
Wednesday, November 18, 2020



Trump is still our president. We will not know a winner for some time. This week I would place bets that major fraud will be revealed through mainstream sources and it seems there are foreign entities involved. That is the classic definition of treason, sedition and organized infiltration. This is unfolding at snails pace and is very exciting to watch. What a crazy movie. Anyways, all bets aside, we should know something before December 15th.

Court papers filed earlier this week have now put the California vote results on the list of electronic voter fraud cases-there will be a recount there now. Some counties, like Orange county, have already begun recounting and manually verifying electronic votes. Various insiders are saying up to 35 million votes were flipped or fraudulent. This is a staggering number, even for those leaning into theories, and this number may hold up as the electronic voting fraud facts begin coming forward.

Cybercomm, DHS and Military observers (remember, this election occurred during a national emergency) have been planning for the security of this election for years. This is all about the People seeing this- together.

Lynn Brizendine

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