
Saturday, January 9, 2021

What did they find in the Vatican???????????


It was mentioned thathey went back to the vatican & got something oh so secret among All those Records.
Grandpa Munster invented a machine to change all the votes in that election back in the 60's
How many citiestates, counties, provinces & countries have been manipulated? Scores of em.
Before Trump, Reagan was the lastruly elected President & washot clinical died & returned.
They secretly filmed James Bond with a spy who loved him, so that'standard operating procedure;
Filmed & photographed to be blackmailed & controlled like puppets is the way thisad sick club works.
Sherlock switched Moriority'secret records for his dark world empire as All dark secrets come to Light. 
Vatican bank acc'tsetup for how many politicians & others & oh those detailed recordsssshh it's a secret.
The Galactics monitor everything going on on & below the Earth for years now & thearth Allies are Privi.
There's a Million year old Mothership & others coordinating this Operation with lots of Options available.
It's a Win Won as the Military Tribunals are transitioning us to a Republic Worldwide NESARA GESARA.
Long Live The King,
p.s. The Light Ships are Alive with All their Experience & Love to help us thru this as easily as possible.
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

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