
Saturday, February 15, 2020

PrayingMedic -- QAnon (February 14, 2020): When will they Ask the Q?

Q validates him/herself withe info revealed that seems to go beyond the presentimeframe;

which indicates GF help that won't be revealed until after thelection & Disclosure.

Buthe interest in Q is waking up many & revealing much needed information, 

Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

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& More of Mine Above****


PrayingMedic -- QAnon (February 14, 2020): When will they Ask the Q?

Image courtesy of prayingmedic on YouTube.

Qanon February 14, 2020 - When Will they Ask the Q?

By prayingmedic
Published on Feb 14, 2019

The media insist Qanon is a baseless conspiracy. They could settle the debate by asking POTUS about Q. So, why don't they?

[OpDis Editor Note: In this video, PrayingMedic talks about all of the political corruption being exposed.]

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