
Sunday, January 9, 2022

Galactic Federation of Light It is a new year and a lot of changes


Galactic Federation of Light
It is a new year and a lot of changes and it will be a completely different reality for most people during this year. Much will change in the infrastructure of all countries in the world and the reality of people can be very different. Many companies and authorities are closed down or completely changed in their operations and this can mean other forms of employment and training requirements. In the current reality, much is still based on skills in most professions, but be prepared that there will be changes in the way people are judged for certain professions in addition to education, for example.
In the fifth dimensional reality, much of the people's consciousness will play a major role in the professions they want to recruit more employees. It will not matter so much what the people have for the degree, but just as much it depends on life experience in different areas during life. This will be an easier way to enter the labor market for those who do not have a university degree, but for some professions it is still required to have a certain competence in a profession that concerns medicine and construction. This is to have a legally secure system for the benefit of the population.
When it comes to the education system, there will also be major changes. The world is changing and so are human development in spirituality and consciousness. This means that education will be based on people's personal
development instead of old and outdated values about what students must know for their being in life. This means that many who have not in the three-dimensional reality have had it easy to come to terms with the historical and often meaningless subjects and in that way have been left out and severely bullied by so-called more intelligent students. This is something that the children who come to Earth now become those who advocate a different educational being for the benefit of all in their personal development. There will be no competition, but everyone is educated in what is most important for everyone and also enriching for everyone in the population. Bullying becomes just a memory.
This will take a few years before the systems take root in society, but being aware that there will be major changes for all people is good to keep in mind. The changes will begin shortly at the beginning of this year and the contradictions can be difficult in some countries where there is a lot of corruption and oppression for the people. It is still a time of joy and the people will feel the changes in all the countries on Earth. Gender equality will be a requirement because there will not be poor and rich countries in the future, but everyone will have the means for their lives and livelihood throughout the world.
The light has won and people's awareness and vibration have risen significantly in the last year in the shutdown, which means that much of the darkness that has dominated for so long is soon something that most people will see in a brighter life with a lighter mind and faith in the future. Now everything can move forward in time and to try to live in the present as much as possible and feel grateful that it is moving towards better living conditions for everyone in the population.
We are so impressed by you humans in your power to fight for your planet to get it back and that will be a paradise to live in for everyone in the population. We are the biggest fan of the people and we love you so much.
The Galactic Light Federation
Many thanks and in love I earn. I am
Channelled by: Inger Noren

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