| I was flying high after listening to Jared. Thank you, as always, for uplifting my spirits. Jan~Australia |
Did you miss Sunday’s Galactic Activation Webinar? |
Finally, we at PAO sense that humanity is teetering on the brink of a major shift. Slowly, after so many months of being surrounded by uncertainty, people are seeing positive change. Preparing, like flowers, to burst forth and shine our blinding light and goodness into this world and bring it back to what it was always meant to be. Now, more than ever, we need the clarity of PAO’s favorite truth-seeker Jared Rand, whose gift is to dig down into the dirt and grasp the nugget, revealing its underlying radiant reality. And of course, Jared will share the very latest news about the Celestial Chambers, as well as providing his unique Galactic perspective on the global crisis now engulfing humanity. IT WAS A SPELLBINDING WEBINAR ~ JARED DELIVEREDSubjects to be discussed: • Jared Updates Us On His Mission’s Current Focus • Information Wars: Deciphering Truth from Lies • Coping with Increased Restrictions On Humanity • Uplifting Us Energetically by Raising Our Frequencies • Celestial Chambers: A Progress Report • Looking at Current Global Chaos from a Galactic Perspective To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-43 Archive: Click HerePrice: $13.95 U.S. |
11.11 Message from the Pleiadian Councils of LightSource: Solara An-Ra |
Pleiadian Councils of Light come. We come as a grand collective consciousness who moves at will through the 5th to the 9th dimensions. We are the keepers of the 5th dimension - for some of us this is our primary role – holding in integrity 5th dimensional Unity Consciousness. We speak to you of the 11.11 of 2021, and of a portal which is opening now in the 11 days before the day itself and the 11 days afterwards. And we ask you to practice the meditation that is given (see below*) for at least 11 days, including the portal day itself. It matters not whether you start now, or on the portal day. And we ask if possible that this is practiced at 11 or 11.11 a.m. or p.m. in your time zone, simply to increase this 11.11 vibration within your consciousness that is opening now – for 11.11 has been coded as a stargate or portal-opening consciousness on the earth plane by ourselves, the Pleiadian Councils of Light. There are triggers within your DNA and consciousness that respond to 11.11 – and it is for this reason that many of you receive such pleasure from seeing the 11.11 on your digital apparatus. And as a prelude, we will explain what is happening at this time on your planet – an energy update if you like. And you will then understand the importance of the 11.11 Portal and how it can be used to awaken the consciousness of many, many, many on your planet who are still in a state of total forgetting. We will speak on the 4th dimension and the confusion within many of you around this dimension. It is a stepping stone, of course, between your 3D world and the 5th dimension – and it is necessary therefore to be in 4D in order to access 5D, which is your ‘ascension destination.’ (And we will remind you that you are not leaving your bodies or your Earth in order to travel to this other dimension – you are simply opening your consciousness in order to remember this multi-dimensional aspect, which is already in you.) It is the level of consciousness that opens you into your memory that you are Source – nothing more or less! You are Source energy and of course you are already This – but in the 3rd dimension, in this higher level of density, it is more difficulty to experience yourself as Source. It is the opening in your being; in your DNA; your memory; your awareness of your 5th dimensional Unity or Christ consciousness that is already in you and simply being remembered – it is this that allows you to remember that you are ONE; that you are one with All-That-Is; that you are a part of the sparkling energy of the Universe. And so we have at points described the 4th dimension as the place of collective consciousness – and we have worked with you to be of service in re-programming the collective consciousness of your civilisation and society. For instance, where there has been programming that led you to believe that women are the weaker sex – or that women are less than their male counterparts – we have led you to stream thoughts and beliefs around the true power and beauty of the female sex in order to re-program – within the collective consciousness – beliefs that do not serve your civilisation around male and female. |
And because you also understand that human beings who leave their bodies but are not yet able to understand that they are LIGHT; that they are still a consciousness that is multidimensional or higher dimensional by default – that these spirits or ghosts are also ‘trapped’, if you like, in the 4th dimension. And so you have more than one reason to think about the 4th dimension as a negative place that must be avoided – that it must be transversed as quickly as possible in order to be in the 5th dimension. And we would like to change your concept about this. Open yourselves to the idea that you are already in the 4th dimension – for this is in most parts the truth. It is when you are already in 4th dimensional consciousness – for instance when you are asleep – that you have access to the 5th and all higher dimensions easily available to you. So you have moved into the first invisible world. Think about your guided meditations; think about your spiritual practices, where your psychic senses open and you are able to see things that are not normally visible; hear and feel things that are not normally possible to experience when you are absolutely only in your 3D mind-emotion-body. You are in these moments also in 4th dimensional consciousness, for your extrasensory or psychic perception is 4th dimensional – it opens you into the etheric or invisible world. And it is this first stage of accessing the invisible world that is your 4th dimensional capability and right. When you are dreaming you are in 4th dimensional consciousness. And yes, you may have bad dreams or good dreams, or you may have lucid dreams, where your awareness of yourself on a multidimensional level is triggered so that you may consciously journey from one world to another. In all instances all of you are working in your dream time with your higher dimensional brothers and sisters through the star systems. You have contracts to work with your star soul family and with many other beings in order to give updates about how you are and what is happening for yourself and also on a planetary level. And so you will learn lessons; you will impart information; you will collaborate; you will receive healing and activation – all of these in your dreamtime on a 4th dimensional level. So we wish you to understand, as all of you hearing this message can relate to your dreamtime and to the states of consciousness that you enter in your spiritual practices (or simply spontaneously during the day where you are one minute looking at a tree and the sunset – and the next minute you are aware of the energy flowing from the tree to you and back again, where you are aware of your sun star as a celestial being, streaming higher dimensional codes into your being – and understand that in these moments of connection with your sun star you too are streaming information into him into this sentient being.) And so spontaneously, in your dreams or during your spiritual practices, you are already practicing 5th dimensional and higher entry. You are already using your multi-dimensional skills and gifts, and you are remembering your ability to be this; to be within your physical body and personality-self; to be multi-dimensional or higher dimensional. And so as we have opened your hearts into understanding that: - you are already more or less in the 4th dimension, according to your level of consciousness opening – and yet you are still firmly in the 3rd dimension in your body-mind-emotion & personality self. So you understand that it is this 4th dimensional consciousness within you that is allowing you to access 5th dimensional experience, learning, consciousness expansion and so forth. And so the process that we lead you through now – (and we trust that you will enjoy this and feel the expansion that it causes at this time of the 11.11 star gate and beyond) – is about healing your perception around the 4th dimension, and embracing your role as ambassadors from the stars on your Earth planet now. And so we begin … |
*The 11.11 Activation Meditation is on YouTube here:This is what the guides are asking to do for 11 days if possible (but even once will assist our world greatly! :)) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaTe1tG0R04&t=36s Happy 11.11 dear Light Tribe! The Time Is Now! with Love love love, as always, Solara An-Ra Frequency Keeper for Gaia |
From the moment people hear that I am a fan of hard rock music, the usual flurry of questions arises.I thought you were an empath? Doesn’t that lower your vibration? How is that a part of the light? Yes, I am an empath. No, it doesn’t lower my vibration. And, yes — it is a part of the light. Now let's dive into the details. To be clear, I don’t listen to heavy metal filled with screaming or super dark lyrical imagery. I listen to music with deep bass lines, driving guitar chords and beautifully melodic vocals. Sometimes a song describes chapters of the hero's redemption. Other times, it's "Dark Night of the Soul — The Musical". All the while, it offers a sense of empowerment and excitement that stimulates the self-confidence needed to help an empath ground their light, accept their power, and walk with purpose in a world of unraveling existential hunger. While this isn’t the only way, it’s a very enjoyable way for me. How does this apply to you? Keep reading. You’ll see. Music is theatrical. It’s how the lines get filled in with vibrant color for the performance of living art we call our lives. No matter the genre, music can put words to feelings we haven’t quite processed, while pinpointing greater meaning throughout the significance of our journey. For me, music, whether hard rock, conscious hip-hop, electronica, or even pop, is the heartbeat of my soul’s adventure. Whether heard at the gym, as the backdrop while cooking, or even in meditation, music is the thread of sound weaving together all moments in time, where silence is not the absence of noise but the space through which my true self has been found. At the core of my being, within the space between my ears, and throughout the cells of my body resides a silence aware of itself. From that depth of silent seeing, a wellspring of creative expression infinitely pours out, whether as the teachings I channel, the poetry I write, the meals I create, or the music I love. For me, hard rock music acts as a soundtrack to the defeat of darkness. Not as if darkness needs to be defeated, but celebrating the presence of light within me that is so instinctively clear on all the light includes, I live from a space that darkness cannot deny. What may seem contradictory to some, the music I love celebrates the victory of the Buddha dwelling within the paradise of my awakened heart space. It honors a lifetime of training I have undergone along my journey with the Universe to recalibrate my nervous system to be able to handle a spectrum of frequencies and intensity for the space I emotionally and energetically hold for Earth’s Ascension. Many still undergoing this extensive process might listen to this type of music and get triggered, even believing their vibration is lowering as a result of the sounds they hear. Let’s demystify this common misunderstanding. What may seem contradictory to some, the music I love celebrates the victory of the Buddha dwelling within the paradise of my awakened heart space. |
What many call ‘having their vibration lowered’ is often an esoteric way of admitting — “My spiritual ego got triggered and instead of admitting it, I’d rather place myself above it.” Along the journey of evolution, the lingering conditioning hiding from the healing it doesn’t know is its eternal liberator can commonly cloak in spiritual personas and belief systems — dividing anything into categories such as high vibe and low vibe. While there are such forces as good and evil, I appreciate a more taoist interpretation of such polarities where good means 'ready to walk in accordance with divinity' and evil being 'that which isn’t ready for such a path of surrender'. Of course, no matter how much damage evil forces dish out, it inevitably brings more goodness out of the good side, which makes it powerful enough to transform evil back into the inherent goodness it has forgotten itself to be. This is the path of redemption. But that is way too high level of a teaching for a spiritual ego to fathom or comprehend. Simply because, if an ego could see the truth of existential alchemy evolving throughout the play of life — where would there be room for it to derive false power through the judgments and conclusions it draws? For the spiritual ego, the drive is to find and maintain a false sense of power by keeping its engrained categories of perception as separate as possible. This may help you see how even when a spiritual ego speaks about justice and peace, it often furthers a narrative of separation based on the judgments it projects. This is why we focus on what we support, not what we are against, by becoming the change we wish to see. Music doesn’t lower your vibration. It triggers your ego. An ego that is a cluster of conditions, memories, and beliefs encoded in your body to erupt into release when stimulated by an appropriate amount of intensity. Even when one believes their vibration gets lowered through the instant signs of exhaustion felt, it merely indicates such a release of emotional density to the degree that all your life force energy must serve its purging without enough energy for you to remain conscious. This is also why people fall asleep during group healing events or at meditation retreats. As your nervous system gets rewired through whatever stimulus arises in perception, you are able to have emotional releases without triggering judgments of division and purge cellular memories in naturally abiding awareness. The funny thing about music is, softer more gentle music nourishes a depleted nervous system, while harder more fast paced music can help empty the cellular body. While I am not suggesting to sit in front of a speaker, blast Metallica, and clear your family lineage until you pee your pants, it’s wonderful to learn how music can act as a supplement to the energetic expansion working its way through you. When tired, depleted, and in need of replenishment, softer music offers a supportive cocoon to the space you need. When ready to be motivated, inspired, or ready to open the closet to any remaining skeletons, more fast-paced music can help. Even when you hear lyrics that seem sad or even angry, it doesn’t mean they're lowering your vibration, but triggering cellular memories where the themes of such words correlate to painful moments from your past. This phenomenon is called an association. Even when music might just sound downright aggressive or scary to your senses, it triggers a release from your cellular body to empty as many scary or aggressive memories as you are able to process. It is important to remember, none of this should be read from an adrenaline junkie mindset. This isn’t about forcing yourself to walk across a bed of fiery coals just to prove you can do it. Instead, the modern day spiritual path is rooted in getting to know your exact needs and matching each one with an appropriate outlet without judging other outlets that might be equally as therapeutic and beneficial for those whose nervous systems function differently. The first time I meditated to Metallica, I was on a plane headed to lead a retreat on the East Coast. I closed my eyes and watched how each and every song was manifested out of the silence of my eternal being. As I had seen so many times throughout my life, I was simultaneously the sounds heard, the silence aware of it, and the space through which this play of observation unfolded. While the majority of my meditations are resting in direct recognition of silent awareness, my meditations with Metallica celebrate the triumph of a deeply sensitive soul who began his journey overwhelmed by sensation, invisible to the world, and afraid of everything — including himself. As I had seen so many times throughout my life, I was simultaneously the sounds heard, the silence aware of it, and the space through which this play of observation unfolded. While hard rock may not be your favorite cup of tea, it is merely a different flavor to the same warm water you enjoy sipping. Undoubtedly, it can be easily dismissed by the high vibe/low vibe rhetoric of spiritual egos who don’t know how to support a cause without needing something to oppose. And yet, beyond the play of contrast and comparison, we find darkness to be a space where light beings undergo their deepest levels of transmutation -- only likely to become an agent of evil when identifying with the cellular memories attempting to be purged. All the while, such a wise view of darkness is only a perspective the light can truly see. |
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