
Thursday, January 7, 2021

Soul Mirrors ~ What is Your life reflecting? the Bigger Picture Jared Rand was his usual FANTASTIC self ~ So uplifting!!!! If you were unable to register for PAO’s Live


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Jared Rand was his usual FANTASTIC self ~ So uplifting!!!!

If you were unable to register for PAO’s Live Galactic Activation Webinar, hosted by Colleen and Miles, on Sunday, December 20, it is now available for downloading.

Here's a few comments from Sunday's webinar:

Colleen and Miles! You are amazing and wonderful heartfelt souls! Reflecting on this crazy last year, you both stayed steadfast and strong to light the way for all of us. You presented us always with extraordinary guests to be with us while Sheldan has been healing.
Jared, is hands down one of my favorites... I hear things that he says that make me reflect on all the things Sheldan has said in the past. I feel strongly that we are coming into complete alignment for our future. Many blessings to you, Colleen and Miles... special healing vibrations bein sent to Sheldan!! Peggy

Wow guys! I have been listening to all of your webinars for some years now, and this one blows my socks off! I am so ready to actually step into my power that I have always had and am so excited about New Earth and all the possibilities that I don't even want to contain myself. Shaun

I very much enjoyed this Webinar. So much Stuff was presented. I try will wait to hear from you as you promised when you send the replay. Thank you. Guy


Once again, we welcomed Jared Rand to PAO's Live Webinar for December.

After enduring months of lockdowns, ominous warnings and pandemic protocols, and the swirling uncertainty that is the outcome of the U.S. election, we are left stressed and bewildered. More than ever, we need a healing dose of Jared! Jared's panoramic perspectives and down-to-earth manner will refresh and buoy our spirits, while the insights he offers on ending the current global crisis will challenge our minds, lift and empower us.

Most importantly, Jared updates us on the progress being made on the Celestial Chambers' and reveals further exciting emergent healing technologies.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Jared's Mission
• Watching Events Unfold in America
Will they serve as the model for ending the global crisis?
• Raising Hope with a Global Awakening
Are enough of us awake to make a difference?
• Repelling Fear
Effective ways to shed our anxiety and take back our power.
• Celestial Chambers
An update, and exciting news about other healing technologies.
• Making Sense of Our Timelines
Embracing the opportunity to raise our consciousness during these disconcerting times.

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-34 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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Soul Mirrors ~ What is Your life reflecting?

with Sri and Kira

Note: Interesting information on the energetics of December 2020.

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by Lori Ladd

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