
Thursday, August 13, 2020


We Call on the Golden Grace of Our Almighty Merciful Father & Our Almighty Loving Mother to Grant us a Dispensation to Enrich Our Ascension & Enable Us to take more Active Roles in helping Advance Humanity's Understanding while we Unlock Our Potentials with All who wish to participate.

We Ask that Healing Celestial Light Chambers {Med Beds} be shared across the Planeto aid the sick, infirmed, elderly & those Ready to Utilize their Gifts & Abilities to Advance this Process of Ascension & the Restoration of Paradise on Mother Earth. 

We Call on Your Golden Grace as we see ourselves experiencing the Totaling Healing & Restoration of Our DNA & Dormantalents made Alive & Vibrant. We hold this feeling until Change is Felt Pulsing thru our Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Bodies as we Wait & hold these Gracious Moments of Growth...........

After or as a Meditation & each night & as our schedules allow Call on the Grace of the Almighty & Enhance it if you Wish thru the Transformational Odyssey where you may find your Own Healing Chamber Of Golden Grace.

I've experienced The Odyssey each day for manyears after meditating to Visualize, Imagine & Dreamany Refreshing moments. The Link will take you to Francie & you will Journey wither to familiarize yourself withis Transformation.

In any case Call on The Almighty's Golden Grace as Wenvoke a Vast Worldwide Healing Extending thru this Star System.

Each Time we Call on The Ocean of Grace & Bathe Ourselves in this Miraculous Gift we Create a New Reality & Enhance Changes as We Join withe Almighty & Unlock Our Infinite Potentials.

The Grace is Flowing thru each of Us & effecting All as We Heal the Way Allowing All to See the Infinite Possibilities & their Chance to join withem.

The Grace is EverPresent & Our Intention Creates an Avenue to Materialize Our Visions in Most Powerful & Effective ways. 

We Are The Dispensation as the Grace continually Flows Thru Our Hearts & Minds & Bodies withe Determination to bring Success & Victory into This Eternal Now Moment,


Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension


All PAO Posts at Sheldan Nidle on Facebook Below & More of Mine Above****

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