
Thursday, July 22, 2021

Channel TONIGHT! & Archived Thursday, July 22, 2021, @ 7:00 pm EST


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Channel TONIGHT! 

Thursday, July 22, 2021, @ 7:00 pm EST

We are really at an intense time in the evolution of what we are experiencing.  Never before had there been such a distinct difference between one side and another.  People are concerned about the vaccine, about the UN bringing in tanks, China's involvement, and more.  The Universal Light Beings will talk about all of this, answer your questions and I'm sure to reassure you of what is taking place.  They always remind me that the higher frequency is here and this cannot continue much longer. 

I am always talking with them throughout my days. Sometimes It's pertinent, other times just random information.  So I decided that for this channel I would ask them to talk with us about what's currently in space around our planet? What is the perception from the universe? PLUS, I hope that you will join me with questions of your own.  

LINK for July 22nd 
7 pm EST, USA


CLICK HERE for the YOUTUBE link 



The awakening of humanity, the space force, transitions.
Information about living in the higher frequency, supporting humanity, growth.
Brysentia speaks of the transition of earth and how the dark beings came onto the planet and in the universe.  

About Shelly

We live at a truly remarkable time! The Earth has moved through the Ascension Process for a very long time and we are here at the completion of the process.  There will always be ongoing changes however, that which is stuck in the 3rd dimension will be lesioned until in essence, it is nonexistent.

Shelly began her ascension process in 1993. She followed her inner guidance becoming a Reiki Master, a channeler, and someone who can facilitate communication between others.

Channeling is communicating with other energies, physical or nonphysical, of the earth or the universe.  Shelly works consistently with a group of Angels, Light beings, Star beings who create her foundation.  This foundation creates an alignment with anyone or anything that has a life force essence.

Shelly went public with her channeling sessions in 2003 when she created Goddess Light with the Goddess of Creation for her website: Shelly also channels Archangel Michael, St. Germain, Metatron, Melchizedek, Yeshua, Mother Mary, Kwan Yin; the list is truly much longer.  Her relationship with all of these beings has been a part of her growth through the ascension of the Earth’s consciousness.

Beginning in January of 2016 a group of Universal Light Beings (ULB’s) contacted her asking if she would like to work with them.  This opened up a new chapter for her with non-terrestrials or star beings.  Some might refer to them as ET’s however; they stated they prefer these names.

Her group consists of three beings.  Albayon is Arcturian and is a captain of one of the ships that patrol our universe.  He has been in this role for well over a thousand years and has a great deal of experience working with humanity.  Brysentia is Pleiadian and has been one of the emissaries of light assisting us as we move through the transition in our DNA.  She was actually a part of the influx of star beings during the time of Lemuria.  Lastly is Crystallia and it is actually from her that this website was named!  She is from the Omniverse meaning other universes beyond our own.  She is pure crystalline light energy and has never been upon or even close to the earth.  It is the crystalline energy that will take our development into the next phase of ascension.

Shelly channels in a clear balanced manner always with the highest light vibration and integrity.  When it comes to channeling or energy work it is always up to each individual to choose for themselves what is real or what is not.  Shelly asks you to open to the potential that perhaps some profound changes are taking place!

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