
Wednesday, February 23, 2022


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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

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PAO's Webinar with Vidya Frazier was amazing. Here are some of the comments from the webinar attendees:

Well done, Colleen, Vidya and Miles and Sheldan: Sunday's interview was definitely the most uplifting I have heard in many many months! The frequency of your voices was melodious with the effect of a spring babbling brook. I also liked your inclusion of Sheldan's information from webinars, documentaries and books, Miles. Even though we may have read or heard the information, insertion now, when it seems more pertinent to consider is like having an update from the GF. Absolutely inspired! Thanks, so much Bonnie P

Thank you for such a wonderful webinar. I’m truly grateful for the information today. Vidya was right on point with what I personally needed to hear today. She reminded me of things I knew but from a different perspective. It was a great webinar! Thank you.

I’m also very happy that Colleen felt all of the outpouring of love from her email about Sheldon’s health. I didn’t email but sent love and healing to her, Sheldon and Miles. I love the monthly webinars because even if it’s something I already know, it’s just so nice to connect with like minded, spiritual people. KB

Thank you for supporting PAO by attending our webinars and purchasing our consciousness raising tools. We are grateful for your on-going, loving support. Truly, together we are Victorious!

Selamat Ja!


Sunday’s Galactic Activation Webinar ready for downloading?

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As we pause to assess the battle scars inflicted by more than two years of lockdowns and restrictions, we sense that, finally, a Great Awakening is underway. Inspiring signs of change – of cooperative interaction, of liberty, of the overpowering yearning for freedom – are everywhere, most compellingly in the trucker convoys springing up all over the world.

There is an energy, a sense of flow and cohesion, at play right now that taps into our deepest humanity and, at the same time, our freest, most liberated spirit. Love connects us all. We are one, and we know it!


In this Valentine month of love and connection, who better to articulate its activational mood and offer her wise counsel than PAO’s guest of the month, Vidya Frazier. She will share her wisdom and show us how to create a more 5D reality in our day-to-day lives.

This webinar encourages us to reclaim our sovereignty and raise our frequencies!

Subjects discussed:

• Vidya Updates Us On Her Mission’s Current Focus
• An Awakening 5D Reality Shift is Already Underway
Tools to Assist You on Your Journey
• Lightworkers, Starseeds as Frequency-Holders
Redefining Our Spiritual Missions
• Relationship Challenges
Coping with Division
• Keep Focused on Love, Joy and Peace ... No Matter What!
Bringing Joy Back Into Your Life!

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-47 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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Archangel Michael: Message to Angelic Warrior Group

Source: Sharon Stewart


I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.

You see events have developed in certain areas of the earth. They are begging the people to look and to see clearly.

You see this is no longer about a sickness, it is about control. That has been the sickness that pervades the rulers of your planet and everything they do is geared to increasing their control over you.

They are sociopaths.

They know no love.

Love is the weapon to use against them. This week, again, I would ask the angelic warrior group to rain your love upon Ottawa, Canada. The truckers have left but the leaders are still there and now we desire to see some change, some good change.
Draconian tactics have been and will continue to be measured upon the Canadian people. They have taken one of the foremost positions in the war against oppression. For this reason, we must send them our love and our light, and help them to move forward effectively against this system of control.

I am Archangel Michael. I am your servant, I am your guide, I am your teacher, we are Legion.


Me: Thank you, Michael.

AAM: I am at your service, Sharon.


About Orbs​

by Pleiadian Collective. By Family Of Taygeta.

Source: Disclosure News It

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Beloved Friends!
In The Grand Perspective, You Are Already In The Place You Dream About!

Where Is This Place? Become Still And Quiet And I Will Meet You There!

For Until The Grand Shift, You Must Visit Within To Access The Door With No Key!

The Light Will Guide You In The Silence Of Your Soul!

In These Moments We Share, Let’s Speak About Orbs.

▪ What Are They?
▪ Where Do They Come From?
▪ What Is Their Purpose?

A Small Hint As We Begin.

Everything Is Truly Connected And Nothing Is Random. An Orb Is Connected To A Soul.

It Is Spirit.

It Holds The Essence Of One Or Many That Are Resonating To Communicate With You Or To Send You High Frequencies Of Love.

These Orbs Can Easily Be Seen In Groups Gathered Holographically As The Frequency Will Rise Powerfully With The Presence And Intention Of Many Joined As One.

Many Times A Special Camera And Lens Are Required To See Frequencies Not Detected By Human Eyes.
In Other Moments Of Deep Love, Many Orbs Are Seen By The One They Are Visiting.
All Animals See Orbs And Spirits.
They Also See Fairies.

Orbs Can Be A Sacred Visitation From A Loved One On Earth That Has Transcended To Home In The Higher Realms.
There Are Many that Have Photographs Of Orbs With The Faint Picture Of The Exact Face Of The One That Left By The Death Of The Body Form.

Many Orbs Travel In Groups And Will Visit Many Humans Together, Even If Not Known To The Human.

All Orbs Are Vibrating At The Highest Frequency Of Love So Be Assured This Is Sacred.

Orbs Have Been Present On Earth As Unseen Visitors Since The Creation Of Earth.

Their Intention Is To Comfort. If They Cannot Be Seen, They Send Frequencies Of Love And This Has a Soothing Effect.

If You Have Lost Someone, In Truth, This Is A False Perception.
There Is No Death Of The Perfect Soul.
The Soul Is Infinite And Powerful.

The Soul Has The Ability To Visit And Send Love.

When You Incarnate As Human, You Made The Decision To Forget Your Origin And Past Lives.

When You Return To Your Home Of Origin, You Remember Everything.

Many Of You Have Friends and Family That Simply Come To You With The Message Of Love.

You Never Lose The Connection Of Love.

Pay Attention To The Feather That Drops, The Coin That Is Found, The Song That Is Played That You Haven’t Heard In Years.

Nothing Is Random, Beloved Ones!

Love Is The Force That Connects All In Light!

You Are The Light!

I Love You So!


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What is a walk in?

Source: Magenta Pixie

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