
Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Bridge Between Illusion


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Sunday's Galactic Activation Webinar ~ 2/20/22 Magical number - Mark Your Calendars

In this Valentine month of love and connection, who better to articulate its activational mood and offer her wise counsel than PAO’s guest of the month, Vidya Frazier. She will share her wisdom and show us how to create a more 5D reality in our day-to-day lives.

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As we pause to assess the battle scars inflicted by more than two years of lockdowns and restrictions, we sense that, finally, a Great Awakening is underway. Inspiring signs of change – of cooperative interaction, of liberty, of the overpowering yearning for freedom – are everywhere, most compellingly in the trucker convoys springing up all over the world.

There is an energy, a sense of flow and cohesion, at play right now that taps into our deepest humanity and, at the same time, our freest, most liberated spirit. Love connects us all. We are one, and we know it!


In this Valentine month of love and connection, who better to articulate its activational mood and offer her wise counsel than PAO’s guest of the month, Vidya Frazier. She will share her wisdom and show us how to create a more 5D reality in our day-to-day lives.

Please join us as, together, we reclaim our sovereignty and raise our frequencies!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Vidya Updates Us On Her Mission’s Current Focus
• An Awakening 5D Reality Shift is Already Underway
Tools to Assist You on Your Journey
• Lightworkers, Starseeds as Frequency-Holders
Redefining Our Spiritual Missions
• Relationship Challenges
Coping with Division
• Keep Focused on Love, Joy and Peace ... No Matter What!
Bringing Joy Back Into Your Life!

After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, February 20, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday February 20, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


Saint Germain: Transformation of the Illusion

Source: James McConnell on GoldenAgeofGaia


I am your Saint Germain. And I applaud you, each and every one of you, for speaking about transformation.

For this entire experience that you are going through is all about that, all about transformation.

Transforming your very lives. Transforming the illusion that, as I said, is no longer there.

Transforming it into the new vision, the new vision of the New Age of Gaia, the New Golden Age.

You are all creating that now.

And the more that you do experiences such as we just did, and hold that experience, hold that expression, that feeling, that life force within you, the I Am Presence that is within each and every one of you, and all life here, all consciousness here on the planet, the more that you hold that, and remember that, and be that, you are moving step by step toward this New Earth, toward creating this New Earth, creating this higher vibration and frequency.

It is the new fifth-dimensional Earth.

Is it easy? No. It was not meant to be easy. It was just meant to be simple.

But does it have to be hard? No. It does not.

It does not have to be a difficult journey. It is only the programming within you that is making it difficult. Let go of the programming, let go of the attachments, and the journey becomes much, much easier. Much more fluid. Much more flowing. It is up to you, each and every one of you as individuals, and also as the collective you.

You are seeing the transformation happen within your Freedom Convoys that are developing everywhere, are in motion everywhere. Because it is this motion that is catapulting the freedom, the freedom train, if you will, to spread across the country. Freedom of the Republic. A Republic that is by the people, and for the people–not against the people.

Together you are all forging this New Republic. Bringing it together. Bringing those that are in the leading forefront that can step out and say. “no more”; can step out and say, “follow me.” Just as many of you are stepping out of your comfort zones and beginning to say “follow me” to those around you.

Do they follow? Maybe not. But you are opening the door for many of them to do so.

Many of them to open up from their sleeping, their sleepfullness, into the awakening. Many across the planet, more and more and more, are awakening. Even though you may not fully see it, for those of the powers of darkness are still yet strong to hold that illusion in front of all of those that are still sleeping, attempting to keep them in that sleep state.

But the forces of Light are forging ahead and bringing the wakefulness, The Great Awakening, the Grand Awakening to all of those who have been becoming ready for it.

It is only a matter of time and, more than that, a matter of vibration. And as you know, vibration is increasing everywhere. We see it in the light quotient that is spreading across the planet as more and more people are saying, “I love you.” More and more people are saying, “I forgive you.”

It is unstoppable now. The Light has already won.

It is only the darkness that is receding now in every pocket across the planet. They are still attempting to hold on. They are finding it more and more difficult to do so. As the vibrations increase, lower-vibrational energy cannot exist in the higher vibrational frequency. They are finding this more and more difficult, which is why they are reaching out, yelling out in many respects, doing many things that at one time were hidden, but now has come out of the shadows and are now being revealed that the darkness that they are.

Be patient, my brothers and sisters. A little while longer yet. But continue to notice how this transformation is happening, and will continue to happen, bringing about this great transition that is now preceding the Great Ascension of Humanity.

All of my love and peace be with each and every one of you. May you continue on, holding onto these higher vibrations, wearing your fifth-dimensional glasses and utilizing them, knowing that they are giving you light where before there was none.


Being a Bridge Between Worlds

Source: Spirit Frequency

By OpenHandWeb

Open – Plenty are waking up and realizing just how defunct society has become. The heart quickly yearns for a higher truth, a higher harmony. You realize it is already there in 5D. But how can you live it with others still in the collective coma? Here’s where a shift in perception is necessary: you’re becoming a bridge, with one foot on both banks. By integrating the diplomatic quality of the soul, the “Ray 4”, you can find a way to harmonize with both realities…


The fuel of Inner Alchemy

It is no secret that we live in a world that is horrendously out of balance with nature and therefore out of alignment with the natural harmony of the universe. In a universe of cause and effect, such misalignment will always draw a realigning force. Major change is already underway, but don’t be surprised as the mud at the bottom of the stream gets churned up first.

As separation consciousness exploded outwards at the “Big Bang” and then condensed into form, so Unity Consciousness continues to destabilize outdated structures, it stirs them up and strips out the old density so it can then crystallize a higher harmony. Unity Consciousness is the universe’s organizing energy, the pull of love, which you can feel in your heart when you surrender to the natural flow of life.

Many people have now awakened, and more than ever, are feeling the inner compulsion to ‘be the change’. It involves honoring and expressing your heartfelt truth in every moment, not just with words, but in every physical, emotional and mental action that you take. It leads to an internal cleansing of blocked energy and outdated, distorted behavior patterns. This form of love is the fuel of inner alchemy, which supports the progressive transformation of our world as it shifts into 5D.

5 Key Indicators of "Right Action"

After awakening, the first realignment is to connect up to this never-ending flow of truth and love, realizing that whatever may appear to be happening on the surface of reality, it is finding, honoring and expressing your truth as Right Action which truly counts. In this sense, “Right” does not mean a judgment of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ or ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. It means: an action that is aligned with the universal flow. How do you know if you are in this flow of “Rightness”? Here are 5 key indicators:

1) They confront, challenge and break down the ego within you and within others with whom you’re engaged.

2) Actions in rightness ultimately lead to an inner sense of expandedness, connection and openness, once you’ve broken through any tightness or resistance to expressing your truth.

3) When aligned with the flow, you tend to observe supportive synchronicity as the universe clicks into place around you.

4) When you’re in “Rightness”, it just feels right. It’s like being in love. No one can tell you if you’re in love. There’s no logic to it. You just know.

5) A choice made in rightness will feel like destiny.

The Sweet Spot of Life

This destiny of rightness that the soul is reading, is not so much about making a choice of doing ‘this’ or ‘that’ (although rightness does lead to right choices). It is more about finding and expressing lost aspects of your true nature, and in so doing you are channeling the universe. There is only one ultimate being, and everything is formed of this presence. The One in you does not need a particular outcome because it already has everything…

What The One in you is truly looking for, is the nectar of life itself: to find the fullest, grandest, most complete expression possible and to actualise it here and now. This defines the purpose of the soul. And there is absolutely nothing else going on. You’re hitting the sweet spot of life itself.

So if you can make a point of continually working to feel the universal truth, flowing through the core of your soul, then you will align with destiny. With each expression of it, life will become increasingly magical, mystical and simply divine, even and especially when you’re still in the old karmic density. You are fulfilling true purpose: the emergence of light through the density. Thus you’ve touched the sweet spot of life itself.

Breaking the Dam in the Flow

It’s not always easy to express the soul. The soul will lead you into confrontation and sometimes even conflict as you challenge the ways of old. It’s especially challenging these days as society moves to an ever more synthetic and disconnected state. Rest assured though, its tenure on the earth will be short-lived.

The matrix is a huge ‘eddy current’ within the stream, which has been purposefully designed to capture the flowing energy, retard it into a box, and then to disconnect from the flow of rightness, riding roughshod over the natural harmony of life in the process. It’s like a dam has blocked up the stream, influencing, controlling and manipulating all life it catches in its net. However it forgets that everything is interconnected. And so this miniscule dam is drawing a humungous universal realigning force, which is gathering in strength with each passing day.

Yet still, as the old reality persists a while longer, it has become a tremendous challenge to all those wanting to express and live the higher truth. You feel a pull beyond the high-tech synthetic manipulation, but where you step out of line the matrix conspires to punish you for it. With escalating rules and regulations, control and censorship, deadlines and dogma – there’s every reason why not to express the truth. Not only that, but the matrix currently owns all the resources.

If you want to survive, most will have to interact with it in some way. And what about your families, loved ones and colleagues who are not feeling the revelation of truth as you are? It can feel like an impossible juggling act. But there is a way to bridge the two worlds.


The “Ray 4” Bridge Between Worlds

In the Openhand Approach, we observe that the soul as a blend of seven particular characteristics – a soul ray harmonic – and that all expressions of beingness blend these particular ‘rays’ of consciousness, just like playing a chord on a guitar. The Ray 4 is the diplomat aspect of the soul, which helps you blend with multiple realities, to empathize but also influence. It accepts another’s honest truth unconditionally but also catalyzes to shift it higher. This Ray 4 is the “Bridge between Worlds”…

Where you cannot force another to adopt a particular truth, instead you hold this diplomat energy in your being. You honor your perspective yet not dishonor the other. You don’t rush to resolutions, but instead have the courage to hold the irresolution. The Ray 4 will then play its divine role and manifest a realigning solution that honors both. You’re not adopting the other’s reality, but not disparaging it either. Crucially this holds the pathway open for them to eventually cross the bridge of truth themselves.

The key is in the irresolution itself and here is the greatest challenge to beingness. You’ll find yourself caught up in impossible situations. The mind will want to go one way, the emotions the other.

Meanwhile, the soul is wanting to hold a steady line. The key is to hold yourself in this cauldron, feel the energies, not rush to solutions but not disengage either. This is where you’re opening up to the organizing power of the Ray 4.

Discover the 7 Rays of Soul Beingness: life’s game-changer

The ‘gear-box’ that harmonizes power with reality

Understanding and fine-tuning your Ray 4, is like the gearbox that transforms the raw power of the universal engine, into manageable torsion to turn the external wheels. But this gearbox does need to be well-oiled. If you can fine-tune your particular blend, then you will go a long way towards facilitating your flow through life as an essential Bridge between Worlds. So what does this mean in a practical sense?

7 Ways to Be The Bridge Between Worlds

1) Firstly acknowledge that you’re here to influence and change the nature of reality. You’re not supposed to be cooped up in a box. Even if people around you react with projection towards you, fear and anger, recognise it is their own distortion they’re activating – otherwise they’d be able to calmly accept you as you are. As you realize this in your mind, feel a waterfall of flowing calmness descend around your expression of truth.

2) Secondly, in order to facilitate the greatest amount of positive change, there needs to be open doorways through the density of the field, that may touch something deep within another. In other words, whilst we stand our ground, we must recognise and honor the truth in another. Even if you notice theirs is a lower vibrational truth, it is still their truth and real to them. If you’re given to influence, you won’t get anywhere by riding roughshod over them.

3) Catalyzing and therefore unwinding means first working to recognise the ‘ancient light’ at the core of a distortion. So all actions have begun with an authentic exploration of reality by the soul. It’s just that the ego then distorted the purity. So first work to empathize with the truth at the core of their distortion and honor this with them. But still embody what you consider to the the more aligned truth. If you’ve done this accurately, they’ll be on your side and much more open to change.

4) Recognize that the stream will always find different pathways back to the ocean. If you try one approach and it doesn’t work or if you then feel disconnected because you couldn’t fully honor the flow, work not to judge yourself for it. Benevolence doesn’t blame you! Instead keep softening into the place you are now at, pausing to reconnect again.

5) Compromise but don’t ever compromise the soul. Yes it may seem like an impossible paradox. But it is not. How can you make your truth the most understandable, the most reasonable, the most tactile, the most accessible and without any extra energy? If you can do this, you’ll find you don’t have to compromise your truth. Increasingly you’ll be accepted.

6) Don’t tell others what you know to be their truth (this can be a big button pusher!). Instead work to facilitate an increase in realization by asking an empowering question. One that is open ended, one that causes them to explore and feel for themselves.

7) Accept that sometimes you will be in a minority of one. It does not make your truth untruth. Know and accept when it is time to stand your ground, come what May. This will always test your level of trust in the divine. So be it. Take it as an opportunity to evolve and grow.

5 Gateways – Path between Worlds
We’re living in two worlds at the moment. The higher paradigm is to be found by transcending this lower world, working to transform it. Those who are already carrying the light will frequently find it challenging. The old world values are so used to living in the shadows and fear the light. There’s a clinging to the easy-to-understand, in-the-box expediency and soft comfort. There’s a strong dependence on the crutch of old behaviors.

Despite this, there comes a point where you simply cannot compromise your soul a moment longer. You realise the illusion and that the only real purpose of life is the expression of you. In mastering the Ray 4 Diplomat – an interwoven aspect of your soul – it means you can still be living and breathing the higher realm, whilst acting in this one. It means you can stay in the truth.

As you walk your path, you shine the light into the New Paradigm. You’re not simply telling others this truth, you’re actively expressing it. In this way, even though the reactivity of the ego may at first deny you, nevertheless you become highly compelling simply by your energy and nature. Thus you have become a Bridge between the Worlds.

If you recognize these qualities emerging in you and would like support integrating them, explore our ground-breaking work:

In loving support, Open


Experiment ~ JUST FOR FUN...

BAKING SODA on $1 Steak and this happened!

Source: Guga Foods

Note: For over 22 years I was a strict vegetarian. However, in the last year I found my body wanted some meat. For almost a year I ate meat. Now I'm back to 99% vegetarian. I found this interesting information on baking soda. I will remind you to be sure your baking soda does not have aluminum.

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