
Saturday, August 29, 2020

For those Now into the Unknowable

For those Now into the Unknowable here'something you can try wherever you'd like, a unique perspective on things.  Nowhen you're looking athe sky or a body of water, or listening to music or someone speaking or whenever you want, Just say or think to yourself 'I see this as the Unknowable sees it, 'I hear this as the Unknowable, 'I understanding this as the Unknowable understands.' 

Feel your physical connection to the Unknowable, The Great Beyond as it responds to your focus, your intent. 
This is All very simple & there are a variety of ways of Utilizing this Aspect of yourSelf. 
I see the Hot weather becoming Unknowably cooler & more comfortable. Even watching Tv or a movie see it as the Unkowable sees it. My life is Unknowably Delightful, Soothing, Sweet & Enjoyable. There are a Myriad of Choices & Opportunities to Activate change, see Deeper, get a Vaster Horizon or anything you like as we harness Our Unknowable Nature,

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