
Wednesday, January 20, 2021

We Call on the Grace of Our Almighty Merciful Father and Our Almighty Loving Mother


We Call on the Grace of Our Almighty Merciful Father and Our Almighty Loving Mother to Guide Us thru these Coming days & months to the Fulfillment of Our Missions & Purpose on Earth & Far Beyond as We Sethe Stage for a New Beginning, a New Life in a New Reality of Infinite Potential made Possible, Probable, Likely & EveReal 
as we Ascend into De Lightogether. Call on this Grace, Prayer thru this Grace, Meditate in this Grace.
Call on Peace, Joy, Light, Success, Fulfilment, Happiness, Guidance or any Qualityou Wish to.
This Infinite Ocean of Almighty Grace is Our Heritage, Our Birthright Ever Present.
Just Close your eyes & envelope yourself, your life, your Dreams, Your World.
Know that We Are The LivinGrace of Our Almighty Father & Mother,

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