
Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Fruits of our Opportunity


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Greetings from Galactic Heart...

Barbara Lamb gave us a great webinar filled with amazing information from her personal experiences and some from the regressions she has participated with. We are receiving only positive feedback from the webinar attendees. Here I will share some of the testimonials.

Dear Colleen, Thank you for a fascinating webinar yet again! The 3 videos in Sheldan's latest Bundle are a great joy to my husband and me. It was so nice to hear Sheldan's voice again on the recordings. Happy memories. While listening, it was as if I could feel Sheldan's energy there as well. Thank you all for another wonderful webinar experience. With Love, H & J, Europe

Hello Colleen, Sheldon, and Miles, Thanks for a most interesting interview with Barbara Lamb. I can tell she had so much to share that there wasn't time for. I truly enjoyed the webinar and look forward to you having her back. She definitely shared some topics that I hadn't heard before. Blissings to you all! Shaun E.

The Webinar with Barbara Lamb was very enlightening. Loved it. MH

Thank you for supporting PAO.
Selamat Ja!


Did you miss Sunday’s Galactic Activation Webinar?

Mail Attachment 2

Imagine you were abducted by ETs, thrust into a dystopian environment, probed and prodded, then, abruptly, returned home with only a hazy memory of the experience. How could you deal with the aftermath of such an encounter and regain any shred of the life you knew?

PAO’s Webinar guest for this month was the extraordinary Barbara Lamb, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, regression therapist and renowned crop circle researcher. For 30 years, Barbara has hypnotically regressed more than 2,400 people, recording compelling details of their encounters with extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional beings.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Barbara's Mission
• UFOs - ET Contact - Walk-ins
• Galactic Humans and Hybrids
• Extraterrestrial Regressions
• Significance of Crop Circles
• Humanity's Galactic Future

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-46 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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An Urgent Message for the Lightworker Collective

Source: Don Spectacularis

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Image from

Greetings, dearest Lightcrew. As most of you are already aware, the negative entities who have ruled of our planet for eons are currently on their last legs of last legs. Their plandemic didn't go as well as they'd planned, and nearly all of their weather warfare (and other exotic) weapons have been taken away from them. They're grasping at straws, straws that sound a whole lot like World War 3, Civil War, or what-else-have-you. And while such attempts will be thwarted faster than their very wildest imaginings, they still have some manpower / firepower left with them to wreak some amount of havoc (and chaos) here and there. You've all seen what these folks have been up to in Ukraine lately, as also have you seen the element of violence being introduced by these ones in anti vax-passport / anti-lockdown protests in places such as Brussels etc.

It's time to stop these ones right in their tracks.

So I invite you all to join the global mass meditations for world peace, love and light that are currently happening every four hours -- at 12:30 AM UTC; 4:30 AM UTC; and 8:30 AM UTC; as well as at 12:30 PM UTC; 4:30 PM UTC; and 8:30 PM UTC. You can also find the requisite Time Zones for some of the biggest cities around the globe at

If you're new to mass meditations, worry not. All you even need to do in here is to firstly choose one (or more) of the given meditation timings provided above -- although if no timing given above works for you at all, just join in at the timing that suits you best. Once done, simply find a comfortable and relaxing place to sit / sleep / stand. As an entirely optional thing, you can create a 'meditation mood' using incense, flowers, and/or by playing some soft instrumental or Tibetan Healing music on your headphones (or speakers). Fantastic selections of such music are freely available on YouTube and elsewhere.

Once done, just relax yourself (close your eyes if you wish to), and INTEND (verbally or mentally) that this meditation is for bringing the Light of PEACE, LOVE, Compassion and Forgiveness upon the ENTIRE planet, with special focus on Russia and Ukraine at this time. Then, simply imagine / visualize global peace in whatever ways that work the best for you. You can either imagine Love and Peace descending upon Planet Earth as a brilliant White / Golden / Pink / Multicoloured / Colour-Of-Your-Choice light, or you can simply imagine people coming together and hugging it out. You can imagine soldiers dropping weapons and joining hands and hearts instead, and you can imagine nature joyfully restoring the energies of peace through beauty, flowers, clouds, and what-else-have-you. Imagine walls and barriers between people breaking and joys being shared. All up to you as to how you'd like to visualize / imagine this!

More importantly, FEEL as if all of this was happening right NOW, right in FRONT OF YOU. FEEL into the JOY you feel upon seeing these visuals and images and incidences play out in front of you. And then, simply KNOW that what you've willed for, is DONE. Because indeed, you ARE THAT powerful!!!

*ONE LAST but SUPER IMPORTANT thing: BE SURE to invite ALL higher dimensional beings and energies (God, Higher Self, Ascended Masters, Angels, Archangels, Galactics etc.) to support you in whatever ways they can during this meditation and amplify your energies and intentions INFINITELY for the greatest good of ALL in the most incredible ways beyond your very wildest imaginings! It's FREE and (immensely!) POWERFUL help, so go make the MOST of it! Note that you have to specifically ASK for this as the Higher Dimensional Ones will NOT intervene in these matters without your explicit FREE WILL permission as per DIVINE LAW. So do note that part.

FINALLY, PLEASE do freely SHARE this message across ALL of your Social Media profiles, Spiritual Communities (both online and offline), and what-else-have-you! Feel free to bring the topic up in your conversations with like-minded / open-minded friends, family members, neighbours etc. and spread the word like wild-fire! (who says we can't fight fire with fire?)

In INFINITE Love, Light and Gratitude,
- Don Spectacularis


Keep PAO Afloat ~ We are ALMOST at our goal for January 2022 ~ Just a little more help...Thank you.


The Fruits of Our Labor

Source: Lauren Gorgo


Happy New Year (!) …and soon to be Lunar New Year (!) …when it will actually feel like the new year. Speaking of, the Sun just shifted into Aquarius (1/19) which means the gateways to our New Earth lives (freedom & independence) are beginning to open. To prepare for the unified experience, we just moved thru an intense…but important…Cancer full moon (1/17) that put a final death to the core mother wound (of separation), and we are also being inundated with powerful cosmic, solar & astrological energies that are amping up the evolutionary pressure while simultaneously supporting us at every turn to enter The Kingdom.

As such, and thru the remaining days of January, we will continue to bring final closures to our karmic life, preparing to unveil the new version of ourSelves that we are readying to share with the world. The time is now…while Venus & Mercury are still retrograde…to complete the internal changes and alignments that are needed for this YOUniversal version of you to come about⇾ the revelation of your Cosmic Identity.

To that aim, Mercury is assisting us to dig up & dissolve any remaining mental blocks (fears/limitations) that we have been recycling (without resolution) thru our separated Heart·mind processors, while Venus has been providing us with multiple opportunities for radical self LOVE…to empower the Heart to heal, whole & break free of ancient karmic/narcissistic patterns stemming from heartbreak (abandonment, loss & betrayal). Together, these symbiotic planetary archetypes are facilitating a complete rewiring of our hearts & minds from our newly reclaimed (Divine Feminine) authority.

To help us arrive at this new level of dominion over our lives, we’ve been moving through some hefty restructuring (death/rebirth) energies since the Capricorn New Moon (1/2) that are supporting us to leave the entire Saturnian system (of karmic creation) behind. This untethering process began with the 12/21/20 Great Conjunction and has been driving us to drop the victim template (crucifixion implant) by completely overriding the lower agenda in every aspect of our lives. Step by step we have been diligently replacing our false feelings of powerlessness with the supreme authority to rule our own reality.

We have since completed the merger of light & dark….the war (of the Roses) is over, LOVE (GOD) has won…which means we’ve graduated from the lower human condition⇾ à la Earth school. The indigo warrior race has been successful in the fight to free the Feminine Force from enslavement and to reclaim the Holy Grail for the return of our GOD-given birthrights. As a result, our life force is returning and you may suddenly be feeling the veracity of that truth…internally sensing that the “battle for our birthrights” is truly over thru a new level of stability & security within.

Feeling safe and protected from harm’s way…without having to defend what’s rightfully ours…is the gift of Divine Providence, that which offers us the ultimate protection of the universe. This cosmic seal safeguards our (toroidal) field from the lower (divided) forces, enveloping us in Grace once we have completed the disentanglement from the matrix.

With our proper (divine) sheathing in place, we can finally take down the walls we built around our (previously unprotected) hearts…those (necessary) defense mechanisms that were barricading us from the harshness of the separated world. And as we feel safe to open, we welcome the nourishing flow of Source to soften the hardened areas of our lives, to replenish those grave areas of depletion.

And this is just the very beginning. The (universal 6) year of 2022 is considered a “harvest year” for good reason, for this is when the decades of inner work, healing work, service work, sacrifice & faithfulness will be rewarded…when our Tree of Life has grown to full maturity and we are permitted to reap the ripened fruits of our hard-earned labors, year after year.


Powerful Change ~ 2022 & 2023 ~ New Opportunity

Source: DailyMind

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