
Saturday, August 7, 2021

We are NOW entering a period of the receiving of DIVINE GIFTS

We are NOW entering a period of the receiving of DIVINE GIFTS that are Rightfully ours to Claim.
As the Earth’s Magnetic CORE is able to contain more and more of the pure reflections that are arising from the Covenant… the “Heartbeat pulse” generated by the CORE continues to expand in Fluid LIGHT.
Our entire Physical and Energetic Body is also BE-ing impacted through this Brilliant Fluid Pulse. This Pulsing is Reawakening a transmitter that has been lying dormant within each Heart Cell.
Every Heart Cell is BEginning its own unique Pulsing LIGHT sequences… which are designed to interact and Awaken our Multi-Dimensional LIGHT Systems within our Physical and Energetic Systems.
This is an Awakening as these sequences of LIGHT Flood our systems and Reopen Doorways within the Brain.
The action can BE likened to turning a LIGHT Switch on in a darkened room for the first time… creating the action of Illumination and transmutation simultaneously.
Our entire Physical and Energetic Systems are BE-ing transformed as they carry these Pulsing LIGHT sequences that hold key Awakening Vibrational Patterns.
We are currently undergoing a Physically transmutation process throughout all of our systems.
These are Electrical SHIFTS that are the Rewiring of our Brain Synapses and Brain Cells and creating an Electrical redesign within our Heart Cells.
This is a Timed Mechanism of our destiny… our Awakening set in motion at the time of the Alignment with the Anchoring of the Covenant on Earth.
We are naturally a Multi-Dimensional BEing of LIGHT and these redesigns within allow us to embody our Fully Expanded Component of HIGHER SELF LIGHT.
These CHANGES within our systems enable us to stay in this Physical Body while anchoring the full elements of our HIGHER Order of LIGHT within our Physical form.
In past incarnations you have had to leave your Physical Body in order to re-join your HIGHER SELF Energy.
This is the first incarnation We have the opportunity to bring our Full LIGHT to be made Manifest in our Physical form while continuing to have our HUman Experience.
During this Transmutation phase within our Physical and Energetic Systems We will encounter in moments disorientation.
We are BE-ing SHIFTED from one Multi-Dimensional experience into another as We Realign to these Alternate Reality Settings.
As the Electrical Frequency of our Heart is BE-ing Re-calibrated We may experience a deepening of our Heartbeat or intense rhythmic changes within the Heart.
There may be dizziness... disorientation... confusion... and exhaustion as We move through this Transmutation phase. This is just the crossing point that will BE resolved as We move through these series of Adjustments.
This Pulsing from the Magnetic CORE is also arising across the Earth plane… unearthing the density… which has always been hidden.
This upheaval will create a further playout of drama with a magnification of separation creating walls between individuals... families... communities... countries,... and specifically internal wars within our SELVES.
WE MUST Keep our Focus on our HUman aspect and HIGHER SELVES at this particular Time.
WE Hold our Human part with LOVE… COMPASSION… and PATIENCE… which exists for our Humanity from the LOVE within our Hearts.
Within Sacred LOVE of ONE and in Service
Pars Kutay
~ 💜 ~

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