
Monday, January 11, 2021

Quantum Physics Tells SAUL Message..


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Welcome back Mona Delfina to PAO's Webinar Community

Join Colleen and Miles for a lively question-and-answer discussion.

By coming together each month as a group, we can significantly assist the GF in speeding up the necessary processes that will lead us towards full consciousness. As always, the Galactics will envelop Webinar attendees in activational energy.

Right now, an all-out war between the forces of light and dark is being waged on this planet. Some are calling it “The Great Awakening”. It is a world-wide war being carried out against our global family. It is a desperate war, and the stakes for us all are the highest imaginable. It has been a prolonged war, but the pitched battles of pandemic and propaganda of the last few months are the fiercest we’ve yet seen. Physically, mentally and emotionally, it is taking its toll on the watchers, no matter what side we are on. Many of us are feeling the ‘wounds’ of depression, lowered immunity and chronic, depleting exhaustion.


Enter Mona Delfino, who returns as this month’s PAO guest. A world-acclaimed Practitioner of Energy Medicine, a teacher, leader and healer, and a born Shaman, Mona arrives to dispense wisdom and comfort custom-made for these most difficult times. By practicing energetic healing at its deepest level, Mona helps liberate us, body, mind, and soul, freeing us to resume our real lives and the positive, peaceful journey ahead.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Mona's Mission
• Frequency Shifts - Raising Our 3D awareness
Coming to grips with Heightened Vibrational Intensity
• Our World in Chaos - Shining a light on the Dark
Taking Our Power Back
• You Are the Medicine Within
Ways for us to energetically self-heal
• 2021 A New Year, A New You
What's in store for humanity in 2021

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After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, January 24, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday January 24, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube.(After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register:Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


A SAUL Message

by John Smallman

It is God’s Will that you feel His Love for you.


We are One! All are One, there is no separation, ever. There is only LOVE, SOURCE, MOTHER/FATHER/GOD, the divine field of CONSCIOUSNESS in which all LIFE is ONE. Consciousness is eternal, everlasting, a permanent state of existence in which All is always fully present. Form is temporary, and that includes all form, from the Multiverse to the smallest sub-atomic particle that your science is aware of, or anything smaller even than that. You are mostly aware that your human bodies are composed of billions of cells and trillions of smaller particles all interacting in perfect harmony in a healthy body. In the same way your bodies are all interconnected to one another and to the multiverse. Separation is an illusion, everything has an affect on everything else, just as each apparently separate entity of consciousness affects every other.

Awareness of this is now well recognized, although not very well understood, and this awareness is leading more and more people to the realization that each one’s thoughts, attitudes, words, and actions truly do affect everyone else, and that, therefore, to be only loving benefits all, including, of course, those actually choosing to set the intent to be very positively loving whatever arises. More of you reading or listening to this and other loving messages are already making this choice daily, it is why you chose to be incarnate now to assist in the collective awakening process. Each day the process continues to accelerate as we move ever closer to this miraculous moment.

In the intervening period, please do not allow yourselves to be distracted from your essential and individual tasks of assisting in the awakening process, the tasks which you each chose so enthusiastically to undertake prior to incarnating. You are each, without any exceptions, absolutely essential aspects of the collective process, so release any doubts that you may have about its actuality, because it has been divinely planned and is being perfectly executed because it is the divine Will, and that Will is always brought perfectly to fruition. When you awaken you will know what an honor and a joy it has been for you to participate, even though now you may well be filled with doubts. Doubt and uncertainty are major aspects of the game, dream, or possibly nightmare that is presented to you as a human in form from which you are shortly due to awaken.

Yes, of course I am yet again going to remind you of the necessity of going within daily, to your holy inner sanctuaries, to open your hearts as fully as you are able and then to invite Love in to open them even further as It enfolds you in Its infinitely loving embrace. Truly, you have NO idea of how deeply loved you all are – every conscious entity without exception. That is extremely difficult for you to even conceive of comprehending while you are in human form, due to the severe limitations that being in form imposes on you, which is all part of the collective choice to experience the unreality of separation!

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So, go within, invite and allow Love to embrace you, and feel your doubts and uncertainties diminish and dissolve. It is God’s Will that you feel His Love for you. The reason that mostly you do not or cannot is because, having chosen to experience separation from God, there is a deep underlying sense that you have offended your Creator, Love, and that you are unworthy to be in the divine Presence and feel the all-embracing Love that is offered to you in every moment.

You were created completely Free. Yes, you are One with Mother/Father/God, and, therefore, inseparable from the One, and yet you are also Free. As a human in form that is quite a paradox to engage with and attempt to understand. Yes, you are Free, and God never revokes or interferes with that inviolable freedom. You were created like unto God, Who is Free, by God Who gave you everything – there are no things! – All that She is. What I and so many others are attempting to impress upon you is that you truly are forever Free, and that you are forever infinitely loved. There is nothing you can do to change that, but you can and have chosen not to believe it.

Now is the moment to release your hold on this invalid belief, and to awaken into the joy that is your rightful inheritance as children of the Divine. That is the divine Will for you, the divine Will is always that. Going within, to those truly holy inner sanctuaries that are always within you, waiting to welcome you, is the most effective way in which you can begin to know and feel this. Meditation, contemplation, or plain relaxation without any expectation is the way to this knowing, to this experience of great inner peace and joy.

Very few of you are able to totally free yourselves from distracting thoughts and impulses – check the phone, cruise the fridge, check the latest news – and you often view this as a failure on your part. Truly it is not! You all have an ego, it is a split off part of your mind that will always attempt to react emotionally to the slightest drama that you become aware of. Its original purpose was to protect you from imminent and unexpected threats – it is often referred to as the “fight or flight” syndrome, and it has been very useful – however, over time, for most people, it has become their identity! And that it is not!

However, it does endlessly and enthusiastically seek out your undivided attention, it is the narcissistic aspect of a personality, and was necessary in infancy when your ability to communicate meaningfully with your parents, caregivers, or siblings was extremely limited. However, it was meant to be gently outgrown as you matured through your teenage years and evolved into adulthood. Unfortunately, most of you were traumatized in infancy and childhood – psychologically, and/or physically– and that trauma was not healed at, or shortly after, the time at which it occurred. For most, it is far too painful to remember what caused it, and so the emotional response to threat of any kind remains. The ego, therefore, maintains its powerful influence over you, causing you to react in fear or anger in the moment, often quite unnecessarily, and often leaving you feeling guilty or ashamed later.

So, now that you are aware of this – and most of you are! – it is time to let go of your impulsive need for an instant response or reaction to an event, and you do have the ability to pause momentarily when something, seemingly threatening, arises in your environment. Time spent within, in quiet meditation or contemplation, is a practice that will lead you forward into a space of peace in which you will find peace, and that inherent need to react instantaneously will subside and become far less intense, allowing you to be loving whatever may arise in your daily lives. As more and more people become able to live like this, the rush to conflict will lessen, and conflict will occur far less frequently.

This ability to pause is becoming far more prevalent worldwide, despite what you may hear or read on the mainstream or social media, and is a very positive indication of the collective preparing for its awakening. Know that all is indeed well, and that your awakening is moving forward most beautifully, just as divinely planned.

With so very much love, Saul.

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Quantum Physics Tells Us Separation is an Illusion

Source: Whydontyoutrythis


A new paradigm is emerging out of the rubble of the reductionist model. This new paradigm dissolves the illusion of separateness between anything and anyone.

Discovering More About Our Universe

As we research smaller and smaller units of matter, it has became clear to some that there is perhaps no final unit waiting to be discovered but a fundamental unity to everything. Physicist David Bohm, whose work is described in Michael Talbot's the Holographic Universe, calls the fundamental unity at the end of all matter the implicate order. David Wilcock makes reference to the Source Field.

A popular metaphor for the universe in this new view is a hologram that projects what we experience as matter, light energy, etc. An important property of holograms is that information contained throughout is contained within any unit.

For instance, if you cut a piece of holographic film with a picture of an apple in half, both halves of the film will still project the whole apple! (This is only true of real holograms produced by shining a laser through holographic film, not of the hologram type pictures and stickers like those found on credit cards).

One phenomena in quantum physics that supports this view is known as “non locality.” Briefly, 2 quanta (photons, electrons, etc.) can become “entangled” that is, influence each other even across vast distances. Physicists were blown away by this because it seemed like these particles were communicating faster than the speed of light. This led to the notion that on some level these quanta are existing without location, thus no “speed” is needed.

Since this is so contrary to our experience and how we have been taught to view things, it can be a bit mind boggling to think that somewhere particles are “speaking” to each other, where this is no location.

Advocates of quantum biology such as Deepak Chopra point to the similarities between phenomena in quantum physics and biology: It can be said that the cells in your body are doing the same thing, communicating on a non-local level.

Learn how to see. Realaize that everything connects to everything else. -Leonadro da Vinci

What is this “non-local” level of you and of the universe?

Well, it is consciousness. Your sense of self and continuity of experience is not contained within anything in your brain or body in any physical way, the cells of your body die and all the material that makes the physical you is replaced continuously throughout your life. It is consciousness that remains and gives you this experience.

What is becoming clear is what we experience as separate things is actually an illusion. Since there is only a fundamental unity then the idea that you are somehow separate from the outside environment begins to fade. The earth in which you live, is you, you are the earth and everything within it. You are the universe, everything it takes to make a universe is contained within all of us. Remember, consciousness has no boundaries, the only limits to your consciousness, is your imagination....

Credits: Collective Evolution

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