
Sunday, January 12, 2020

Operation Disclosure Intel Alert (1-12-20): "Deals" + Sealed Indictments Update

Thearthquake in Iran was a DUMBeing destroyed according to variousources after Soleimani's vehicle was hit.
His control had to be removed before Iran could become GESARA compliant as most of the gov't desires.
Now thathat faction is gone & the Deep Underground Military Base with some nasty rafters destroyed.
Deals are being made on many levels across the planeto remove those who refuse to be reasoned with.
As January progresses expect much to happen & with our continuing support Oureality Awaits,


Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

All PAO Posts at Sheldan Nidle on Facebook Below
& More of Mine Above****


Operation Disclosure

RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - January 12, 2020

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

Sources claim that once the sealed indictments are unsealed, arrests will be made no matter who they are or what position in government they're in.

Trump's decision on assassinating Soleimani was a planned step toward achieving peace in the Middle East.
The Iranian President wanted Soleimani dead as he went rogue (with the IRGC under his command) following his own agenda for the Middle East.

The Iranian President made a deal with President Trump to eliminate Soleimani in promise that Iran would drop nuclear development and focus on their economy.

The IRGC deliberately shot down UIA Flight 752 in retaliation to Soleimani's death.

In response, the Iranian government arrested multiple IRGC Commanders just after Flight 752 was shot down.

The feud between the US and Iran is political theater as deals are being made behind the scenes.

Iran is expected to undergo GESARA agenda compliant reforms this year as agreed.

Meanwhile, President Trump is expected to make a deal with Saudi Arabia regarding oil as the US is now the top producer of oil and Saudi Arabia is the top exporter of oil.

Also, President Trump recently admitted in an interview with Fox that the US is holding Iraqi Dinar.

Iraq is expected to undergo a currency revaluation in the near future.

In other news, the Royal Family is scattering as Brexit looms.

The Earth Alliance is playing the long game with the Deep State to avoid widespread global chaos.

Sealed Indictments Update -- RY

Reader Post | RY

By December 31 2019 a total of 144,844 sealed indictments were filed at Federal court around the nation.

Total of 16,818 were unsealed. This is an increase by 1843 files from just two weeks ago.

The totals files sealed and unsealed can be found in the Federal Indictment list in this link.

One for All. All for One
Ps. Let us all nevvvver forget that the Divine Creator has
NO borders & NO prejudice.
"Made in His/Her image" becomes a reality when we live and practice "The Image".

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