

Sunday, December 6, 2020




Hello beloved:

I am Ashtar along with the Galactic Federation of Light, and we are happy to come and talk to you about the things that are happening on your planet and will serve you to push forward very quickly.

We also want to talk to you about the energies that are already entering December, and the frequencies that are already in the Solar System and coming to help them really progress their Ascension.

We'd like to start by talking about the December 21 solar eruption or explosion, as it won't be a massive burst.

It will be a much greater amount of Energy coming to Earth around December 21, coming from the Sun, and due to the conjunction of two planets lining up to support energy change and momentum ..

We'll say y'all need in so many different ways, to be really pushed forward, but this Energy drive is to boost the many who are still sleeping.

This very high-frequency Energy Light bursting will hit the planet:

It will wake those who are asleep, and many of you who still need to change will open your Consciousness even more so you can get out of the third dimension Matrix paradigm.

It's going to change your thinking and your way of navigating.

It will change the collective Consciousness of each and every one of you, and it will move you up.

It will expand your Consciousness and give you the shake some of you need to truly follow your path of Ascension.

Those of you reading and listening to this message and streaming other channels are awake already, aware and doing the work to really change your Ascension journey.

More frequencies are coming, but this high-frequency vibration light coming in will do something different in each and every one of you.

It really comes to change the collective of humanity, to open their Consciousness, and move them to a higher dimensional frequency.

But we'll say it really comes to open them up and get them out of the thoughts of the Third Dimension Matrix, where they've been playing for so long.

Also to expand awareness of the many who are sleeping and to really help them on the path of their Ascension.

They should not be afraid of this December 21 explosion as it will not hurt them, it only comes to help humanity with collective change of Consciousness so they can rise.

Many will open to knowledge of what is happening, also allow some to begin with the process of remembrance of their past lives, and why they are on this journey, on this Here and Now.

This will be really big, many of you will finally realize why you are on this planet, here and now, and why are Light Workers, Star Seeds and Road Showers, connecting to the others to a line that is useful to them.

With December Energy, many different things will happen as they will be quite powerful.

Another point we want to stress, is that with the memory, you will begin to advance knowledge of more of the Truth than has been happening on your planet, because you have been told a lot of lies that have led you on very dark paths, for a long time.

Also, in January and over the course of next year, they will have many outreach exposing those who have been operating in very dark games, realize who they are, many of them will be caught and will not be able to continue their reign of great darkness.

We'll say that on the planet, things will be unfolding on another level, and this will allow them to begin to see and believe in what has really been happening.

December will be a deployment of very strong energies, descending to the planet, and helping them to travel their rocky path upward, with energetically superior vibrations, therefore:

They shouldn't be afraid.

They must not think anything bad is going to happen.

It won't be anything harmful to any of you, it will just be many more Energies for your Ascension.

There are also Energies that come from far beyond your Solar System, because the High Collective and Light Councils of Star Galactic Nations are concerned about the awakening of the masses.

These frequencies that come, will accelerate and shorten this process, will no longer have to wait many years and many lives to see and perform their Ascension, and will allow them to climb before the second and third waves.

These energies going into December will be different for all of you, there will be many peaks and valleys, you will have Ascension symptoms that will make you feel the moment the explosions come, outside your body and dizzy.

The Light that will enter your bodies will stay there, not for long, but until it can be assimilated, being able to feel very tired, sleepy, need a lot of rest and lower your appetite.

Some of you will absorb an extraordinary amount of Light, because in themselves you have done a lot of purging work and are well on your Ascension, while others will absorb just a little energy and work with your integration.

Everyone is different, it's not the same journey for each and every one of you, neither is there right or wrong, you just have different experiences in your individual Ascension.

In December you will experience some symptoms, but we'd like to tell you again that so many wonderful things will happen, because it's really going to be one of the greatest changes in Consciousness.

Many of you, those who have already done a great purge, and have really changed your thinking and seeing the external, will be more seated in your hearts.

This will allow you to genuinely focus on your Heart Chakra and your heart, which will bring you a significant increase in your vibratory frequency, which will go hand in hand with all the other things that will be happening to you.

As we have said before, December will be a wonderful month to remember, for extraordinary changes that will occur.

The Galaxy Federation of Light and I are here for you, we are watching and helping you in your travels, we are monitoring you are well as we get rid of your Solar System and Planet what does not work for you.

They still have a longer time ahead of them, which will become very intense as they start to move up, as negative dark aliens do not want this Ascension, nor for you to get the freedom they deserve.

However, the many changes that will be underway from next December 21 will allow everything to be well and wonderful.

At that time there will be no blackouts, or anything bad, there will be only the Light of a Wonderful Energy of the Sun, coming to all of you.

Sending you many blessings of Love and Light, I am Ashtar with the whole Galactic Federation of Light.

Via Lynne Rondell.


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