
Wednesday, February 3, 2021



Strangely enough the Light wants JB to stay since he's messin everything up & likewise the dark wants him gone.
Now the Light doesn't want KM to replace the replacement, Soooo Friday EBS is lookin Good.
This is not about what's Real but about how the peoples will respond to whathey see.
We can & have tuned Up a 100, a 1,000, even a Million fold thru Grace & Such.
We can see & hear the EBS Announcement Happening as the Info Starts Flowin.
Truth replace lies, delusions & fake news with Facts backed by Verified Proof.
Videos, Photos, Testimony freed as the Tribunals are made Public Domain.
You can see it Now, It's right in Front of Us as World Recognition ensues.
The Inevitable smiles back as we nudge it into The Light ofame & Fortune.
Each day brings us what we want, more Light & endless possibilities to Choose from...
This is The Fate of Our Reality, a New Beginning for All if it's a Date or not who cares GJ

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