
Tuesday, September 14, 2021



The Main Reason we're here is because so many 'Earths' were being losto the darkside.
When that happens humanity shrinks down in size & then people become sterile...
In our case the Peace Treaty of Anchara was brokered by Archangel Michael in 1995.
At which point the Light workers were slated to be lifted off but Alas here we are in the midst of it.
The new matrix will allow for lessons to be learned without wars, famines & plagues & the like.
The New Light & dark will work togetherather then being diametrically opposed to each other.
We, among trillions, were sparks struck off the Eternal Flame about 150 trillion years ago.
It's about Noon in this Cosmic day that we've chosen to journey thru relativity.
Wexperience All the parts, male, female, white, black, light, dark, etc, etc...
People you've known were you as the Self experiences infinite possibilities.
Before this we were Self just as we will be afterwards & Are Now The Self.
Even tho it's Really our Showe've decided justo participate in it.
However we are co-creators with Vast powers at our disposal.
So here'something to help carryou thru the rest of this day.
Skanda is the son of Shiva, the Treasurer & New Human Prototype.
Repeat his name 3 times... while holding his Lance in youright hand.
Skanda, Skanda, Skanda... ... ... for any problem, negativemotion or situation-s.
Do this until you feel a shift has occurred & you can call in the Angels to Chant with you.
I tried it again after meditating since I added in the Angels to go for broke & dissolve the hard stuff.
Kind of amazing when you call on the power & use ito cuthru the fluff of the illusionary nonsense.
I've been realizing something lately, 'Done is Better then Perfect and more Fun then waiting for it.
Hilda Charlton wrote the book, Skanda which is on the web 
 to enrich & empower your knowledge.
As more of us do this It Is Changing Oureality, anyway my reality quietly transformed & me with it.

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