| JARED RAND RETURNS with the latest on our New Earth ~ Join Us! |
Finally, we at PAO sense that humanity is teetering on the brink of a major shift. Slowly, after so many months of being surrounded by uncertainty, people are seeing positive change. Preparing, like flowers, to burst forth and shine our blinding light and goodness into this world and bring it back to what it was always meant to be. |
Now, more than ever, we need the clarity of PAO’s favorite truth-seeker Jared Rand, whose gift is to dig down into the dirt and grasp the nugget, revealing its underlying radiant reality. And of course, Jared will share the very latest news about the Celestial Chambers, as well as providing his unique Galactic perspective on the global crisis now engulfing humanity. Please join Colleen and Miles for this spellbinding Live Webinar!Subjects to be discussed:• Jared Updates Us On His Mission's Current Focus • Information Wars: Deciphering Truth from Lies • Coping with Increased Restrictions On Humanity • • Uplifting Us Energetically by Raising Our Frequencies • Celestial Chambers: A Progress Report • Looking at Current Global Chaos from a Galactic Perspective |
After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording. Please note new time:Sunday, October 24, 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. PDTPlease note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday, October 24, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.) To make payment and register: Click HereCost: $20.00 U.S. |
Dear friends, I am Jeshua, I am your friend and brother. Please feel your connection as a group right now. You are here together for a reason. Old memories are being awakened as you visit the old temples and tombs here. And some of these memories are painful and disturbing. Painful memories are energies that are still a part of your soul and they’re looking for resolution, for liberation. You can be their liberator. And when you are together with like-minded souls, it helps. Because nothing is more reassuring than to feel recognized and understood by another human being who is with you in this earthly reality. Neither angels nor guides can provide the kind of comfort you feel in the presence of like-minded friends. It’s very precious when you meet soul-family on earth. You can support each other and in doing so, you bring down a new and refreshing energy on earth. So please feel the connection between all of you and ground this energy. Feel the energy flowing through your hearts, you are united. And when you feel this shared energy, connect it to earth; allow earth to join you in reuniting you. You have evolved a lot since the ancient days of Egypt. At that age there was a cosmic impulse entering this land, and as I said before, you were inside this impulse. The highest part of you, the most knowledgeable and evolved part contributed to this from the soul level. This part of you loves earth and it cherishes humanity. You are almost like a parent for humanity and Earth. However humanity at that time couldn’t fully integrate or embody your messages, your energy. And so you decided to come down on earth to incarnate again and to understand from within the difficulties, the density and the duality on Earth. A part of you had already completed its journey by that time. Before the ancient civilization of Egypt, there was another civilization called Atlantis and you were deeply involved in expressing your knowledge in this civilization. There was great ambition inside of you, but also a misunderstanding of human life and human emotions. The human heart inside of you had not been awakened yet. But towards the end of Atlantis, when things got out of balance and there were disasters and destruction, your hearts opened. It was a moment of deep crisis but it enabled you to descend, to come down into the area of your heart. Whereas before, you were more focused on your psychic powers, the mind and also the crown chakra, at the end of Atlantis your soul-energy awakened at a deeper and more incarnated level. The energy of love and also the energy of humility (being humble) was born inside your heart. You realized that you had forced things, pushed things too much and that you really had to kneel down and respect the reality of being human. You then (after the demise of Atlantis) wanted to send the energy of love and compassion and wisdom to Egypt. And as I said, you started to have human lives here, but it was very hard to combine the higher and evolved part of you with the very rough and dense nature of reality. Feel this hardship, the pain you have suffered back since those old days. You were pioneers of consciousness. And it made you feel different and lonely a lot of times. Feel that loneliness, that sense of disconnection. Feel your courage and the humility it took to take this upon your shoulders. I am asking you to address these old memories because they want to be healed. |
You are here again and you are together now. Imagine that in the middle of this circle is a stone, a big stone. The stone is cold and hard. It contains the pain of your loneliness and the darkness, the sense of separation that you have felt in lifetimes before. Also feel how much love is inside this stone that could not be expressed and felt in the past. I am asking you now to send love from your heart to this stone in the middle. You can see golden rays of light entering the stone, warming it from the outside. This pain wants to be healed, it is ready to be healed. In the middle of the stone there is a child. It is your child. It’s the part of you that wanted to live and express itself freely, but couldn’t do this for a long time. And now it feels the golden rays of your heart and it wakes up. Please see how, as this child wakes up, the stone changes into a gemstone with many, many shining colors inside. Like a rainbow. This is your gift to Earth. And Earth wants to give back to you: receive her energy. Feel the child inside this stone, it is part of all of you. Feel it coming to you. Finally it has found its parent. Your higher selves can come down to Earth now. Allow the child to enter you and allow yourself to merge with it. And feel what it needs from you. What energy do you need the most at this moment of your life? If you honor the child inside you, it means you honor life and you honor being human. You are ready to move beyond this cycle of lifetimes in which you were split between the higher and the lower, human part of you. Live as a child. Live spontaneously with an open heart. You can really trust your own instincts. You don’t have to continually review them and weigh them from a spiritual perspective. Your spirituality has come down, it has entered your heart and it now wants to be fully born and integrated in the area of your abdomen, the lower chakras. This is the last step. You have such hesitation and such reservations to allow your energy to fully come down. So feel it now. Allow it to come down, your soul’s energy, into your abdomen, your root-chakra and all through your legs and into your feet. Connect with Earth. Trust your emotions, trust your imagination. You are here to experience joy and lightness now. This is the healing energy you seek. You have become so sensitive and when the lower chakras are not fully grounded, when you are not fully present there, your sensitivity can make you drown in outside energies. Your heart can be too open, feel too much responsibility, absorb too much energy from other people. And this is not your mission now. It is to return to your completed self. Not to be divided anymore but to be a human being, respecting yourself, respecting your boundaries. And from this self-respect and a sense of boundaries to reach out from your heart. Feel yourself strongly for a moment in your root chakra, the base of your spine. Let go of all the energy-cords and attachments to outside things or energies. Be with yourself. Imagine there is a sacred space around you. This is your home. It is who you are and who you have become throughout this long journey. Breath into this space. Feel protected by your own energy. And stay in this space wherever you are, wherever you go. Within this space, you are both fully divine and fully human. You are complete. Thank you for being here with me. I am with you. © Pamela Kribbe www.jeshua.net |
As of the equinox today (9/22) we are officially in harvest season and with this, distinct celebration energy is presenting…completion, balance, ONEness, healing, restoration, support & blessings…as we find our new feet and stabilize ourselves in the new reality. This equinox completes the 6-month cycle that began last equinox (March of 2021) where we have been working tirelessly to heal and ascend the masculine heart & brain, eliminating the seed point of separation from and between both processors. To complete this arduous cycle, and to prepare our bodies for the New Earth experience, we were required to purge & purify all of the collapsed timelines within our DNA, all the lessons, learnings & growth that we moved thru since March which, in some cases, may have initiated quite an intensive healing crisis under Virgo Sun. As such, the past 4 weeks could have possibly been the most difficult of the last layers of tribulations to overcome, especially for the highly feminine among us. Thru a pretty relentless solar cycle and the ongoing integration of very high-frequency light codes, we have been pushed to our limits to rise above the old earth energies/entrapments and override the karmic/division template in order to create the openings for new possibilities born of our Divine Blueprint & the New Earth timeline. The awakening of our Divine Blueprint is an unfoldment that begins with the release of our karmic destiny, which is what we have been steadily moving thru since the Lion’s Gate. We have been dematerializing our current reality in order to rematerialize on the higher trajectory where our new Soul contracts replace our karmic contracts, thereby opening the doorway to Earth’s Original Destiny. |
Even tho it is not fully recognizable yet, we have made a huge leap onto a brand new time spiral that is slowly beginning to reveal itself, more so in the weeks to come. Since that jump, we have been in-between worlds, working fastidiously to establish ourselves in the nirvanic realms and resolve our old Earth endings, which has been quite a chaotic & challenging process both on a personal and planetary level. Because it was such a significant (quantum) leap in consciousness, it required a significant uplevelling, clearing & expansion that none of us were spared. September is also the 9th month of the year when we die to another layer of the past in order to be reborn into the NOW…a time to resolve and integrate the last nine months of lessons. It is always a month of initiation prior to the new year but this year we are required to move thru mastery level initiations in order to assimilate the vibrations of the incoming mastery year of 2022. The 9 energy coupled with the universal 5 energy of the month is requiring us to review & release all the challenges of liberation from separation (enslavement) that we have moved thru before the ONE month of October brings in the new (universal 6) themes of the new year. As we continue to let go and complete our old earth endings this month we create the space needed to initiate more of our New Earth beginnings next month. The Pisces full moon on 9/20, just prior to the equinox, was the linchpin for these (karmic) closures, supporting us to resolve the (feminine) persecution/victimization clearing work we’ve been doing in Virgo to anchor the feminine stream in first place, ascending the Divine Feminine Christ back to her rightful place & position. Whatever needs to be released within to clear our mindset of the ill·usion that has been blocking our birthrights became very visible with this Piscean moon so that we can rise above it, dissolve the veil, and step fully/purely into the Aquarian Age. It is time to step into our alchemical mastery and restructure our reality to align with our True, ascended state. [Sections Protected: to read FULL report & comments see membership OPTIONS & PRICING] |
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