
Saturday, December 18, 2021

..half-trillion dollar debt of the Chinese company Evergrande..


In a long message, The Sto rm Ri der explains that the unpayable half-trillion dollar debt of the Chinese company Evergrande is going to take over the Chinese banks of the ®0thsch1lds and ®0ckef3llers, and the c0mmunist nation itself will suffer the consequences of the stoppage of the real estate sector, which represents a third of its gross domestic product.
The aforementioned half trillion represents only 10% of the bubble that is going to burst, since the bankers, to recover the lost money, have created actions derived from that debt (as in 2008) that have generated the inflation.
That is why they want to invade Taiwan, to recoup those losses.
Russian wants Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Finland trillions in GDP assets and Military Reserve in these countries.
If Europe/NATO lose Ukraine, there is a ripple effect: Serbia helps Russia, and brings Romania, under control quickly. If Russia strikes, Ukraine will fall fast as known by the world Military Generals. When Ukraine falls the world banking elites: ®0thsch1lds, ®0ckef3llers, K@z@ri@n M@fia’s, ©I@’s Central Banking System will take a hit that can bring them down. Hundreds of trillions lost in hours, days, weeks, months.

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