has arrived. We are teetering on the brink of a Great Awakening.

This month, Lori Spagna returns, sharing again a wealth of knowledge about DNA strands and the Sacred Key Codes lying within – Codes that unlock the greater purpose for our presence here during these epochal times.

And, in response to your repeated requests, Lori reveals more of the wisdom she has gathered about animals and our pets. Our pets have shared the past two upsetting years with us. In many ways, they have suffered, visibly and invisibly, as well. Lori reveals how we can heal them at the same time we heal ourselves.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Lori Updates Us On Her Mission’s Current Focus
• DNA Activation: Sacred Key Codes
Aligning with Our Role in the Divine Plan
• The Pandemic: The Deeper Reason Behind It
How Humanity Can Return to a State Of Normalcy
• Pets: Animal Communication
Sacred Healing - Animals, Our World and Ascension
• Humanity's Destiny: Awakening to Our Greater Purpose
A Collective Trajectory for Humanity

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-48 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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This Goes Deeper Than You Know

Source: David Icke

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Moments of Clarity

Source: Family Of Taygeta ~ Laka


Friends Of Earth!

We Embrace You In Light As We Journey In Moments Of Clarity

In These Moments, Know That Your Vibrational Frequency Has Elevated To The Extent That You Are Able To Embody The Higher Levels Of Awareness And Manifest Responses To All Perceptions.

Indeed, You Are The Creator That Is Changing Your Own Experience With The Freedom Of Choice.

Most Of You Have Experienced Moments Of Complete Clarity That Is Powerful Yet Fleeting!

Know That These Very Moments That Speak To You Will Become More Frequent As You Relax And Allow Peace And Light To Be Your Only Intention.

Most Of You Have Had Experiences Where Wisdom Is Spoken And You Realize You Have Truth Within That Is Speaking As Part Of You!
This Truth Remains.

Find It And Allow Wisdom To Express Fully!

This Wisdom Transcends The Conscious Mind And Flows Through Your Very Soul Through The Ethers Of Timelessness!

These Moments Are Just A Taste Of The Light Toward Which You Journey!
These Are Moments Where You Embody The Elevated Perspective Of Your Own Being!

Powerful Soul And You Are Aligning Your Identity In This Final Waking Dream To Your True Self!

Well Done, Beloved Ones!
Continue In Light!

Only Good Is Before You!

Only Love Will Remain!


I Love You So!


A Message from One

Source: Sophia Love


It is the One.

There are things to say.

These things concern your re-construct and rebuild phase. They concern your system of money.

You are aware of money as a debt instrument, a system of your slavery and a necessity. You are fighting all battles around this thing.

It is a construct.

It could be anything.

In truth, one form of it has no superiority over another form, except by its scarcity.

That which is scarce, is deemed superior in value and therefore worth collecting.

This is why the controllers hold most of it. This is why the citizens hold the least of it.

This is why the monetary system is set up the way it is – to favor those who have most of it, while depleting the life force from the rest of the populace as they work. Work to attain more of it.

The more money that is attained by any one member of the populace, the greater that money is “taxed”, and thus returned to the owners/controllers.

It is clear that the system is skewed to favor those at the “top”.

It is clear that the system was set up that way eons ago, with royalty and kingship and rule and worship as precursors to “rights to gain wealth”.

The royals and priests are not taxed. They are honored and paid. Paid through the sweat of their followers.

This is how it has always been.

Fear is at the base of these pyramids of power. Those at the bottom are told, and thus believe, that it is up to them to pay and support those at the top, (whether systems or royals or priests), to prevent some fearful thing. *

This “fearful thing” has changed costumes over the centuries. It’s been an angry god, an “enemy”, destitution, imprisonment etc. This is why the monetary system exists as it does, and why it is the final stronghold of the controllers.

For, although the defeat of the controllers has been accomplished here, the function/action of their supporters still acts as the driving force for the race. Dismantling it is a convoluted process.

When you comprehend how money has been utilized to enslave and preoccupy you, you will be tempted to distance yourself from it. Or, to gain a surplus of it in order to reverse things for yourself.

I tell you this, as long as you are enslaved to the attainment of money, (in either direction), you remain enslaved.

In this way, it becomes important to see money as an agent of commerce only; a means to an end rather than something to hoard in order to “get ahead”.

It is a thought process, a feeling. For enslavement to a physical item of any sort is still enslavement.

Enlightenment leaves no room for enslavement, and so enslavement will eventually be abandoned.

This is a process.

The first steps in this journey to freedom include removing the controls of the monetary system from the hands of the controllers. Removing also the means to their substantial and disproportionate wealth.

This happens now, has been happening for some time, and is what’s beneath the political posturing worldwide that you see.

Nothing is being presented accurately. It is safe to assume that the stories you are being fed right now are being told to keep you afraid and controlled. There are reasons for every repeating dialogue.

These underscore the current headlines.

You are also being fed stories of incoming riches, and programs of instant prosperity. Know that these too, enable the slavery system to continue in the hearts and minds of the enslaved.


The value is in you.

The rest of it is a show, a pretend orchestration of “more” “less” “rich” “poor” “right” “wrong” “better” “worse”.

Again, this release from the stranglehold of slavery is a process and there are steps to complete before absolute sovereignty is attained.

There are re-compensations and increases in “value” and prosperity along the way. Yet this is not the end goal.

The end goal is freedom.

There is to be a correction. This correction will not include a continual dependence on money as part of an ongoing system.

It will all lead to sovereignty, independence, personal worth, charity of the heart and a deep comprehension of value.

These are steps.

As the current monetary system collapses around you, do not despair or fear. It has to. This will allow room for the next step – a system orchestrated for the wealth of all, rather than the capture of all.

It will be a heady time of prosperity. Yet also a time to remember that this is symbolic only. A return, in physical format, of what has been physically robbed from you. These are merely the rewards of the victory. The war has been won.

True freedom, however, develops from an inner knowing. It is not granted by any other entity and it has nothing to do with economics or bank accounts.

These are steps only, my dear, dear human.

Your liberation has consequences and these include the break-up of your monetary institutions. It is intended that the break-up will not harm you physically, but eventually enrich you.

I reach you today to remind you that the physical wealth thus attained is not true value, but an indication of your worth. The true value you hold is priceless. When you absorb, realize and actualize that truth – you are free.

That is all.

Thank you.

*Laws enforce these fears, attempting to keep citizens fearful and compliant and paying.

©2011-2022 Sophia Love All Rights Reserved.
We are One. This is our planet. We are freeing her now.

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