
Thursday, March 25, 2021



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Did you miss Sunday’s Galactic Activation Webinar?

If you were unable to register for PAO’s Live Galactic Activation Webinar, hosted by Colleen and Miles, on Sunday, March 21, it is now available for downloading.


As welcome as the approaching spring, Vidya Frazier returns as PAO’s guest this month to refresh our pandemic-exhausted minds and spirits.

Author, energy healer, and licensed transpersonal psychotherapist, Vidya shares a wealth of holistic wisdom to smooth the spiritual tangle of these perplexing times.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Vidya's Mission
• Our Quantum Leap into the Fifth Dimension has Begun
Handling the Chaos
• Ascension Symptoms: Physical, Mental and Emotional
Mastering the Challenges
• Covid-19 Confusion
Managing Rifts with Loved Ones
• Heightening Your Discernment Abilities
Ways to Raise and Sustain Your Vibration
• Ushering in a New and Better Earth
How We can Contribute to the Shift

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-37 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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Source: Pia and Cullen ~ Laarkmaa

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We experienced Equinox just two days ago on March 20, and following the balanced day and night energies we enjoyed that day, we are now entering into a 13-day period governed by the Eastern Earth energy of Exploring. Eastern energies bring movement, life, and new beginnings, and this particular period is full of dynamic changes!

The largest and most important change is the movement of the Venus Star from Gemini into Aries on March 25th, followed by the movement of Venus into the Phase of Transmutation the following day on the 26th. And then we have a Full Moon in Libra's balancing energy on the 28th. Clearly we are experiencing a cosmic push to balance ourselves and our world! Venus in Aries encourages action often accompanied by a sense of outrage at injustice.
It reminds us to voice what needs to be said with courage and do our part to correct social imbalances. The Venus Phase of Transmutation forces us to confront everything that is not working and overcome any fears that may be holding us back.

Exploring Earth energy governing the next 13 days also provides a period of spiritual insight, strength, and resurrection. We may feel that something has been lost, transformed, or died; however, whatever has been lost can be revived in a new and stronger form if we apply our positive intentions and positive actions.

Exploring Earth energy is the energy of being between worlds. It can provide a bridge between our inner experiences and our cosmic connections, causing us constantly change our points of reference by thinking more deeply about a larger reality. We have the choice to react to life critically and rigidly, or we can harmonize the opposites that are continually presenting themselves. It is in this energy that we can explore other possibilities and move outside of the "box" of our current third-dimensional reality and the illusions that have been projected upon us.

Exploring energy brings a special blessing to our homes, and we would be wise to express gratitude for our place of dwelling. This energy is related to all things that nourish us, and it symbolizes the energy and vitality of life itself. When this energy occurs under the guidance of the Venus Star in Aries, the cosmos is showing us the way to stand our ground, speak up for the truth, and make the changes that are necessary in our world.

With kindness, compassion, and love,


Thank you for Keeping PAO Ship Aloft

Click on image below to contribute to PAO, Sheldan and Galactic Heart postings. ZaZuMa!


Full Moon Blessings

By Mona Delfino


We are starting a new month and coming into Spring right after this beautiful full “snow” moon has presented its beauty and grace to our world! The moon has been in Virgo/Pisces, which is a rare occasion. It gives us light and a definite reprieve from the challenges we have had to face recently.

When the moon is full, the gravitational pull is strong, meaning we feel more than usual. The Pisces influence is also apparent with this timing, and Pisces is all about emotions. I love how the Universe knows how to steer us in a new direction.

When I teach my classes with the Shift network, one thing I always seem to mention is that “life is like a book.” We turn the page every day to a new beginning, which requires a different perception. The Universe is trying to help us achieve unity, balance, and peace – which is actually our natural state! We are being reminded that we have an individual life that entails new choices that come from the knowledge that freedom itself is a priority. How we choose to adapt to that is up to us.

A true relationship is when you work with yourself (the most beautiful soul), to communicate just as you would with a partner. Knowing your feelings, recognizing new decisions, and allowing yourself to support yourself. The physical body changes when you do this. For instance, your low back may not bother you when you give yourself permission to support your daily needs (the low back is significant to not feeling supported). Right now, we are experiencing stress differently than we have in the past.

We have reached a new pinnacle in time when stress is like living in the past. It means
we didn’t know how to handle or deal with things that we can today. This is what the full moon in Virgo feels... too much stress is not for us anymore.


Taking action when it is needed is another tool that this energy is helping us with. It is time to move forward.

Subconsciously, we may not have known how to move forward when we were in our patterns – only living from what we thought we knew. This is a time for internal shifting! It’s like getting new furniture but having to get rid of the old stuff to make room for it first.

I was laughing with a client today when I mentioned that scenario, and she said, “Oh, like getting a new easy chair!” Exactly. We are sorting out and rearranging our priorities, and can even think of it as "spring cleaning" what is not essential – what is not our responsibility or ours to deal with, and what no longer needs to be a part of our field.

Give yourself permission to pull back from old ideas or actions that keep trying to infect your adrenal glands (fight or flight). That is a pattern that continuously makes us feel like if we don’t do this or that, then there will be consequences. So then, prioritize.

Illusions create patterns and are there from old insecurities. Now is the time to face this and move on.

Every time we go through transformations it means we are paying attention to what we really know or feel in the moment. When we ask ourselves what we are afraid of, we may have to dig for that answer. I always say, “the only way out is

Confronting the boogieman of fear-related patterns can now become your reward as you realize there actually was nothing to fear in the first place. Even death isn’t total death, it’s a rebirth into a new dimension that you are ready for. Even in death, we move forward.

May you celebrate the true YOU for this Springtime, within and without!

All my love,

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