
Sunday, January 10, 2021

Pres. Trump tweeted this today via Xanon, "Now what will happen?


Pres. Trump tweeted this today via Xanon, "Now what will happen? Will there even be an inauguration? Remember, under NESARA we have a completely different type of government. We the people will now have a world that will change everything (almost overnight as it rolls out on the heels or the RV Humanitarian Projects of Shambhala Communities worldwide to replace all cities, businesses, banks, gov'ts and eventually money itself). No one knows this process because it's a completely different type of world and GESARA has never rolled out before. (The de*ep state cabal will all be gone and forgotten soon)."
Pres. Trump's new role under GESARA or TRUMPSARA is to work with world leaders globally to get Free Energy, Med. Beds and the like out to all asap.
Lin Wood on Parler said, "Doesn't anyone see that what happened Jan 6, eerily similar to what happen to the Reichstag in 1933 when Hitler and the SS burnt the building down but blamed it on the communists? It was done to eliminate their enemy and history is repeating itself, AOC calling for concentration camps, media calling for Trump and his family to be banned from having any voice. Don't let MSM fool you this all is straight out of the communist and Nazis playbook.
"Does the day seem surreal to you? Do you feel the revelation of truth occurring? Does it confuse you as you struggle to ascertain truth from lies? Are you impatient in wanting answers? Do you know who you can trust?
"Do you have an intense desire to see justice done?
"Change is difficult, painful and demanding. The greater the change, the greater are all of those emotions.
"Our Country and world are undergoing big changes. So stay steady at the helm as you navigate through turbulent waters. It will be worth it when you get to the other side. I believe America's best days lie ahead for all of us. Keep the faith. Trust God."
So who will run America? Gen. Flynn, will JFK Jr. reappear and get it? No one knows. We're about to get a pleasant surprise for a change.
Daniel Divine

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